The gym 14 comments
· 1 year ago
Somewhere around 20% body fat for men- which by “media” standards is pretty tubby but in real life is “average ish” and maybe some muscle tone- flexibility like yoga, some moderate activity on a regular basis, a balanced and sensible diet- not 200g of protein a day or no carbs ever or all meat or whatever- that sort of thing is generally going to make the “healthiest” person. Here’s a sad fun fact- it doesn’t matter so much how hard or long you go in the gym if you are sedentary most of the day. A “fat guy” who spends most of his day doing a combination of walking and siting and standing- never any one for too long before he does the other, does some moderate and light physical movement throughout the day like moving stock around and lifting things here and there- who sprints occasionally and occasionally walks long distances and up flights of stairs- they’ll probably be healthier and “better shape” than someone who sits most of the day and then hits the gym hard for an hour or so…
The gym 14 comments
· 1 year ago
Now, top right, bottom right, in between the two- none of those are the general optimal build for endurance competition or things like most running or sports or fighting etc.
if you want to be the best tennis player you can be your body will tend to end up looking like a pro tennis player. If you want to be the best basketball player you can be you probably won’t end up looking like an NFL line backer or Arnold. Functional training focusses on building a body optimized for a certain set of tasks.
And surprise- some random person off the street that isn’t likely to make any calendars or be the most “attractive person” to take their clothes off might be healthier than all of them because there are specific workouts for overall health! Yeah.
if you want to be the best tennis player you can be your body will tend to end up looking like a pro tennis player. If you want to be the best basketball player you can be you probably won’t end up looking like an NFL line backer or Arnold. Functional training focusses on building a body optimized for a certain set of tasks.
And surprise- some random person off the street that isn’t likely to make any calendars or be the most “attractive person” to take their clothes off might be healthier than all of them because there are specific workouts for overall health! Yeah.
The gym 14 comments
· 1 year ago
If you’ve never had body fat that low it feels like shit. Irritability, fatigue, confusion etc. if you try to lift some giant heavy mass your body doesn’t have the fat cushion around organs and such and you can literally kill yourself by flexing too hard.
Look at power lifters. Most do not look like body building Mr./Mrs Universe winners.
Thick abdomens instead of carefully sculpted V shapes… because your core supports your ability to use power in your arms and legs or resist weight you lift. That’s why it’s called “body building.” Yes you gain strength and other benefits but it’s focused on looks. Choosing muscles to give you a certain shape above functional ability or health.
Look at power lifters. Most do not look like body building Mr./Mrs Universe winners.
Thick abdomens instead of carefully sculpted V shapes… because your core supports your ability to use power in your arms and legs or resist weight you lift. That’s why it’s called “body building.” Yes you gain strength and other benefits but it’s focused on looks. Choosing muscles to give you a certain shape above functional ability or health.
The gym 14 comments
· 1 year ago
If you wanted optimal performance- the ideal performing figure would generally be in between the top right and bottom right picture. Lots of muscle mass as well as double digit body fat. When you see most people who’s cruelly work and compete using their strength- those folks tend to be what is often called “fat buff,” in fact they may just look “fat” because you can’t see the definition of their muscles and their huge abs protrude out and have a layer of fat making them even more pronounced and obscuring the “6 pack” or better below. When you can see every single popping muscle that is usually a body fat lower than what is healthy long term and …
The gym 14 comments
· 1 year ago
What happened to “it’s not healthy”?
What you want to look like is up to you. Some of the “best looking” people are the least healthy, many athletes die young from heart conditions and other issues relating to their poor health- and that’s before we start to include health effects of drugs and procedures commonly used to achieve certain looks and just focus on things like overtraining and the toll of many common fitness “diets” on the body.
So there are fair odds that either of the folks on the right panels- we can’t assume the bottom right man is unhealthy though odds are above average that he is. The top right panel- a real human with that build? Oh yeah. Almost certain probability of health issues.
How we want to look is your to use of course, and wether or how much we want to consider health into it when we decide how we want to look.
What you want to look like is up to you. Some of the “best looking” people are the least healthy, many athletes die young from heart conditions and other issues relating to their poor health- and that’s before we start to include health effects of drugs and procedures commonly used to achieve certain looks and just focus on things like overtraining and the toll of many common fitness “diets” on the body.
So there are fair odds that either of the folks on the right panels- we can’t assume the bottom right man is unhealthy though odds are above average that he is. The top right panel- a real human with that build? Oh yeah. Almost certain probability of health issues.
How we want to look is your to use of course, and wether or how much we want to consider health into it when we decide how we want to look.
America for the win 8 comments
· 1 year ago
The things that power the economic and military might of the 21st century are closely tied to advancements in space exploration and the required technologies.
