The more I think about it the more it makes sense 5 comments
· 1 year ago
It’s mildly humorous but not exactly true. That’s one of the challenges faced by many obese persons. While lack of energy and other effects associated with obesity can make exercising more difficult, these can arguably be overcome with patience and determination.
That said, in general, increasingly with the extremeness of obesity, one can fact issues of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems that can actually make running dangerous.
A major potential risk is impact on the joints. The physics of weight compounds, so doubling the weight doesn’t double the force acting on a joint during impact movements like when the feet slam the pavement, it generally increases force on the joint by a factor of greater than 100%.
That said, in general, increasingly with the extremeness of obesity, one can fact issues of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems that can actually make running dangerous.
A major potential risk is impact on the joints. The physics of weight compounds, so doubling the weight doesn’t double the force acting on a joint during impact movements like when the feet slam the pavement, it generally increases force on the joint by a factor of greater than 100%.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
No one’s likely gonna live life for you modern man. If you don’t like what you have, you gotta figure out how to get what you want. That hasn’t changed for men in general throughout history.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
And that’s hard for men. That’s a fourth thing. Society is still in general very bias against men showing things perceived as vulnerability or weakness. About being too honest. About having feelings and expressing them. About asking for help of saying a load is too heavy. It’s hard because men often are some of the ones who want to cling to traditional expectations and values and ideas of masculinity but are also the ones who need to shape what it means to be a man and to have the courage to go outside the mold and be themselves despite the likely social consequences.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
And you don’t have to hike or walk or go to events even. You can build and fix things. You can paint or write or draw or make sand castles or carve wood or garden or whatever else. You can build skills and learn things. Often- it’s a cliche but often- you are the biggest thing stopping yourself from enjoying life.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
People do judge us for not having wealth or status. Some. Many perhaps. Often times though we let self inflicted fear of judgment stop us from facing reality. Maybe it isn’t super cool to go to the local festival and walk around and not even be able to order a drink, bring your own food or whatever. Maybe it’s just fine. But either way you are who you are. If you aren’t someone with the wealth or inclination to be at all the clubs buying drinks and such- be who you are right now. Do the things that person can do. Others might judge, but what, you’re going to sit around and wait until you are rich to do anything because you’re afraid to look cheap?
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
That problem is often very common in the lives of many young men who struggle.
At home alone and bored. “I can’t go out I’m broke!” Well.. you don’t need to spend money to do things. You can want things that are free. There are often also ways to change priorities and other ways to maybe free up some funds or find other ways. Any given day a person is sitting at home bored there is likely an event- a free event, a low cost event, a park, a hiking trail, some thing that they could go do. Many of us just won’t do these things if someone doesn’t serve as the catalyst. We might live our whole lives near an epic trail people dream of or a beautiful beach or the perfect bike route etc etc. and never touch it until or unless someone says “let’s go do this today..” and even then we might say no, not because we have a reason to say no but because no is easier than yes.
At home alone and bored. “I can’t go out I’m broke!” Well.. you don’t need to spend money to do things. You can want things that are free. There are often also ways to change priorities and other ways to maybe free up some funds or find other ways. Any given day a person is sitting at home bored there is likely an event- a free event, a low cost event, a park, a hiking trail, some thing that they could go do. Many of us just won’t do these things if someone doesn’t serve as the catalyst. We might live our whole lives near an epic trail people dream of or a beautiful beach or the perfect bike route etc etc. and never touch it until or unless someone says “let’s go do this today..” and even then we might say no, not because we have a reason to say no but because no is easier than yes.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
Because your life and how you treat yourself and appear to value yourself are often seen as a reflection of how you treat others or your self respect. Because almost no one “wants” the pizza box coffee table and folding chair. If you were given the choice to make a wish and have your home look any way you wanted, to design and decorate or just copy some space you’d seen and liked- free of charge, no work, no cost- fee if anyone would go with empty pizza box stack and a folding chair. So it isn’t so much that one wants that, it’s that one doesn’t want to put in work to realize a vision of what they do want.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
Because there are so many people and because information is so free and available and because resources are so available In developed countries- people will generally expect you to do things. The world will make memes about your dirty room/apartment with the TV on a crate and the one folding chair and the mattress on the floor not because you are poor or just starting out or cheap- but because you can go on Google and see hundreds of thousands of examples where for free or pennies, people made clever and useful or striking aesthetic furnishings often out of trash. Not because it’s a crime to be happy with your functional home- but because in all likelihood you didn’t take the time you saved on doing something more into some grand effort at self improvement or helping others but you were just being lazy.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
If you don’t have a dream or a goal or a purpose you are working towards it is easy to feel lost. Since at large society doesn’t give to each man and woman a purpose in life like it once did, you’re more on your own. In generally no one is going to tell you what your life is going to look like and unlike the days that was the case and generally speaking people didn’t expect a farmers son to be anything but a farmer, you choose your destiny so people will likely judge you based on where you are because that reflects your choices, not some path you were forced down or everyone relied on you to take necessarily.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
But it is generally a great time and a historically easy time to be a man. Perhaps it isn’t a simple time- things were generally simpler in long gone days. The world isn’t a simple place and so man or not, the world can be hard on simple people who have trouble dealing with things that aren’t simple.
We have stories and diaries going back thousands of years and biology generally suggests… being young has its advantages but it has always sucked in certain ways. Many of the broad woes of teens and young adults today are echoed into antiquity by their peers. If you didn’t inherit or weren’t born to wealth being young usually means starting with little and having to build up.
