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A worthy date 6 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Now that cheese will be the only thing that’s single.
Is this actually real? 10 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
“When will we ever use this math in real life...” Life is full of ways to use math- in fact a major profit source for many businesses is figuring you can’t, or won’t do the math. They offer play math games intentionally to present the offer that is most advantageous to them- as most advantageous to you, and may obfuscate the math behind social engineering tricks designed to build additional value in to things where none exists, or make cross comparison of “apples to apples” impossible or skewed. Math is key to being a savvy consumer.
Realistic 56 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
@tarotnathers13th- sexism isn’t exclusive to any industry or area. I can’t necessarily agree that it is no more prevalent or severe than any where else, it’s hard to compare discrimination- what’s worse, being disliked by 1,000 people or hated by 100? Being told you can’t have a job because you aren’t welcome, or being allowed a low level job where you are pressured and tormented into quitting? I suppose it’s subjective, but largely I agree that sexism is doing quite well most places. Specific to this conversation though and video games- I still maintain what I said above. That in the video game community as a whole, industry, players, etc- sexism is thriving.
Nature's lamp 7 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
LED next time.
Realistic 56 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
I dunnoh. This guy is doing pretty well with zero hands.
Realistic 56 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Lol. No argument. I just wanted to be clear, and carry on the ideas discussed. “Gamer gate” and things like this serve as the standing testimony that sexism is thriving in the video game community.
Avengers 4 18 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
... well.... or Dr. Strange is incompetent.
Avengers 4 18 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
That’s a big throat of my point. Of all the conjecture we can make from our vantage- Doctor Strange is one of the few characters who would actually know- and if it was at all a viable solution, I’d have to imagine he would have mentioned or tried it. We have to assume that it either isn’t possible, or is worse than not doing it.
Realistic 56 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Don’t get me wrong. I love video games, and even the best sim is still not up to reality. What I’m saying is that as a game, a fantasy made for fun and enjoyment- there are things that stretch or break reality for the sake of enjoyment. The original Rainbow 6 games allowed you only one shot- then your character was dead or incapacitated, no respawn, and you may have to go most of the game without using them again while they recovered. Most FPS fans don’t like that. They want to live a fantasy of battle where they feel like an action hero. Even IF there was no historical precident for women in WW2 combat, what’s so jarring about allowing women to live those fantasies too- unless a persons fantasy is a world without women in major roles?
Are you serious? 19 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Downtown Austin as You've Never Seen it Before 3 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
You don’t know my life.
Realistic 56 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Reality generally makes terrible fiction. There’s seldom a single day or week that follows a 3 act ark, has a “heroes journey” or clean resolution. Threads are left hanging, things happen for no reason, the pacing is shit, things build to nothing or come out of nowhere. Objectives are unclear, consequences are dire, and final. In a game where you can take enough bullets to make 50 cent nod in respect- and keep fighting 100%, where you can run 3 football fields without stopping- where you fight a war in which 90% of your time isn’t spent waiting or being bored.... a lady on the battlefield is what would burst the bubble of historical immersion? If this was billed as an authentic combat experience- you may have a point. Since it’s in the same franchise that allows you to encounter a megalodon- voice chat over longdistance in WW1, vehicles regenerate health and can be fixed in moments with only a hand tool- too many to list. Come on. Yeah. Battlefield has a history of gritty simulation...
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Avengers 4 18 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Since we don’t actually know when the earth wizards were formed, or when they got the stone, or when Thanos was born- we can’t really argue about who did what first. We can’t really speculate on the nature of MCU time travel much either. The “loop” scene from doctor strange- I could write a looong exposition on that. We don’t know that there is one time, or if the mechanism used is divergent timelines (although X-men movies have set up divergent timelines, if we include those.) we can’t say the traveler is completely uneffected, dr strange was killed, went back in time as alive, and then after returning to the “present” was alive despite having changed events that killed him. The “present” at the time of his travel he was dead- so his actions in the past are capable of effecting himself or he’d be dead- since he effectively changed events to save his life along with everyone else’s. The rules aren’t hard rules- narrative convenience.
· Edited 6 years ago
Sad story 6 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Tl:dr- many Porsche’s share key designs and specs with VW, so while Porsche doesn’t use VW branded keys, you could buy a (likely cheaper) VW key and use it on a Porsche providing the car and key you select are compatible applications.
· Edited 6 years ago
Sad story 6 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Yes. They certainly do not. BUT- it is possible to cut a VW key for a Porsche. For instance an HU key blank fits a wide range of cayenne’s, 968’s, some boxsters; and almost all the newer VW cars. Many cars that aren’t even related by family tree use the same basic key blank- although it’s more common for blanks to be shared by “relatives.” Even when keys switch from older non transponder units to new “chipped” keys, of fancy flip out keys- even the “emergency spare” in some “smart keys” is the same and functionally the same as an older key. A non chipped key won’t start a car with a chip, but will turn all locks the same. Sometimes a chip from another make won’t work, and often the remotes won’t. What matters is the actual key shape identifier, and in some cases even a non identical number key will be close enough to still work fine. With remotes the FCCiD is the primary factor, the next being protocol.
Avengers 4 18 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
But the events that led to doctor strange possessing the time stone- perhaps even those leading the wizards to posses it- would not have existed. Also- the doctor only knew Thanos existed because he existed. If he never existed the doctor would have no reason to use the time stone to make him not exist. If the doctor didn’t stop him from existing he would still exist. Even the events that led to the doctor learning he existed were set in motion by Thanos. Time travel is all conjecture, but we can’t say for certain making Thanos never be born would work, or wouldn’t cause more harm than good. One of the best people to make that decision from an informed perspective would be doctor strange. Who didn’t do it. So one must assume that he either knows it wouldn’t work, or knows the consequences are more trouble than they solve.
