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Natty light knows who made them what they are 17 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Fair answer.
Well, then. Time to never fly Delta again 10 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
But in the end at their core unions are about protecting employees and protecting your ability to pay bills and live and have job security and retirement. Like anything they can be perverted or corrupted. They tend to walk a line in between in reality- doing good and bad all at once. In a perfect world we wouldn’t need unions and companies would look after employees. Most of the arguments against unions aren’t against unions themselves- but about people who don’t have anyone getting their back being mad that others do have that extra protection.
Well, then. Time to never fly Delta again 10 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Rules were hard rules and often simple tasks couldn’t be done or were complicated and delayed because like it or not- agree to it or not- management and the union were dead set to follow the letter of the agreements to the T. Supervisors were non union and getting promoted from inside to supervisor was not only harder for union workers, but there was often drama with people treating you different or like a “traitor” especially since as a new supervisor you had to now follow the non union rules and we’re looking out for the company dime. Since few long time union members were willing to “flip” to non union supervisor- that created a greater divide where supervisors were mostly outside hires who had little or no experience especially in the company.
Well, then. Time to never fly Delta again 10 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
I was also in a union when I was very young. I hated my union dues and had thoughts like that poster- that my money could buy me “better things.” But the union had my back on numerous occasions and defended me, and I also got paid more (take home pay) than most of my non union friends in similar job levels. However- I also pulled some bull shit that adult me thinks I should have been fired for, and the union let me get away with it whereas without it my employer could have and should have fired or disciplined me. Things were often very rigid and stand offish in many ways.
Why vigilantes are idiots 13 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Thank you for the facts in clear concise form. This is an example to me of how we are poorly educated on violence- with most lessons being simple like “violence is bad,” and conflicting media which glorifies violence since most people have no healthy outlet to violence in life and see it as a taboo or a form of power they desire. But the truth is, and as has gained before, all it takes is one punch to kill a person. You don’t even have to be buff or a trained fighter and they can be in perfect health. The danger is compounded by the fact that we do t always know the health of strangers either or any drugs, medications, etc they are on. So a single punch can accidentally kill a person and leave them dead and you a murderer. That is the lesson on violence- that even a tiny amount can get out of our control and do far more than we intended. It doesn’t take much to kill or permanently damage a human being.
Tony 16 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
I would be willing to bet money that not a single person reading this will invent a way to travel freely through time at will, and even building a true artificial intelligence is doubtful within the next decade even. So Tony Stark is super intelligent by human standards- and given how he’s stood against extra terrestrial threats and what we’ve seen of other worlds he’s, despite what Rocket said, intelligent by alien standards as well although more ignorant of certain principals that alien science is familiar with and earth isn’t.
Tony 16 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
So his intelligence is superhuman in relative terms. He was able to figure out time travel, in a day or so- and is shown to be more intelligent than any human in recorded history by far. What’s more, many of our other hero’s who played pivotal roles but didn’t just happen to be in the right place at the right moment at the end also do not have super powers. The guardians of the galaxy for example each only have the abilities native to their respective races and while perhaps luckier or more skilled etc, aren’t indicated to be any more super than anyone else of their respective races. So if we are saying that anyone who when compared to an average human has abilities outside the norm or what is possible for any random person to achieve- Tony Stark fits that bill squarely.
Tony 16 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
So Tony Stark is smart. Smarter by far than most any human alive. We see through the iron man films as others struggle and fail to reproduce results similar to what he got in a cave with primitive tools and an untrained lab assistant but these others have massive budgets and access to the brightest minds on earth. As if endgame there is no evidence that anyone else save maybe the entire country of wakanda has created an arc generator without his help.
Tony 16 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Genetic mutation of a human is still a human. Where as two non super powered humans might be born with slightly different levels of strength or reflex and potential, but the difference in a ability between a pro athlete who isn’t on drugs and a “normal” person not on drugs isn’t as huge as the difference in strength between a pro athlete and a superhuman.
Tony 16 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
It’s actually kinda debatable that Tony Stark doesn’t have super powers, what that means, and if it even matters. In the marvel universe we tend to see a few main types of power. Powers granted by external forces like the supernatural or through science or some level of technology or accident (Hulk, Captain Marvel,etc.) and inate such as a mutation or an alien race etc. now- I’ll only discuss the MCU as it applies to avengers to keep things canon- although this next part applies as much to mutants like the X-men as it does to captain America.
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Maybe 3 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
There are actually scientific theories to this end. That plants more or less domesticated us and other creatures. We spread their seeds for them such as when we take fruit and leave it or discard seeds or excrete them complete with fertilizer to start them off. We cultivate agricultural plants and protect them and feed them and then we die and fertilize them.
Natty light knows who made them what they are 17 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Which one of us? Which post? Lol.
Why vigilantes are idiots 13 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
To our previous conversation about taking a stance and not bothering to see the other side of the story- this is a clear example why I always try to see more than my perspective. Because often times we don’t have the whole picture, and this is the sort of thing that can happen when people act off a narrow perspective and with haste without trying to see a bigger picture.
Natty light knows who made them what they are 17 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Well- I suppose life experience can be a factor as well. I’ve had the luck and misfortune (depending on how one views it) to have experienced many things from different or opposing sides. I’ve seen first hand how the flirting whims of fate can drastically alter our circumstances and how no amount of empathy can really show us what something is like or how living through certain things an shape perspective. For the places I’ve been before I can understand based on my own experiences, for the places I haven’t been I can just do my best to listen to the experiences of others. Life may be short but to each and every person on earth theirs tends to be one of or the most important to them. That’s something we can all understand and there’s no reason to be an undo obstacle in another’s path or to seek to cause friction where none need be. Life is too short to deal with drama that can easily be avoided through understanding- in my mind at least.