So when countries have any sort of animosity or see each other as likely potential near term enemies of a war occurs- they tend to not collaborate too closely since that means not only sharing sensitive technologies but potentially providing advantages to their future rivals.
So I mean… yeah. The “space race” of the 1960’s was won by the USA hands down by default since the only competition evaporated. It is arguable if a space race has continued or been restarted or if there hasn’t been a space race since the fall of the USSR in the same way we had a “cold war” instead of “ww3.” It’s like a space Cold War perhaps at best. Space race may be premature.
So when countries have any sort of animosity or see each other as likely potential near term enemies of a war occurs- they tend to not collaborate too closely since that means not only sharing sensitive technologies but potentially providing advantages to their future rivals.
So I mean… yeah. The “space race” of the 1960’s was won by the USA hands down by default since the only competition evaporated. It is arguable if a space race has continued or been restarted or if there hasn’t been a space race since the fall of the USSR in the same way we had a “cold war” instead of “ww3.” It’s like a space Cold War perhaps at best. Space race may be premature.
America for the win 8 comments
· 1 year ago
China especially is trying to expand out, send manned missions and robotic rovers and probes to the moon, Mars… which could create a new space race. The USA and (western) European space agencies and Japan have not really had much in the way of “races” in the public perception as these agencies tend to closely collaborate.
China and Russia and certain others have at various times been collaborators in space but- there has always been some competition there. A large factor being the previously alluded to military/political/economic implications of space travel.
The weapons that deliver nuclear payloads and other long race high speed weapons and tactical systems trace to space programs. So tend to the defensive systems to counter such things. Intelligence gathering, information and telecommunications..
China and Russia and certain others have at various times been collaborators in space but- there has always been some competition there. A large factor being the previously alluded to military/political/economic implications of space travel.
The weapons that deliver nuclear payloads and other long race high speed weapons and tactical systems trace to space programs. So tend to the defensive systems to counter such things. Intelligence gathering, information and telecommunications..
America for the win 8 comments
· 1 year ago
There just wasn’t a lot of real advantage in the technology tree compared to other paths. The Soviets didn’t really chase “one upping the moon” nor did the Americans or the Europeans or the Chinese…. There were some options in space for weapons and such- but many were impractical and likely to cause problems back home. Weapons platforms in space or lasering the moon or whatever- those could cause problems compared to just “being first” in going from A to B or such. So after the moon- asides changing times and changing public interest and such- the Soviet Union was gone and there wasn’t anyone to really take their place. In some time Russia and China and others developed out and advanced their space programs but we still haven’t really had a “space race” maybe the prelude to one.
America for the win 8 comments
· 1 year ago
After the lunar landing most of the realists and bean counters could see that the “If not when” Of manned mats missions was not a decade or even a few within reach. The technology and costs of such a mission to the “next big space milestones” like ling term lunar manned bases or lunar shipyards or manned mars missions were over the horizon and the “space race” was always in parts both a way to show off potential might and technological ability and to test and develop technologies that could give advantage. It was as clear as the far off horizon that the technological advancements of those “next steps” didn’t offer real advantages in the way less “wow factor” developments like advanced satellites and atmospheric flight and weapons and sensors and…
America for the win 8 comments
· 1 year ago
But one can argue the space race continues. We still haven’t put a human on another planet or set up a colony on another planet or sent a crewed flight beyond the moon by much more than is required for the lunar trip. The USA has been sort of the defacto big gun in space for awhile but the ESA and others have done some big things and many collaborations between organizations have occurred that it wouldn’t be fair to declare an unquestioned “winner” on. That said the space race itself fizzled. That’s the other factor. There have y ever been a couple or a few nations on earth at any time simultaneously that could send a human to the moon or land a probe on mars etc.
America for the win 8 comments
· 1 year ago
But as far as the “winner of the space race..” the race between the USA and USSR was won when… oh… I dunnoh… the USSR never reached parity with the US space program, technology, or latest accomplishments and then… ohhhh.. I dunnoh… STOPPED EXISTING. So I mean- the USA still has an active presence and continuing and future planned operations in space and the USSR… DOESNT EXIST. So they lost about as hard as you can lose. You don’t really lose any race more completely than… not existing.
America for the win 8 comments
· 1 year ago
Yeah. This meme reeks of “sore loser” or someone looking to create revisionist history to shade the US.
The USSR had a lot of important firsts and accomplishments in the “space race” including man made satellite and crewed space trip. The Americans and others have the Soviets and later Russian federation to thank for providing launch vehicles and other support and innovation. Of course the US and USSR aren’t the only nations that have contributed greatly or in important ways to man’s history in space. The whole thing is quietly overshadowed by the fact that the “golden age” of space was made possible for most players, especially the USA and USSR by Nazis. Not only the Nazi technology that they used but the literal Nazis working in the space programs. So there’s that bit too.
