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What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
That’s who this guy is. It’s the same as he did with his prey- he poked and poked and instigated carefully so that the guy would respond and he could point it out and say “I didn’t break any rules, I didn’t do anything bad but see? I’m being made a whipping boy of big gay!”
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
And that serves their agenda- because they WANT that reaction. They WANT to push and push and force the system to have to try and react to stop such abuses so they can point at the reaction and say “see?! They’re tyrants!” And then people who weren’t on their extremes of beliefs start to believe them, listen to them, and if they were right about this- were they also right about the Zionist conspiracies or liberal coverups or whatever else? It’s a subversive game that’s using the rights of the masses as a weapon to try and garner support.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
So people like this aren’t “advocates” or helping free speech. Their miserable little trolls who are hurting it- because YouTube released a shit ton of new rules after this. As you comment above @xvarnah- a bunch of unrelated channels got caught up on the whole thing after that. And someone will come and push these new rules and then there will be even more restrictive rules.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
And then what happened? They passed laws that not only banned these things- but a host of other things and made it that much restrictive to others who were responsibly and in good faith enjoying Their rights. That’s what happens. That’s how it works because in the end- those in power will always amend the system so they can maintain control.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
And then actually wellmeaningI g people lose their rights too. We see it in all aspects of law- guns being a key example of where legislature is enacted and then people begin to find ways to subvert it- like when it was said in California that a magazine for a weapon required removal by a “tool” so a bunch of people made a type of release that you could work with a round of ammunition from the same gun- or when to get around bans on automatic weapons people used “bump stalks.”
· Edited 4 years ago
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
The ability to make fun of a person- the criticize others, etc. these are important aspects of freedom of speech. But we have not just people with poor judgment- but people who knowingly and intentionally want to abuse their freedoms to circumvent the rules meant to protect people and groups from harassment, slander, and hate speech. People who intentionally play with the system and push those rules to the breaking point- and at some point as a practical matter someone will say that we need to close those loopholes.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
The moment you tell another human being that they are less, not by action but because of who they are- you lost me. The protection of unpopular thought under freedom of speech in my mind does not extend to those thoughts which are fundamental not reconcilable wit the existence of another type of human being (the irony of tolerance being intolerant of intolerance isn’t lost on me.) but that’s how it is. When you use your voice to try and take someone else’s you aren’t exercising freedom of speech. When you attack who they are fundamentally instead of who they are as a person or what they think or do you are attacking everyone who is like them and it has nothing to do with them but your bigotry.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
If a Taliban member or ISIS supporter were funny as hell I still wouldn’t watch their act. It doesn’t matter if all they ever did was hand out pamphlets but they believe what is on them. I don’t have room for extremists in my world.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Lots of comics make fun of gay guys or persons of color- without needing to make the entire joke “they are gay!” Or “they’re a minority!” They don’t generally pick a single one and make fun of that same person for years either. Now- Kevin Hart makes gay jokes and lots of people find those problematic. It isn’t the fact he’s joking about gays- it’s how he’s doing it. When Kramer went on his N word laced rant on stage- lots of people cancelled his shows. It’s not only a matter of principal but of money.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
That’s the game being played very well. People figuring out the line they can walk up to to technically avoid breaking any rules, but figuring out how to do so in a way that subverts the intent of the rule. The one video spoken of is one in years of harassment and mockery.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
But the issue- the one this crafty ass hat skillful subverts- isn’t that he made fun of a person- it’s why. I’ll make fun of a fat guy. I won’t make fun of him for being fat though. See the distinction? If you want to make fun of a gay guy, Jewish guy, lesbian, Whatever- that’s life. Sometimes we get made fun of. Not everyone will like us. But when the basis of that- the backbone and the avenue we use for the humor is based on such an attribute and it isn’t tongue in cheek ala Dave chapel or Jeff Dunham but takes the form of maliciousness on the grounds of what they are and not who they are- that is racism disguised as comedy and comedy involving race.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
In this case it’s YouTube. And while the idea of giving g a corporate overlord or anyone poet without accountability doesn’t appeal to me- picturing these two as the children they are- what would you do? I’d tell the little shit that was making fun of the other one that isn’t how we behave. Maybe send them to their room or hold their allowance or whatever- and tell the other one not to provoke him and not to do the same thing back.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
But the act of pushing buttons and pushing limits- of finding just how close you can get to breaking the rules without actually breaking them just so that you can piss someone else off? Not only is that shitty behavior but it’s childish behavior. Adults who are mentally children, but because they’re adults they don’t have a parent to complain to. So there does sort of need to be a parent to deal with these assholes.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
But I can say this- as adults, we can’t tell teacher. And when the law isn’t being broken we can’t tell the cops either. We have to work it out between ourselves. Now, when someone mocking you- the fundamental respect needed to work that out is kinda missing by default. And you can’t just go outside and punch it out and whoever gives up first has to shut the fuck up about it now and as long as they dont want to get whooped again.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Now- someone born a man may not get too upset being accidentally called a woman, but someone born a woman and transitioned to a man might no? So I can’t say what would upset a gay Latino guy because I’ve never been a gay Latino guy. I have to take his word on that. I can’t really say what’s homophobic etc except for that which I’ve had someone who is homosexual inform me they find it homophobic just like I can’t tell you the tampon with the best applicator because I’ve never used a tampon- and a woman can’t really tell a man which condom allows him the “best” feelings either.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
My point there isn’t we should go around punching and stabbing- it’s that there is a problem here. See- what is the remedy when you don’t like the fact a person is being a cunt? Like YouTube Disney has rules. But they also have general rules they enact as needed. They may not explicitly forbid something you’re doing- but they’ll kick you out if they feel that whatever you’re doing is messing up other people’s ability to have a good time, which one clear way to know that is when people complain that they don’t appreciate what you’re doing.
