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Well said 14 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Dude- ok. Short version- in this crazy modern world, Mr. Pie saw that money could buy anything and decided to try and see if a platform where people would do things for $5 would do something he claims is insane- hold up a sign calling for the “death of all Jews.” Oh. Ok. Well... HE doesn’t want Jews to die. He just wanted to see if someone would hold up a sign for $5. Well then. Case closed.
Mi bueno 16 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
I hope you do too. That’s another one we just don’t know enough about. Surprising enough. We can tell people what county of what country their grandpa came from or their odds of this or that condition- but so much with child birth is “I guess we will find out when we get there.” Sorry to hear about your period pains. Now that you mention it though I think most women I know with easy periods also have either had trouble trying to get pregnant or haven’t gotten pregnant on accident.... maybe it’s just perception but I wonder if there isn’t something there...?
This guy is so cool 19 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Naw. I get you. I just wanted to be positive. I have no beef with either of y’all and don’t fancy any. But I’m sorry you are here and got negativity where personally I don’t see a a call for it. You’re doing you and not hurting anyone. I just wanted to say that I thought it was a good comment and I’m sorry that you experienced negativity for a positive message based on preconceived notions about you which are in this case Illfounded.
· Edited 4 years ago
This guy is so cool 19 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
@famousone- I got where you were coming from. We happen to be allies here but even if we weren’t I can’t say you said anything offensive or were rude. Well stated fact- whatever the intended conclusion. So I mean- you cake here to speak and I support that even if we did disagree because you said something, and you didn’t tear anyone down or bring hate or anything. I don’t see a reason to downvote that no matter how one feels about the statement.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
America IS a poster child for this- but through history it’s always been someone. Before it existed and in the infancy of America European powers were the military colonials who subjugated and conquered to feed their wealth and power. We can go back through ages and name the “America” of its day. When or if America ever changes, slides or falls- someone else- China, Russia, someone- will become the new world bully once they are the biggest kid in the playground. It’s a cycle and people don’t want to break it- they want to benefit from it. We aren’t mad someone is doing it- we are mad that we don’t get the spoils.
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
It is the appetites of the wealthy world that fuel the conflicts and poverty and environmental destruction of the rest- and most of North America, Europe, much of Asia and so on- we forget that many of us who see ourselves as poor or middle class are in the top 10% of not top 1% of wealthiest people on earth. Most people reading this are probably at least in the top 60% if not higher. The way we view billionaires is the way others view our waste and excess and selfishness. More than they’ll ever have and more than we need.
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
@f_kyeahhamburg- yes. The current state of irresponsible and deregulated capitalism should be obviously unsustainable- but so often now as always with ideas of revolution- many dissenters aren’t trying to take people off the backs of others, but make it so that they can be higher on the stack. Changes and regulation, charity and making the wealthy who benefit from the public and the prosperity generated by their communities have some obligation to pay back in for what they have received sit well with me in theory. Expecting the rich to solve our problems when we created the rich and we created most of the problems we wanted solved through our choices- that doesn’t work philosophically or in terms of plain math. It just isn’t possible.
Mi bueno 16 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
@laughwendylaugh- as a female athlete you’d certainly have the more relevant perspective than me! Lol. I’m sorry you have to be first hand acquainted with the many challenges and inadequacies out there. What’s particularly frustrating to me is how obvious and prevalent the signs are even in every day life- and get people can still claim there are no such biases. Women don’t need men to champion their rights or wants- but men can at least try not to be part of the problem- maybe even cooperate in the solutions perhaps.
Mi bueno 16 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
@itsamemaria- I’m glad you’ve had good luck and hope you continue to. It’s funny how it just works sometimes. I’ve known women who sailed through pregnancy claiming a headache is worse for them than carrying and birthing a baby, women who have never had any symptoms asides bleeding (and even then lightly) from their periods, etc etc. Some women get “lucky” in some areas and I’m glad you have had luck in medicine!
Elon? Come here, here are some gigawatts 8 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
An idiot leaps ahead with good intentions without thinking about the actual consequences of what they are doing. When you put up a solar farm and cause the endangerment or extinction of a species of migratory birds because of the glare or heat, or from them thinking the panels are water and trying to dive fish in them and slamming glass at 70mph. When you destroy the insect population and alter an ecosystem by choking the food chain, etc. etc. solar- wind farms- wave farms- all can work and not do more harm than good. But not every single proposal to use “green” technology is smart or even actually “green.” Think.
Elon? Come here, here are some gigawatts 8 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Do you think Toyota gives 2 shits about earth with all its “green hybrids”? It’s money dummy. Everyone cares about petroleum and carbon footprint. So they lower that and make money, make happy people who support them. Because the heavy metals and toxic wastes and battery mined that look like barren alien worlds for miles around- those aren’t a major public disaster yet. You’re looking over here- they just move the dirt over there where you don’t care to look because no one told you to yet. The cycle continues. Don’t assume that anyone who doesn’t jump right on board with a feel good idea is an idiot or hates the environment.