The USSR had a lot of important firsts and accomplishments in the “space race” including man made satellite and crewed space trip. The Americans and others have the Soviets and later Russian federation to thank for providing launch vehicles and other support and innovation. Of course the US and USSR aren’t the only nations that have contributed greatly or in important ways to man’s history in space. The whole thing is quietly overshadowed by the fact that the “golden age” of space was made possible for most players, especially the USA and USSR by Nazis. Not only the Nazi technology that they used but the literal Nazis working in the space programs. So there’s that bit too.
Star wars is more than 20 years old 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Pffft. Rome? A war? Get on that American democracy level where they’ll try and give a man full power because people can’t count and that man seemed strong.
Silly life 6 comments
· 1 year ago
But in the end when was it ever not silly, or when was it ever silly? It’s about the same things now as it pretty much always has been. People trying to survive and people trying to be able to have the things they want in life and make their own way.
To do that you’ll often need to face nature and reality but you also often need to face other humans who’s desires may contradict or prohibit yours. Other humans are both the greatest help and greatest obstacle in having the freedom to do what we want in life. No human Can do everything alone. There are few cases where a single person can beat the strength and ability to thrive of a group with any level of ability or competence.
To do that you’ll often need to face nature and reality but you also often need to face other humans who’s desires may contradict or prohibit yours. Other humans are both the greatest help and greatest obstacle in having the freedom to do what we want in life. No human Can do everything alone. There are few cases where a single person can beat the strength and ability to thrive of a group with any level of ability or competence.
Silly life 6 comments
· 1 year ago
In most modern societies we can’t just kill people- especially to take what we want which they have or are preventing us from. So what could be achieved in moments when it comes to getting what you want might take years or decades as you work and maneuver. It’s certainly different engaging a rival in direct and decisive combat than maneuvering around with them out of sight so you can get permits or advance your career or the less direct way we have to compete for those sorts of things in modern society.
Silly life 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Silly errands like grooming and routine errands, fashion and the deeds needed to get and keep up these things- Can impact your ability to thrive and make your way. Modern society tends to dissociate actions and results- hunting your food and preparing it tend to make the work to get your food more tangibly linked than detailing cars for 8 hours and then giving the money you made to someone else who gives you food to eat. Spending a year or more gathering materials and assembling them to create a shelter and then maintaining it regularly tends to be more of a direct feeling than getting a loan and being given a home that is complete then working for decades to pay for it.
Silly life 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Just like ancient man, with transportation you can travel further, faster, to find new resources and opportunity, more favorable climates, new people and relationships, etc. transportation unlocks additional abilities to thrive or survive.
You may need to maintain a certain social position- just like ancient man. If you aren’t known and don’t seem trustworthy or to adhere to the customs and conventions of the land, it can hurt your chances at commerce, acceptance, social interaction and opportunity. A combination of social position or perception and fitness- how well you seem able to protect or provide or provide or raise offspring for example- can factor into your chances at mating opportunities or the mates if your choice.
You may need to maintain a certain social position- just like ancient man. If you aren’t known and don’t seem trustworthy or to adhere to the customs and conventions of the land, it can hurt your chances at commerce, acceptance, social interaction and opportunity. A combination of social position or perception and fitness- how well you seem able to protect or provide or provide or raise offspring for example- can factor into your chances at mating opportunities or the mates if your choice.
Silly life 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Instead you do some other job, some task to get money and you use that money to get things you need. There are various ways to get at least the barest necessities without doing this- but the rest sort of ties in. Work is used to take care of shelter and food generally. Intend of wandering a forest or tending a field the average person in the developed world works a desk or a cash register or drives a truck or builds things or does things other people want to get what they need. You also may need transportation and so just like if they didn’t want to walk, ancient humans had to gather the resources to have a boat or a riding animal or a cart or such- just like the upkeep and care of these creatures and vehicles required they put time and effort into them- so to does your work supply and maintain transportation perhaps.
Silly life 6 comments
· 1 year ago
It comes down to purpose and goals.
“Why am I here” is a very deep and complicated question but it doesn’t have to be. It can be very simple. At the simplest level you have wants and feelings. You might combine them to decide you want to help people or give life to another human being so they can have experiences and such- but at the end of the day your being here at the minimum requires you to survive. You need oxygen, nourishment, water, shelter, and other care. You have psychological needs as well. If you don’t tend them you die. Most of your “silly little tasks” relate to you being here, surviving. We’ve made it relatively easy to consistently survive in the developed world. It’s unlikely that a drought or bad harvest or bad luck hunting or gathering will result in your death.
