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discord 4 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Dear lord. The gravitas. I just pictured you standing on the bridge of some futuristic starship in a crisp captains uniform solemnly addressing your bridge crew with the lesson of the episode after a harrowing experience where your away team was trapped on the planets surface and your diplomatic team tried in vein to negotiate with the inhabitants leaders to stop the behaviors that would inevitably destroy their society. With a pained look on your brow you ruminate: “That is the fate of every closed group…” and we are all left to contemplate our own closed minded short sightedness in the face of enlightened 26th century thinking and ask if as a species we will even make it to the 26th century and if we do, will we be the people on that ship with you, or the ones on the planet below…?
Tax time 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Refer small time criminals to other organizations or suspicions of small time crime.
In plain terms- most of the time the IRS is unlikely to notice or pursue minor omissions from your taxes. Unless there is other cause for an audit or suspicion they are unlikely to ever look too closely at your taxes. So people routinely “get away” with tax code violations which tends to reinforce myths about taxes. It’s also a huge pain to report taxes “strictly by the book” for most people.
If you ever face a deep audit or if you omit something particularly high value or if you find yourself in a position to make powerful enemies with pressing desire to “get you” for soemtning- you might be in trouble- but most people can “slide” playing fairly loose with tax laws because it ultimately doesn’t make much difference or any.
Tax time 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
RICO cases often involve all sorts of detailed and complex financial information in proving conspiracy and other aspects of the cases. So the IRS is often instrumental in finding or helping prosecute criminals. The IRS was able to bust a major international child sex ring because the website wasn’t paying its proper tax. They then used their legally empowered mandate to track down the proprietor and those profiting from the ring and passed on the information they found pertaining to child sex to other agencies. They formed a joint investigation and in the course of tracking down who owed money they uncovered s massive network and users and were able to help build a solid case. IRS records can also and have also been used to help prosecute other crimes by helping to reveal inconsistencies or inaccuracies etc. in testimony and such. So there is this sort of other aspect to it- even though the IRS doesn’t generally pursue non tax related crimes themselves and generally doesn’t bother to
Tax time 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
It is true however that the IRS does act in some ways to aid in prosecutions of crimes, so they like to have details.
The IRS generally doesn’t directly participate when it comes to small time crimes. They aren’t likely to go after a person who shoplifted $4000 or a small time local drug dealer that said, many large criminal organizations and prolific criminals have been caught or prosecuted thanks to the IRS. We all mostly know that Al Capone couldn’t be touched really, until he was busted on tax charges. RICO charges were basically invented as a way to deal with savvy organized criminals and be able to prosecute top level bosses who under traditional laws hadn’t commited any crimes or couldn’t be linked to any crimes if no one witnessed agaisnt them, or who’s only crimes were relatively minor charges. In essence RICO allows that in organized criminals conspiracy, all involved can be charged on the worst crimes done by any one of them.
Tax time 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
still want it reported. This is for a couple main reasons. The fisrst is so that if you are audited and made some mistakes it may not be exempt or may factor in to what you actually owe or are owed. The second is that there are long term tax implications. You can gift around $14k a year tax free in general terms, but there are also lifetime limits. How would they know you’d reached the lifetime limit if you never report because your gifts in a year for many years didn’t exceed the allowable amounts? Things like this are important. They can also make a differences later on if you amend your taxes at some point.
Tax time 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
2. The fact that usually it doesn’t matter. It isn’t that you don’t NEED to report these things, it is that they almost never matter in most real world scenarios unless they are quite valuable. The IRS makes you report things because outside certain specific transactions they don’t know what is going on. They have no way to know if someone gives you a gift or you trade them guy don’t the block you vintage Stratocaster for his hot tub etc. by law they are supposed to know. But… most of the time it doesn’t matter. Very few tax situations are such that a few $5 or $50 holiday gifts from granny are going to swing your taxes but much or anything at all. If you found $100 and it was unclaimed and became yours- that isn’t going to likely actually impact what you owe. A lot of these transactions could make some shift to your taxes but generally speaking most people don’t do enough to have to worry about it. Often even if you report something it is exempt- but they also generally
Tax time 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
1. Misinterpretation or extrapolation of tax code. For example many assume that because married couples file together and often share assets under law that any transfers or dealings between spouses wouldn’t be taxable. Or they misunderstand how certain exceptions like one time non taxable gifts between spouses work or gift exemptions and lifetime gift exemptions. So for example- at a federal or state level even an engagement ring could be something you need to pay taxes on!
Tax time 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Yeah. There is not some “magic number” like many urban myths hold where “if it’s less than $X you don’t have to report it!”
