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"Let's see if he's really the chosen one... It's either jedi school or death." 6 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Yes but no? Being force sensitive is pretty rare- maybe 68 or so in a million people. Meaning among the population of JUST the empirical capital world Coruscant if we applied that probability literally you’d have something like 68 MILLION force sensitives- if they were all human. In other races Force sensitivity may be as or more common and some races less common or no recorded force sensitives.
So it is rare but it isn’t like there aren’t ALOT of force sensitive beings.
It is also worth mentioning that force sensitivity is relative. Some force sensitive sms just have slightly better ocasional “intuition” or might be particularly adept at certain things or slightly better at things they have never done etc. force sensitivity and being a Jedi or even being capable of Jedi like feats in the force are not the same.
I didn't even have to think for a second... 5 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Yeah. I miss that. Texting in your pocket etc. without anyone knowing or well doing other things without looking and not trying it will be “shdjjfneejsjwjqoowosmdbdi” or whatever jumbo jumbo on modern phones.
It was also funny because the “autocomplete” to suggest words actually slowed you down and made it harder to write messages than not having it on if you knew what you were doing.
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
So I mean- as a government and even as a country america can be hypocritical. Most countries can. America doesn’t have a lot of moral high ground to condemn others from a position of innocence- but you don’t think even criminals recognize crimes? Like you think that every thief is going to just shrug if some old lady gets robbed and say: “I can’t say anything, I steal too…” or perhaps even if they are a thief they might still see it as wrong to rob a little old lady? Can parents who did poorly in school or had children at a very young age not tell their kids to be careful of such things? Perhaps those people are in an even better position to know wrong and warn against it because they have been there and made the wrong choices before? Can a murderer not pick up trash off the street because they want to make the world a more beautiful place?
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
We can’t really go back and un-devastate the cities america has destroyed. I mean- america actually has historically done pretty well on rebuilding or even improving cities we’ve destroyed- but that doesn’t undo the suffering or the deed. But like- if someone is doing something wrong RIGHT NOW, that can be stopped before it gets worse. You can’t redo history but we can change what happens right now. An overwhelming majority of Americans didn’t support our military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam. The Korean War was contentious. America tried to stay out of direct combat in WW2 and it was the Japanese who most prominently kicked off our mobilization.
America didn’t want to tangle in WW1. American people don’t tend to like wars. Americans tend to live good and relatively easy lives. Most of us don’t want to fight or die when we could be at a beach or having some good food or spending time at home.
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Do you think the US is the only country that has ever destroyed a city…? Right now Russia is tearing through Ukraine- a country that didn’t even attack them. Ukraine was literally sitting around minding their business and Russia called them Nazis and invaded. After they already invaded and stole an entire resource rich and strategically important region because… something something.. look over there!
So I mean…. Does what Russia is doing make what America has done righteous? I don’t think so. Is what america has done in the past an excuse for what Russia is doing now? Do you believe it would be ok for your spouse to cheat on you because their parents cheated on each other…? What kind of idiocy is that?
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Do you reading this think it was still wrong? Well here’s the thing- if you think that america acted wrongly in those cases- you also don’t think it’s ok for others to act similarly. I mean- If Fred goes around saying you shouldn’t hit women and then punches his wife, if Bill hits his wife 60 years later and someone calls Bill out would a reasonable person say: “nah man. Nah. Let me tell you about Fred. He hit his wife and said it isn’t ok to hit women! There’s a real bastard. Leave Bill alone.”
I think not. Because Fred isn’t wrong in that it isn’t ok to hot women- really we shouldn’t hit anyone and should find other ways to deal with things. But like… yeah. Fred is wrong to hit his wife. What the hell does that have to do with Bill hitting his wife? Fred did it first?
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
An old American saying on diplomacy goes: “wait too long to respond and get the bomb.” So I mean… one way or another a whole lot of people were about to die and some cities were going to get thoroughly devastated.
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
So leadership just- ick. They just didn’t have any other tools when the whole “hey, anyone can literally see you can’t win this war so just quit and end the death” didn’t work- and the “hey, you need to surrender and accept that this is over” issued when the largest mechanized combat force in history had overcame their entire defensive line and left a shattered and sparce military to a country cut off from resources and starving and sat at their back door and was offered counter terms amounting to “we will say we are sorry, then you’ll let us rebuild our military- but we will let every man woman and child starve to death before we abandon our entrenched political elite or allow our pride to be dented…”
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
happen to have a very strong sense of empathy and would hate to see someone else suffer for their actions- which generally isn’t what a terrorist is by definition- so that one was pretty questionable in context. In Japan- well I mean- no one should be bombed let alone atomic bombed but our leadership lacked the creative problem solving in how to otherwise deal with a a fanatical fighting force that had initiated hostilities and perpetrated one of if not the largest modern mass murder genocide rapes ever recorded while instilling their troops and citizens to fight to the end or die, leveraging deep rooted culture and history while painting Americans as brutal rapists that would inflict fates worse than death upon fighters and civilians.
