"All the better to eat you with, my dear.”
I huffed and I puffed,
And the house blew apart,
I’m leaving for now,
But you’re all in my heart.
[Feb 2019]
Real shit 13 comments
· 6 years ago
It should. I think the point of the advice is that people tend to get ‘overly inventive’ with girls names rather than boys names, which can put girls at a disadvantage in some careers. When looking for an attorney, would you pick the one named Helen Smith or the one named Petunia Smith? My guess is that most people would pick Helen.
Real shit 13 comments
· 6 years ago
I once heard that when choosing your daughter’s name, put the word ‘Dr.’ in front of it. If it sounds ridiculous - Dr. Dolly, Dr. Ambrosia, etc. - then you’ve picked the wrong name.
The kid survived 6 comments
Landfills? 3 comments
· 6 years ago
@guest_ Remind me to pick you for my next Trivial Pursuit Tuesdays at the bar.
H&R isn’t with it 4 comments
Let’s play! 4 comments
It makes you feel like royalty! 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Yes. Having those same people try to coax the dog away from you to pet it but it stays by your side.
It currently takes 2,600,000 bolivars to buy a roll of toilet paper in Venezuela 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Or by getting rid of Nicolas Maduro as the dictator-president who pulls empanadas from his desk and eats them during televised speeches while his people starve.
This is class 2 comments
· 6 years ago
No, that is added inconvenience to maintain whenever you want to wash the dishes.
There was a massive over supply of bike sharing companies in China 10 comments
· 6 years ago
I don’t know if the people there would even want them. Many of the bikes are in a state of disrepair from sitting in graveyards for so long. Plus, China has had a cultural shift from riding bikes to driving cars since the new middle class can now afford them. My guess is they’ll be scrapped for whatever money they can get. Sad!
Edited 6 years ago
You having a good life 3 comments
Just as scary 16 comments
Not a wall 13 comments
· 6 years ago
I dunno, mate. I’ll avoid your racist, sexist, homophobic or misogynistic views but do my best to tolerate them when confronted with them? I get your intent but ‘tolerance’ in this context sounds kinda like a great way to let aggressors push their limits, maybe even past a tipping point, while you turn a blind eye. I see your point but personally prefer the lines about rejecting division and speaking your mind on the wall.
You having a good life 3 comments
Just as scary 16 comments
· 6 years ago
I should add so people don’t think I value straws over people: If an HIV-positive person is taking their curative meds as prescribed, then they ‘should’ be undetectable, meaning the level of the virus in their blood is so low they statistically can’t transmit it. If an HIV-negative person is taking their preventive meds (Truvada) as prescribed, then their risk of contracting HIV is statistically incredibly small, to the point where there have been few to no reported cases of infection to date. While we don’t have a cure for HIV, we do have a very compelling preventive measure at our fingertips already in use - for, like, a few years now. But yeah, we just figured out the straw thing.
Edited 6 years ago
Just as scary 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Yes, apparently they’re now both misdemeanors. I won’t get into a lecture about the cumulative detrimental effects on the environment of many millions of one-time use straws and other plastics. Or how killing the earth slowly with pollution could be considered just as bad as killing a human slowly with a disease. But restaurants are switching to corn-based straws that are biodegradable. I’ve used one and you honestly can’t tell the difference.
Edited 6 years ago
Just as scary 16 comments
· 6 years ago
I think it had to do with the fact that HIV is no longer an automatic death sentence due to the medications that are out to treat as well as prevent the disease. Since HIV doesn’t really ‘kill’ people anymore, they reduced the penalty. Also, presumably to destigmatize HIV so that honest people who have it don’t live with a scarlet letter (‘I could go to jail if I have sex and a slip-up happens.’)
Edited 6 years ago
Just as scary 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Willful exposure - knowingly exposing someone to HIV or AIDS and infecting them - is actually a misdemeanor in California. It used to be a felony but they changed the laws about a year ago, if I recall. Maybe that’s what you mean?
Anon has a revelation 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Uh, yeah. That’s how human biology works. As long as she’s cleaned up and - ideally - cleaned out, you should be all good. I mean, or so I’ve heard.
Edited 6 years ago
f*cking metal 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Speaking of power moves, check out Neil Gaiman’s short story ‘Snow, Glass, Apples’ for his rendition of the story from the ‘evil’ queen’s perspective. I saw it mentioned in an old thread in the Random section and decided to check it out. Quick free read, quick Google search to find. Worth it.
I'm so sad ;-; 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Unknown. The articles said that looking for a specific whale in the ocean is like looking for a needle in a haystack since sound frequencies can travel thousands of miles. They’ve only recorded the whale song but haven’t seen the whale. Also, two mistakes: they don’t know whether it’s male or female (or if it’s still alive since the last recording was in 2004), and ‘The animal’s singing with a lot of the same features of a typical blue whale song. Blue whales, fin whales and humpback whales: All these whales can hear this guy; they’re not deaf. He’s just odd.’ So it might not have been so lonely after all...