Yeah, you know what to do . . 10 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
“Alison” looks exactly like Christina Stevens, an occupational therapist who made a prosthetic out of legos after joking with her lab partner. Also, this picture looks EXACTLY like a screen capture of a video that she made and posted of herself. Also... this is in fact a screen capture of Christina Stevens, and is her. Wow. Well... it’s a neat story, but Christina has a neat story too, and tries to share her experiences as both an occupational therapist and an amputee to help those dealing with it as well as educate those who aren’t aware. Maybe next time don’t use a brief internet star from the near past to sell your story and get likes- perhaps mention her by name so that people can find her and hear what she has to say about her experiences first hand as fact and not fiction?
Train Wisdom 5 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
The national forest service would also disagree. They’d likely tell you to stay on trails, and either way to leave no traces you were there after you’re gone.
Grass n shit 8 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
I have a similar story to mrscollector. I had a vegan buddy. We’d often go to a place that had a steak and all you can eat salad bar lunch. The steak+salad lunch special combo was cheaper than just the salad bar, so I’d get 2 steaks. I’d eat one, and the second one I’d use salad bar things like garlic bread to make sandwiches, or cut it into pieces and make steak tacos and the like. It was awesome. Likewise I’ve dated people who love cake but hate frosting. I only like good cake, but love most frosting. More of what we each loved and no hard feelings. When we don’t try and force are way on others, it can often work out better to have differences than to be totally the same.
Realistic 56 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
There wouldn’t be anything wrong with that. Especially if you were rehashing a thing that had been done to death, and wanted to tell a different but still possible story, or tell a story from a less explored angle. You could have a black samurai on the cover of a Dynasty warriors game- there’s historical precident although it was far from the norm, but would certainly be interesting and break up the monotony if the genre without resorting to pure fiction. How many war games show special forces units on the cover- despite those units making up a tiny sliver of their respective governments forces, or having very little total deployment time compared to the total deployment of other units? How many feature exotic weapons that may or may not even exist in a militaries arsenal? How many have made up items, or tweak the function of real materiel for game or story sake, often to the point such capabilities didn’t exist in that time?
2 · Edited 6 years ago
Realistic 56 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
I don’t get the downvote. @typow777 is incorrect- but not malicious. They just need to be told the facts. WW2 was a “total war” in which civilians and combatants mixed, and all targets were tactical wether technically military or not. In Europe, Asia, Africa, all over- women fought for their lives, homes, countries, etc. from guerillas, to freedom fighters, to active duty personnel on fronts where sexism took a back seat to survival, women fought in all theaters of the war, even if some militaries did not actively allow women in combat. WW2 was many wars at once, the Chinese were fighting civil wars, in the Middle East and Mediterranean and more, the chaos gave rise to wars of independence or annexation. Because of a lack of “man power” WW2 marked for much of the world a surge in responsibility for women, and that included combat. The bulk of the armed forces were men, and female infantry weren’t a common site on most allied battle fields, but women did fight.
Love each other 3 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
This is somehow both slightly dark and morbid, yet also affirming and uplifting at the same time. It’s kinda deep. When the ref steps away and the rest is over, the two will be locked into a brutal fight that will go round after round, with only the ref to offer rest between. Each round they grow more tired, weary, and bear the marks of the struggle. Bruised and bloodied, knowing they must go back for another round once the moment of peace ends. Enjoy those moments of peace and don’t let the looming bout ruin them. In the end, one will leave a champion, tougher and free to enjoy the spoils of victory. It would be a shame to go all those rounds, come all that way and endure all that pain, and not even get to enjoy the benefits of having made it through another days fight. Keep your hands up and in, keep moving those feet. Good luck.
Avengers 4 18 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
If we take the doctor at his word though- there weren’t as no matter how well thought out they are, we know they wouldn’t have worked for one reason or another. Save perhaps those ways to kill him before we got to that point in the story, of which there were theoretically many.
Avengers 4 18 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Even completely ignoring his oath to protect time- traveling back to stop Thanos being born could lead to hugely disastrous consequences. Many of our heroes paths were shaped by Thanos. Without him there’d be no Gamora, who knows how many of the threats faced by the guardians and others would have been stopped, like Ego. So many things would change and that’s ignoring paradoxes that could be caused by eliminating Thanos making the means to eliminate Thanos never exist. Although it is an excuse for an mcu reboot or “secret war” style mguffin.
WHEE-U 4 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Ok.... but... the destruction caused by tornados is illegal. Go knock down some random houses or kill a few people and see how that goes for you. I don’t think I need to explain why that is bad (I hope,) but, if you did kill a few people- should I then stigmatize all people as murders because some did? The majority of people aren’t. Likewise- do most tornados clean up messes instead of making them? Build homes instead of destroying them? Pay taxes? I can’t even use tornado talk anymore because it’s such a terrible metaphor. Comparing a group of humans to a natural disaster? And I can’t even tell what parts are specifically about guns and which are about people? Honestly it’s a little hard to tell how you feel about either. As a science fact though- like wild fires and earthquakes, tornados are part of the ecosystem. They do serve a purpose, and eliminating them would cause massive devastation. You can see how this is quite confusing can’t you?