“Why am I here” is a very deep and complicated question but it doesn’t have to be. It can be very simple. At the simplest level you have wants and feelings. You might combine them to decide you want to help people or give life to another human being so they can have experiences and such- but at the end of the day your being here at the minimum requires you to survive. You need oxygen, nourishment, water, shelter, and other care. You have psychological needs as well. If you don’t tend them you die. Most of your “silly little tasks” relate to you being here, surviving. We’ve made it relatively easy to consistently survive in the developed world. It’s unlikely that a drought or bad harvest or bad luck hunting or gathering will result in your death.
discord 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Well… somehow you still manage to convey a sense of gravitas and dignity as you minister to the streets and the unspecified voices that may or may not be only heard by you. So that’s something.
Family dinner must've been awkward 8 comments
· 1 year ago
You would think. And perhaps this exact one is made up or embellished- but even if one hasn’t seen such a thing in life, a short Google search will reveal that “X kissing X” events at high schools and specifically “students tricked into thinking a school mate is kissing them but it’s really their mom..” events are real- AND indeed- “athlete/student thinks they are getting a kiss from another student but it’s the mom and then the kiss gets more serious than planned” is even its own thing.
I was even able to find an incident where the MOTHER is the one that initiated what was described as a prolonged kiss as opposed to the student.
An incident similar to the one described above appears to have happened at Western Calgary Highschool in Canada. I cannot 100% verify it but there are quite a few results from what appear to be regional news outlets on the matter.
I was even able to find an incident where the MOTHER is the one that initiated what was described as a prolonged kiss as opposed to the student.
An incident similar to the one described above appears to have happened at Western Calgary Highschool in Canada. I cannot 100% verify it but there are quite a few results from what appear to be regional news outlets on the matter.
Atheism is not transferring your belief 5 comments
· 1 year ago
IF the entire universe is a dream of a giant space turtle- science doesn’t care. If that is what the universe is, then science would be the study and understanding of giant space turtles dreams. We run into problems because something like gods and such are outside the scientific method. They can’t really be studied in the frame work of science. Their general nature makes that prohibitive or the current rules and limitations of sciences do.
So there is a natural sense of antagonism between science and religion or spirituality since science seeks truth and it is most likely that not all spiritual or religious beliefs are completely true at once. So as science works through things it will sometimes touch in things that can contradict various beliefs.
So there is a natural sense of antagonism between science and religion or spirituality since science seeks truth and it is most likely that not all spiritual or religious beliefs are completely true at once. So as science works through things it will sometimes touch in things that can contradict various beliefs.
Atheism is not transferring your belief 5 comments
· 1 year ago
So what if incompatibility of science? Well- that is perhaps one of the great misconceptions. At some point the popular concept became science was an independent entity- that it existed in opposition as a contender to the proper theory- that you could believe in simulations or religion or spirituality or philosophy or believe in science. What a foolish and dangerous idea.
Science isn’t a theology. It’s a system of study. Science is not an answer. It is questions. Science seeks to understand the way things work and how we can predictably and reliably use the laws that govern our reality to produce desired results or work within them to our goals. Science doesn’t define reality or anything else- it is merely putting name and structure we can understand to what is.
Science isn’t a theology. It’s a system of study. Science is not an answer. It is questions. Science seeks to understand the way things work and how we can predictably and reliably use the laws that govern our reality to produce desired results or work within them to our goals. Science doesn’t define reality or anything else- it is merely putting name and structure we can understand to what is.
Atheism is not transferring your belief 5 comments
· 1 year ago
So it’s all perspective anyway and the concept of some “simulation” isn’t exactly at odds with science or most religions. Most religious contexts have deities and semi deities as essentially administrators or creators or power users of our environment anyway. Often a distinction between where we exist and they exist is made such as “mortal realm” and “divine realm” or such- but it’s semantics. Often times death in the mortal realm is a potential ticket to the divine realm- which is functionally the same as leaving a simulation after logging out or such; or a form of rebirth which is akin to recycling code or resetting a program. Again- semantics. Devine text or revelation- well… it isn’t like administrators never leave notes or they can’t manually provide instructions to programs or message users.
Atheism is not transferring your belief 5 comments
· 1 year ago
Well yeah. It’s all kinda a semantics game. If we live in a simulation someone created it, it has some sort of rules or limits designed in, and it has some self generative probability. So the whole “we live in a simulation” thing is… well… there are these philosophical questions regarding reality- does it matter if something is real if it is real to you? Would your experiences in life be any less impactful on who you are- could you instantly overcome every trauma and forget every learned behavior if you “woke up” tomorrow and your entire life as you know it was a dream? Let’s skip that mess though and just say that in a practical sense it doesn’t matter much. Whatever the universe is and perception is it is what we know to be real and wether a dowry created it or it is all a random interaction of physics and chemistry or a complex simulation it doesn’t change the fact that the rules are what they are and we are bound to those rules.