It doesn’t matter how you got the money generally, you found it, stole it, your gran other gave you $5, you won a guessing contest at school and were given a ruler or a candy, even trading something like trading someone a pikachu card for a Bulbasuar could have a tax implications because trades can be taxed at either the value of the goods or at the profit of the market value of what you traded vs. What you got back. It isn’t JUST sticks that are taxed this way. Of course you can also potentially write off loses on trades.
Where alot of these myths come from are:
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guest_ · 1 year ago
Manipulators do it for a reason. Often power or protection or some other feeling of something missing and a way to get it. Stop being deceptive with others and yourself and stop being a manipulator. Be a mature adult and ask for what you want and be prepared to compromise or leave if you don’t get it.
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guest_ · 1 year ago
And the crazy thing is… you’ll know exactly why! Without treating them like shit or wasting time. And…. It won’t have anything to do with you or your fragile ego so you are still protected. If you tell them you don’t want anything serious you want someone to shag and play video games with or to eat dinner with or whatever- and they are game- you have the terms of the relationship. If you show and/or tell them what to expect and they are good with that, congrats. Otherwise they’ll leave and it was because they didn’t want that set up or they’ll negotiate and you can choose what you will give up or where you will put effort in etc. or not. And if you say not- you’ll know why they left. They left because you wanted a band buddy and they want to try and find a husband or whatever else.
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guest_ · 1 year ago
Be as involved in the relationship as you want to be. Be as present as you want to be. Don’t pretend to like things you don’t. Suggest the activities you want to do or think would be fun. The right partner for you is going to largely think the same things sound good or is going to be willing to let you do things alone that aren’t up their alley. Instead of wasting yours and their time… upfront tell and show how things are and the level of effort you’re willing to put in. Don’t lead them on and don’t treat them like shit. Treat them as an adult and a human. If they don’t want what you want or you can’t reach a bargain in what you want and what they expect in return then it won’t happen or you’ll break up.
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guest_ · 1 year ago
At first they tried to be the version they thought someone would want to be with and that obviously didn’t work out so they switched to intentionally being who someone would leave. Both scenarios use a facade to protect their true self. But that lack of genuineness and vulnerability tends to affect any relationship beyond the most superficial and is felt by a partner. What’s more, no one can keep up an act all the time and forever.
Instead of that… be honest. Be who you are. Like really. You’re dating despite cynicism and resorting to such actions because you want to get something from a partner. So then… just do that. Just be honest. Be honest about what you want and be honest about who you are. Make as much effort as you are going to but do you.
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guest_ · 1 year ago
So if you’re going to decide that you don’t want to put on some grand effort to be this great partner… instead of being an intentionally shitty one, try just being honest.
What I read in this meme is a manipulator. Someone with low self esteem or respect. They are afraid to lose a partner and how that will reflect on them. They play with other people to try and get a sense of power and control. They have to be in control of why they were left and so forth.
Their “normal” or “nice” tactics are likely themselves manipulations. Lies. A persons of what they think a partner is or what people want because they are either afraid who they are can’t succeed in dating or afraid that if they are themselves and get rejected that they won’t be able to deal with that. So they are some version of themselves that they think will be successful.
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guest_ · 1 year ago
In other words the “super nice” partner is already a bad omen on the relationships future but simply finding someone who would agree to date that “super nice partner” is a red flag. If you get two “super nice partners” together that is as bad or worse. The common theme is that a “super nice” partner is almost always getting hurt and it’s just a question of wether that is self inflicted and the other partner gets as badly hurt or not.
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guest_ · 1 year ago
When you throw in things like indecisiveness or constant approval seeking- people who always “want to do what you want to do” or won’t pick a place to eat or don’t seem to have their own friends or hobbies or life or always seem to put you before those things like canceling plans with friends to be with you or changing their routine to suit you… when they are always available etc… most people who find those things appealing are pretty tweaked themselves. Super do dependent or insecure or manipulative or controlling. A relationship with a partner acting this way is often on the road to a certain end before it starts and a relationship with someone who finds those traits at least initially appealing is probably on a bad path.
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guest_ · 1 year ago
When you are just as giving as a doormat and you always or mostly always put your needs last or expect that you’ll do everything they want and they’ll “pay you back” in kind that’s generally weird and off putting. It’s like those cult people who always smile and you can insult them to their face and they smile and bad things happen and they “always find the silver lining” like some old Disney cartoon. Most of us don’t like that person. It is creepy or weird or we are left wondering what their deal is- are they going to kill us and stuff us in a freezer or try and get us to join some suicide cult or live on a compound or something? The more self motivated the person you are dealing with is the more off putting and creepy they will generally find it.
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guest_ · 1 year ago
But if you have to be shitty internationally that isn’t the “real you” either. The fact that you still want to date even though you are resigned to rejection and willing to not put in effort shows you’re a person who has wants and tends to them even at the expense of others. The thing is that people in general are creatures of self motivation.