Elon? Come here, here are some gigawatts 8 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Companies don’t make “green” technology to save the planet and neither do governments. It may be a nice effect. They do it for money, they do it to gain control early to be a titan of the future the way early automakers or petroleum companies or electric companies were able to topple the entrenched masters of industry of the last age not by trying to compete on the same field but by creating a monolithic presence in an emerging field where competition and regulation weren’t as stiff.
Elon? Come here, here are some gigawatts 8 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
It was a debate of economic interests between townsfolk who wanted to sell or would make money from the panels, an administration that would benefit from the panels, companies which would benefit from the panels, and people who saw they would be effected by the panels or were afraid of the effects of the solar panels on the local wildlife and environment.
Elon? Come here, here are some gigawatts 8 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Some people pointed out that the solar farm would require many residential and business property owners to sell their land or give it up to public domain and how those people and businesses leaving would effect the well being of the town. Many relevant points were brought up, on analysis one might agree or disagree, or say the loss of some small town for a solar power farm is “worth the trade.” But it was hardly a bunch of yokels terrified that them there magic mirrors would steal all the sunshine.
Elon? Come here, here are some gigawatts 8 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
A wonderful example of propaganda. “Those Americans” “those small town people” “Those people who are against solar” “Look how dumb and silly they are!”
Well- truth isn’t as funny I’m afraid. A small American Town DID vote against solar panels. Not because the residents were afraid the sun might run out. Many made cases and quoted studies showing how the proposed installation would negatively effect the local economy and property values. Others looked at the economics of who benefited from the panels and determined that it was mostly the power company and certain other wealthy individuals who would see the main benefits while others would see large draw backs.
This guy is so cool 19 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
The statement that shorter periods for cultivating and harvesting crops is occurring supports the current theories of climate change. Climate change is like gravity. One can believe in it or not. We know the climate changes. It’s changed from the time of the dinosaurs to now. Some argue man made climate change is not real. Evidence doesn’t support that belief but that’s a different debate than denying climate change entirely.
This guy is so cool 19 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
One possible effect of this,depending on the many complexities of a given location- is that droughts or floods can last longer, winters can be longer and harsher or summers can be. Snow might fall where traditionally it hasn’t been able to- or may fall less or not at all where it is usually abundant.
This guy is so cool 19 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
There are certain currents which are relatively stable and tend to be higher in the atmosphere which help dictate climate. As the polar regions get warmer, the temperature difference and zones of interaction between their cool air and the hot air in higher latitudes changes. The climate in various regions is largely effected by this and geological features. Just as one side of a mountain is likely to see less rain than the other due to how precipitation works, or mountains can shield or amplify winds- high altitude currents and the temperature of the air they carry tend to “shield” or amplify the climate of a given region.
This guy is so cool 19 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
@jeremy- that is why it is now referred to as “climate change” and not “global warming.” People often misunderstood that in a complex weather system on a global scale that the rising temperature on a global average can cause more than warm weather. What we experience in climate is the complex interaction of winds and pressure, heat, moisture, and how natter reacts under specific sets of conditions. Winds primarily come from cold meeting hot. The more extreme the differences- the more extreme the effects.
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Tl:dr- if people cared more about other people and less about shit from amazon, cars, clothes, date night, games and tv and all their luxuries- there wouldn’t be ultra wealthy. Every dollar Jeff Bezos has is $1 from a much poorer person given to him because they wanted what he had. If you wanted to help other people more than yourself then we wouldn’t have the problems we have anyway. Billionaires make easy scapegoats. But the worlds wealthiest folks entire fortunes divided is only about $4k per person on earth- and then you encounter complex problems associated with trying to help.
3 · Edited 4 years ago
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
WHO is in charge of deciding how to solve problems and what is it isn’t a problem, how the money is spent and why- those become so crucially important. Often in trying to fix problems in haste we create more or future problems. And the fact is- billionaires and such only become rich when everyone else gives them money. As is the case with My previous examples- we create our own monsters. Our problems are a reflection of our choices.
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
That doesn’t get in to all the other unintended harms often done through charity. Building homes or schools in underdeveloped nations- but in doing basically destroying the local trades livelihood in providing free labor. Eliminating disease so people live longer, but then having food or other infrastructure taxed by the suddenly larger population. There are more and more. We helped train the Taliban to defend their home from Russian invasion. Here we are decades back and it seems that didn’t work out perfectly.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Attempts at raising the standards of living in certain areas have failed in the past because of things like looting, rejection of principals or traditionalism, violent conflicts within those areas or power struggles and the desire of leaders to maintain their power and so on. How successful these efforts will be depends on many factors.
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
The problems money won’t get rid of like religious and ethnic and nationalist conflicts still exist and are better financed, better supported. If you simply give the money away that leaves the wisdom of its use in the hands of the people- many of whom are not qualified or experienced enough to deal with such decisions wisely. If you use it for charities and programs you still are potentially enabling horrors- but there are other issues too.
They really don't care 18 comments
guest_ · 4 years ago
Crime likely goes up. Now people have things to steal, reasons to steal. And as we have seen with aid programs in the past- in unstable countries we may be feeding genocide and repression as the military strongmen seize control of the now increased wealth. They recruit and equip and feed armies better. They allocate disproportionately and starve or impoverish the “undesirables.”