What the **** 174 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
@xvarnah- mob justice isn’t good regardless of who the mob is- and neither is letting the strong (in this case YouTube) simply do whatever they want because they have the strength to. But I would not call him a victim at all. I’m old and come from a rough place. People didn’t get to walk around and say whatever they wanted. If you started popping off on some bullshit talking smack about someone- they’d punch you if you’re lucky or stab or shoot you if you weren’t. This isn’t a perfect system- but it largely insured that people who didn’t want to participate in violence kept some degree of manners about them.
My mom told me that she refused to pay for anything in the relationship 54 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
All in all- man and women play out parts in determining what is considered convention in society, so for men to make change in gender dynamics, men must be willing to make changes in themselves and their own lives even if those changes are difficult and potentially incumber or prevent them from achieving certain goals. Those who come after us are the ones who get to enjoy any fruits of our labors without having sacrificed to achieve them, but they also must deal with the consequences of our imperfections. Here we are now dealing with the legacies of those before us, and it’s our choice to complain but still pass them on, or to sacrifice to make change that our dependents may end up cursing us for anyway.
My mom told me that she refused to pay for anything in the relationship 54 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
But I will, if I live at least another year, most certainly eat McDonald’s fries again even knowing all that. Because despite knowing it, Those feelings will get to me. So largely, out ability to change these dynamics relies upon our self discipline and our ability to be both self aware of our feelings and the underlying roots, as well as be able to reconcile them and accept that we have made a conscious choice to be above instinct.
My mom told me that she refused to pay for anything in the relationship 54 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
I can fight these impulses with my higher functions but there is a degree of emotional dissatisfaction in doing so, and there is a primitive satisfaction in succumbing to them even if my higher brain is disappointed at my lack of control and poor decision making, and aware of the extra time at the gym those fries cost me.
My mom told me that she refused to pay for anything in the relationship 54 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
I know that as a culinary creation McDonald’s fries are garbage. I know that they are not very conducive to a healthy and balanced diet. I also know that for less money I could make more food at home. But... the combination of simple things like salt and the flavors and smells used are designed to appeal to the primitive parts of my brain that helped ancestors survive when nutrition was sporadic and sparse. The salts and fats and high calories trigger responses in the brain. My past experiences and childhood impart a fondness and upon triggering of memories remind me of associated positive feelings surrounding the consumption of said fries that makes my reptile brain equate the fries to being happy.
My mom told me that she refused to pay for anything in the relationship 54 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
We can endeavor to rise above instinct- but no matter how evolved we are there are things which trigger irrational reactions in us. Fear is a perfect response to this as there is no reason whatsoever to feel fear in the case of something like watching a movie. Not only is it fiction- but it’s in a tv. Your mind knows what is in the tv cannot manifest in your living room and yet....
My mom told me that she refused to pay for anything in the relationship 54 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
It is generally somehow less romantic to most of a date pulls out coupons- where logically that’s understandable, practical, and likely beneficial to all involved. Yet- there are any number of occurrences of actions which while seemingly small can shatter a romantic mood. Our concept of romance is however largely based in our social understanding of romance, expectations we’ve built over a lifetime through exposure to concepts of romance, and an instinctive part of our being which responds to more primal instincts.
My mom told me that she refused to pay for anything in the relationship 54 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
The social conventions of dating and romance exist because through personal and societal trial and error those methodologies have been found to have the greatest and broadest chance of capturing those spirits of “romance.” If you want to have sex and then watch some horrifying and repugnant thing, or you throw up or whatever (assuming that isn’t your kink-) chances are for one or more invoked the “mood” will be gone. But.. we know that a human beings genitals can be manually stimulated to at least function sexually in most cases. So you’re physically capable and the hormonal responses are more or less the same- but this concept of “mood” is one in romance as well.
My mom told me that she refused to pay for anything in the relationship 54 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
The fundamental process is rooted in getting to know a person but the whys of the reasoning that you chose them of all people who get to know are underneath the surface- plain as day but still ignored in general because it’s socially awkward to explore it too far. And in romance- the feeling is the thing that matters- and the feeling isn’t fueled by logic or any other clear force.