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Context is a bit important though. The USA went into Iraq under vague claims of WMD’s and even after the fireworks those claims couldn’t be substantiated. So even IF that were valid reason.. the reason didn’t exist.
The USA went to Afghanistan because some guys with some ties to the region made America have a bad day. While making America have a bad day is generally a poor decision, one might argue that the population of Afghanistan didn’t need to endure reprisals for some guys actions.
Of course part of how countries like America make sure to have lots of good days is making sure people understand it is not generally healthy or worthwhile to make us have a bad day. The message sent in Afghanistan was more akin to “if you hit us, we will hit SOMEONE, even if they weren’t involved..” which admittedly isn’t really so much an effective way to deter any particular individual from acting out unless they
: Okay maybe that was too much, anyways, here’s Geneva convention guys 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Two? TWO? Pick two man. Pick ten. If this is referring to WW2- the US bombed quite a few cities into oblivion. In Japan alone fire bombing was devastating. Construction techniques and other particulars of the region and time made fire bombing extremely destructive and firestorms whipped across cities in what was surely a living nightmare and for a total death toll that exceeds the fatalities of the atomic bombs.
Since WW2 the us has bombed so many villages into oblivion that there are probably some that most histories don’t even record.
Of course that is par for the course in total war but it is horrible and not something that should be done let alone seen as anything but horrifying and unacceptable. Of course- it isn’t an excuse but one also need remember that the unofficial motto of the USA is fuxk around and find out. If the USA says they will bomb somewhere into oblivion unless… well, yeah. That’s probably going to happen unless….
India deserved it more than China and France 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
A popular view is that IF such incidents occurred India was potentially wise to turn them down because each case involves filling the seat of China. Through most of the 20th century india was in a difficult position of balancing relations with powerful western nations like the USA and European countries, while also balancing relations with Russia and Communist China. Economically those ties have all had importance but tactically Russia and China have traditionally posed a large potential threat to India. With Cold War and other frictions between the “west” and the communists and all the other politics of relationships between other countries- not backing “one side” was difficult without potentially angering another. The US had its desires and demands for example but often those things would upset Moscow and so India had to be careful about walking a tightrope of not alienating or turning hostile one or more super powers with almost every move.
India deserved it more than China and France 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
China was originally granted a seat for several reasons. Something that often comes up when discussing the claims India was at least informally courted for a permanent seat to the UN is that there are two alleged incidents of questionable veracity- in one alleged incident the US hinted the offer- as a way to fill the vacant seat of the ROC (China) and deny the communists another permanent member with the PRC. It is almost certain that Russia would not have allowed that to occur as it didn’t serve their interests and would likely be seen to counter their interests. The other alleged consent occurred when Russia made the offer at a time when India had a warm relationship with Russia and the PM visited Russia. By most accounts if this occurred it is likely the US and certain others would have voted against it for their interests.
India deserved it more than China and France 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
But Canada, Australia, other important players in the anti axis war efforts didn’t get a permanent seat. What country from Africa has a permanent seat despite the fierce fighting and strategic importance of the region? What South Pacific nation has a permanent seat despite… well… again- it’s naive to think prejudice and bias don’t play some sort in who exactly ended up with a permanent seat but…. Politically the choices make sense.
India deserved it more than China and France 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Of course this ignores the question of Pakistan. There wasn’t so much, from the perspective of the larger global powers, an “India” during WW2, there was a “British Indian Empire” which included Pakistan. The history and unpacking all this can get quite complex.
China was granted a permanent seat of course… well… in the 1970’s the PRC was given the seat that belonged to the ROC previously. It turns out “permanent” maybe isn’t as permanent as one might think in that…it’s complicated but before the Communists took defacto control of the country, China had a different recognized government. THEY were given a permanent seat but… well… Taiwan is another subject that can be complex but not everyone- especially the PRC, recognizes Taiwan as a nation let alone the “true” government of “China.”
India deserved it more than China and France 9 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
“India” did ALOT in WW2. India often doesn’t get a lot of credit in western popular history of the war.
In my mind it is undeniable that biases and/or prejudices played a part in that.
That said- there are some issues.