So I’m not condemning someone for thinking of their own wants or needs in dating- but here’s some wisdom…
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guest_ · 1 year ago
Well- logically because you do still want something or certain things from a relationship. So let’s ignore the entire problem of treating another person as an object to satisfy some want of your own. Let’s focus on the fact you want to be in a relationship but are afraid to be genuine because you fear doing your best and failing- thusly invalidating your self worth, so you set yourself up to fail by invalidating your own worth, because you become a person not worth being with and when she leaves you know she left because of YOU. Meaning there is no longer a need to fear that you are not “worthy” as a person because you don’t actually need her to leave to prove it- behaving this way shows who you really are. Meaning you already know why the others left or would leave you even if you tried your hardest- because you’re kinda a shitty person and no matter how rehearsed and polished your good guy routine is- that was never who you were. She never got the “real you.”
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guest_ · 1 year ago
To each their own. The thing is the logic falls apart though.
You treat her your best and she leaves: you know you couldn’t have done better even if you don’t know why she left.
You treat her like trash and she leaves, you know she left because you weren’t good enough. It’s not even subjective really at that point as you are intentionally choosing to be bad.
So the logic becomes the classic slacker logic of “if I never actually try I never actually have to feel like I failed because I wasn’t putting any effort.” We will skip the faults in that sentiment and for the sake of discussion say there is at least A logic to it. Ok. So…
If you aren’t going to try… why are you with her at all? If you don’t want to fail and you are essentially setting yourself up to fail- why even be with anyone? If you aren’t with anyone at all you can’t fail at all. People with no relationships have no break ups.
For the 100th time, anime is NOT friends with Cartoon 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
So short story long, anime and cartoons are friends because they are the same thing.
For the 100th time, anime is NOT friends with Cartoon 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
But some anime are like GOT where it seems like almost every adult is watching it and people talk about it and it has tie ins and promos and adults buy items and even dress up at appropriate times like Halloween etc. as characters and for the most part other adults don’t think it childish or “dorky” etc. but watching the show and knowing the “deep lore” or constantly discussing it etc. could be seen as a bit much. So it’s vaguely similar I guess to make a comparison.
For the 100th time, anime is NOT friends with Cartoon 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
We could say animation comes closer to being considered not far apart from other Tv and movies- where in the USA for example, there are live action television shows that are made for younger or more “all ages” audiences so you might have a show like a Disney Channel show about knights and dragons with no remotely harsh language or anything remotely offensive and simple plots that are easy to follow but then have something like the LOTR films that are a little more intense and “scary” and serious and violent but not generally with anything most kids can’t watch, then you have something like GOT that is far to inappropriate for most people to think that kids or perhaps even young teens should be watching it. Anime is a bit similar in that sense where some shows would generally be very much considered kid shows and it might be seen as odd for an older person to watch or follow the show.
For the 100th time, anime is NOT friends with Cartoon 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
I won’t go into the complexities of animation in Japanese culture. It is somewhat accurate to say there is or can be perceptions that “cartoons” are more for younger audiences, but it is generally the case that a wider slice of the population watches animation- especially popular animation, just not as avid or vocal fans. It’s a touch more nuances than all that but it isn’t really accurate to say animation is considered only for kids but it also isn’t accurate to say that every single person or most even watch animation regularly and buy merchandise and follow plots. The general take away is that serious artistic works of animation like moving and very mature stories etc. are generally more socially acceptable for a broader demographic to enjoy.
For the 100th time, anime is NOT friends with Cartoon 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
In Japan cartoons are often perceived a bit differently than many places like America.
It wasn’t until fairly recently that animation started to be perceived as other than “kids stuff” in the US, and even computer animation didn’t start being taken too seriously until very recent history. Animation like cartoons is often still considered “for kids” despite works like the Simpsons and all the many deep, moving, serious, artistic animated works that have come out.
While the “kids only” attitude to animation has eased in the Us and many other places as “Anime” and other adult animations have entered mainstream acceptance, animation is still generally not considered a serious artistic form of expression for the most part here.
For the 100th time, anime is NOT friends with Cartoon 7 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
It just so happens that when some teen somewhere gets upset at their mom calling “anime” a cartoon, in Japan somewhere some mom is calling Southpark or Rick and Morty “anime.” Outside of Japan we often use words like anime to refer specifically to Japanese cartoons or cartoons that share a similar style or are seen as similar. China, Korea, and several other countries also have their own cartoons that often get called “anime” in places like America but dedicated fans and such often will use the native terms or some other differentiator to refer to animation from other parts of Asia or elsewhere even if it bears some perceived similarities to Japanese animation.