Natty light knows who made them what they are 17 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
It all depends. Civility and manners are a luxury. Civilization exists as a means of survival and enrichment- but civilization can be brutal if we want it to. However at some point most people realized that it was not only much less stressful not always looking over your shoulder or having to fight for everything- but it was conducive to allowing the most people to achieve and enjoy goals. So on the individual level it is far easier to only think of and care for your own perspective. But given the luxury to do otherwise and the mental capacity to process more than a singular world view- the only reason not to is a world view where one sees others as obstacles or less than themselves. Since I have the means and mental capacity to achieve my own goals while considering others- I do. But I can understand some people don’t- a gift of being willing to consider other perspectives I suppose.
Dog weight limit 9 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Lol. No. I only have one account. Sorry to disappoint.
Natty light knows who made them what they are 17 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
There is a large difference between being objective and riding a fence. We cant really accuse the government at failing at things it wasn’t tasked with like providing higher education can we? It’s somewhat self evident that in a democracy made of the people by the people, especially a capitalist one- we each are as or more responsible as anyone else as our individual choices shape our nation. Since we all know it on some level yet continue to seek to offload blame- it’s clear that stating as such serves little purpose. It’s through retrospection and questioning that we achieve self awareness and become more than self motivated opinions backed by self interest we do not even understand.
Natty light knows who made them what they are 17 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
To be clear I’m not saying I disagree or that these are my feelings- but It depends on your view of what a successful government should do and where free market capitalism ends. For instance- social services are not a prerequisite of a government which isn’t socialist in some part. Wether it’s things like for profit use of public roadways, public health impact of their products- a desire for skilled workers, etc. There are benefits to corporations of serving their customers as well as a responsibility that they should have to shoulder some of the effect of their profits. So while personally o believe it’s the governments job to create and maintain infrastructure- there are valid arguments that it isn’t a failure of a capitalist government when corporations foot the bill for things, but the desired effect of pure supply and demand capitalism would be that all things would be privately funded.
FRRReund ? 14 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Well- you’ve gotta picture it “cartoonified” with big eyes. But it’s got this chubby bunny shape and little hugging arms....
Dog weight limit 9 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Agreed. Big dogs tend to equal bigger poops and bigger liabilities. Many small breeds are known to be quite vicious- however it’s far less likely anyone will report your mini Pom for attacking them or have any injury of note than say if your Rottweiler were to even playfully bite someone too hard. A big part of why so many small dogs are poorly behaved illustrates the point. Most owners don’t feel the need to instill the same discipline in peaches the toy poodle as in Hulk the 100+lb Akita. So the question answers itself. So it sucks and is often BS because many large dogs are well behaved- but just because you trust your animal doesn’t mean a property owner will when they could share liability and you are the only one seeing a benefit. So it makes sense even if I do t like it.
FRRReund ? 14 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Its almost kinda cute.
My mom doesn't even have Facebook 1 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
I dunnoh. I’d never wish my mom a happy mother’s day on Facebook. Asides the fact she’s never see it and I’d have to remember how to log in to Facebook to do it- it’s so impersonal to me. Even less so than a text which is already too impersonal for my tastes in such situations. In person or a voice call arm more appropriate- and if neither were possible a hand written letter and or card. Of course- folks and their circumstances differ, so to each their own as preference and circumstances allow.
In response to people complaining about Endgame spoilers 9 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
Likely not. Likely we can list hypothetical scenarios all day where someone could find a way to ruin something for you out of their own enjoyment and theory that it’s your responsibility to enjoy yourself and not their problem. Is that the kind of world you want to live in? Where it’s just acceptable for other people to do whatever they want and it’s your problem if you don’t like it? If people who dont want spoilers make the effort to avoid spoiler threads, and people who want to discuss it make a little effort to be considerate to others, no one is carrying a huge weight and everyone can be happy. At some point we do have to say there’s a limit- if you haven’t seen a movie that’s been out years we can’t expect the world to walk on eggshells about it- but I guess it’s up to individuals how self centered they want to be in the end.
In response to people complaining about Endgame spoilers 9 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
So yeah- people want to discuss a film and they have the right. They are excited about a film they saw. But people who say it’s your responsibility to avoid spoilers- does that logic hold up? If someone brings their new born baby to the theater showing of Endgame you were in and it cries the whole film would you say “oh well. If I really wanted to see the movie without a baby crying I would have brought headphones or made sure there were no babies here...” if someone decides to shit their pants for fun on a long plane or bus ride next to you and tells you “well- if you didn’t want to smell my shit you wouldn’t have taken the bus. Comes with the territory..” would you say “yeah. You’re right.”
In response to people complaining about Endgame spoilers 9 comments
guest_ · 5 years ago
I feel like this is a very dated POV. A kid up there is grounded, a friend of mine had a kid and already has one and works full time and is going to school for work. Another person I talked to gets paid once a month, and goes to the movies on payday. My neighbor has joint child custody and is taking his kids but he doesn’t get them until near the end of May. And what about people in remote areas or with health problems etc? This is the Internet. There are literally people on here stuck on oil rigs or remote deserts or the Antarctic. So there are plenty of valid reasons not to see a film for a few weeks or more, and “pirate it and break the law and risk fines and penalties to avoid spoilers” is a moronic answer to those types of problems as is “avoid all human contact and media.”