I will skip over the often cited “India turned down the offer to join because they didn’t want to upset China” because it is more complex and according to wether you take Nehru at face value that no informal or formal offer ever came or believe any of the other persons who have some type of evidence or conjecture that an informal offer was made but not in good faith- the fact is that there is NO historical evidence to support that a FORMAL offer to join the UNSC permanent members was ever made and no evidence suggests that India had the support of more than one member at any time to get a seat even IF an informal offer was made. In short- we can ignore that claim because whatever one believes there was never a formal offer or a serious effort to get an offer.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
So I mean… I don’t really supper this meme. I think the left panel guys are maybe misguided or things are oversimplified. We put a lot on abs for example and many people work hard to show great abs but for how well known ab routines are and how much attention we pay and and treat them as a symbol of dedication or performance.. you have back muscles on the other side. What happens when the front muscles are super strong and the back muscles are super weak and those same muscles control a tube of Nelly fixed to your spine that bends using those muscles…? Yeah. A likely injury. Be safe. Be smart. Do you, but enough with the body shaming and bs assumptions and narratives.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Beyond that posture and natural law tends to rely on muscles and bones and tissues pushing and pulling. Imbalance of the muscles can cause you to develop pains and other issues from static forces.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
When we gauge a man’s size we tend to focus on his upper body and traditionally “larger” is better in men to a point. So the “prison bod” aka “skipped leg day” is one that tends to focus mostly or entirely on arms and maybe chest and possibly abs. This is usually an unbalanced body. Stronger in one area than others and the muscles and skeleton are a “push pull” system where whenever we move or when we use our movements to interact with other objects and people our bodies are pushing and pulling and distributing force across systems. Imbalances mean that your “best” muscles can handle way more force than others in your body and so eventually as the force of an action is transferred though you, of it reaches one of those asked points that can’t take that much force you will likely have an issue. Potentially a bad one that will injure you.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Neglecting these muscles or developing other muscles and systems to exceed the ability of support muscles tends to end in injury if you ever actually use a portion of your potential from your more developed or more powerful muscles. “He skipped leg day…” traditionally for men legs aren’t a “show muscle” on the streets. They aren’t traditionally the thing most women find attractive or notice in a man. They aren’t what tends to make us see a guy and think he’s a hunk or “buff.” The arms and chest and to an extent the abs are what tend to be seen as “hot.” “Sexy.” “Cool.” Showing off type muscles. Filling out a tshirt or looking good by the pool. Less fat means your muscles show more in general as well.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Muscle imbalance- so pretend your arm is replaced by a mechanical arm that can lift 2,000lbs. You lift a car over your head! Wow. And then you likely die. Your arm can lift 2000lbs but your abs can’t hold up that weight. Your legs can’t. If your bikes didn’t break you’d crumple like a wet noodle. That’s if your arm didn’t rip from your body. Your shoulder didn’t dislocate or you didn’t tear apart the muscles in your back or chest or abdomen straining. That’s an exaggeration of muscle imbalance. When you pick up a grocery bag it is more than your biceps or arms doing the work. In sports, especially ones like baseball and tennis we hear a lot about “torn rotator cuffs..” certain shoulder movements strain tiny muscles that don’t really add much power to your arms or add much size or shape to the body in general, but are critical in keeping your skeleton and flesh where they should be. In supporting your structure as you use your strength or power and move around in general.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
So guys who are “buff” but neglect their flexibility training to focus on size or strength of “show muscles” tend to be slower and more prone to injury and health issues. The other problem with appearance training is that when you focus on “show muscles”- that’s a term used for people who want a “6 pack” and the big biceps and big pecs and maybe the big shoulder muscles and traps- the stuff that tends to make people swoon or feel intimidated when you take off your shirt- they often miss supporting muscles- ones you usually barely see or don’t see or aren’t “sexy” but are part of the complex movements and physics of the human body and help with strength and balance and not injuring yourself.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
But since your body only has so much capacity to heal at any time and maintaining gains takes a certain amount of regular stress and damage to keep up- you have to choose where you want to focus. Despite being super lean like runners you don’t see many guys looking like young Arnold winning sprints and running sports. Running is a different activity and to work those muscles takes away from the healing and building of muscle towards size and shape or strength. So if you’re doing flexibility work and damaging connective tissues so that they have to repair themselves as more flexible- you’re taking away from the amount of muscle fiber you could be gaining and for most people- the time you have to use to work out as some now has to go to flexibility. Which flexibility training tends to be time consuming.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
If you’re lifting weights and not doing flexibility work your overall health and fitness are likely suffering long term. Flexibility training damages your body the same as other “workouts.” Stress causes damage to tissue and in response the body repairs that tissue and adapts it to better suit the way you use your body. You have a finite ability to heal. This is why you can’t just work out all day for a few months straight and get the results of someone working out an hour or two a day for years. At a certain point your workouts do more damage than your body can heal before you work out and damage it again. A top class competitive training plan is going to generally go for finding the upper limits of what you can heal and using various means like massages and recovery work and nutrition and sleep and various supplements and other things to help expand your natural limits of healing.
The gym 14 comments
guest_ · 1 year ago
Before mostly sitting around and then laying down for bed. Look- say you need to take 1000 breaths of air a day. You can’t just hold your breath until 11:00pm and then take all 1,000 at once. It doesn’t work that way. You can’t go 3 days without water and then drink 3 gallons all at once and have the same health as someone who drinks a little bit through the day each day. Activity is the same. Some is better than none generally- and there is a such thing as too much or too much at once, but when we speak on health, few things are “healthy” to have none most of the time with these huge binges to “make up for it.” Exercise and activity are the same. If you go most of the day or week without activity or exercise and then try to cram it all into condensed sessions… that’s not going to be the same.