We have stories and diaries going back thousands of years and biology generally suggests… being young has its advantages but it has always sucked in certain ways. Many of the broad woes of teens and young adults today are echoed into antiquity by their peers. If you didn’t inherit or weren’t born to wealth being young usually means starting with little and having to build up.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
That’s a hard world to live in for a man that doesn’t have what it takes or doesn’t want to put in the effort. It’s hard because what you value may not be what the world values. You can have everything you want but still be seen as a failure because you don’t have everything other people want. That’s not a man thing- it’s all people. Some of us want less. Some of us want things that take less work to achieve. The big issues comes when one has everything they need to be happy except a partner- because partnership isn’t about you only, so you don’t just need a life that provides all you want, you need to have a life that a partner wants to share with you. The life that makes you happy might not be a life most partners want to share or it might not be one that is easily shared because it is all about you, or the partners that want that life might not be the partners you want.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
I believe that last one is the biggest source of problems for many people. Not being told what to do. Not being socially rewarded the same ways for doing those things.
Men today don’t wake up at 8 years old and go to work generally. They don’t know from their first memories that someday they will be a baker or soldier or follow dads footsteps on the whole. It’s rare to be conscripted at 16 or spend your life being prepared for the role you’ll be filling for the rest of it. Men are expected to make something of themselves. That’s the big expectation men face. The world still largely expects men to have ambition and gain power and wealth and competency and the means to go into the world and carve for themselves the life they want and to be able to protect it.
Men today don’t wake up at 8 years old and go to work generally. They don’t know from their first memories that someday they will be a baker or soldier or follow dads footsteps on the whole. It’s rare to be conscripted at 16 or spend your life being prepared for the role you’ll be filling for the rest of it. Men are expected to make something of themselves. That’s the big expectation men face. The world still largely expects men to have ambition and gain power and wealth and competency and the means to go into the world and carve for themselves the life they want and to be able to protect it.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
Young men have three main things that are very hard in modern society that have changed greatly in a relatively short time.
1. Women now have more freedom and self sufficiency and aren’t essentially forced to take a man just to survive or have social value.
2. In much of the world we are somewhat more isolated because we don’t directly rely on each other as much. People are much freer to avoid others if they choose and we can more easily live out lives without relying on those immediately around us.
3. Men have more freedom from expectations than almost any period. While there are still various degrees of “traditionalist.”en aren’t expected to join the military or serve in government or start a family by 20 something to farm or carry a family business or trade as a general rule.
1. Women now have more freedom and self sufficiency and aren’t essentially forced to take a man just to survive or have social value.
2. In much of the world we are somewhat more isolated because we don’t directly rely on each other as much. People are much freer to avoid others if they choose and we can more easily live out lives without relying on those immediately around us.
3. Men have more freedom from expectations than almost any period. While there are still various degrees of “traditionalist.”en aren’t expected to join the military or serve in government or start a family by 20 something to farm or carry a family business or trade as a general rule.
How 90% of ers live 13 comments
· 1 year ago
That’s a bit of the point. Before this period in history young Guys tended to live like the picture… but worse. In general historical avenues like “join the military and go die at war or stand around somewhere doing mostly boring shit and talking about how you thought it would be different” or “impregnate the first woman you sleep with and see how that turns out” are still very much on the table as are: “go do difficult and often dangerous labor for often far too little money and hope to maybe start developing a skill…
Yeah, basically 11 comments
· 1 year ago
So there are nuances and such but I mean- even if someone lacks the social or emotional IQ or awareness to know when a convo is going poorly or the other person seems disinterested, if you have the awareness to think you were ghosted then at that point you know that it just wasn’t vibing even if you thought it was. Asking them if they ghosted you just seems sad and pointless. You might try sending a message to try and restart the convo and if that fails give up, or you might just decide for dig it it sakes that if they want to text you they have your number and if they don’t you have better things to do and think about.
Yeah, basically 11 comments
· 1 year ago
Wether it is friendly or romantic or ambiguous or other- a stranger is a stranger. If you are talking to someone new at a party or BBQ there are some situations it might seem odd or rude for them to just walk away and others where it would be pretty normal to walk away without saying anything else. Mrs. Manners would say you should introduce yourself formally and excuse yourself but in the real world that isn’t how every interaction goes.
If some person walks by and says: “I like your shirt!” You might not respond at all or say: “thanks!”
And then you both just continue on. They didn’t need to excuse themselves nor do you. You might be standing there and someone walks up and says: “you’re so and sos cousin right?” You could talk briefly and causally and then they see someone else or someone else speaks to them and they walk over there without a goodbye.
If some person walks by and says: “I like your shirt!” You might not respond at all or say: “thanks!”
And then you both just continue on. They didn’t need to excuse themselves nor do you. You might be standing there and someone walks up and says: “you’re so and sos cousin right?” You could talk briefly and causally and then they see someone else or someone else speaks to them and they walk over there without a goodbye.
Yeah, basically 11 comments
· 1 year ago
Those sorts of tactics and behaviors are not becoming and the selfishness or thoughtlessness in them is often a symptom of why one is being ghosted. Not always, sometimes people are just messed up or superficial or frivolous. It could be as simple as you were always meant to be a momentary distraction or fill a specific need for them. Whatever the reasons I can see both sides. It probably is best manners and kindest to not “ghost” people in general- to be honest but tactful or even lie a bit for tact. That said if one is ghosted or feels ghosted it is probably best to just move on. There are alot of pop culture ideas about “closure” that modern psychology just doesn’t support. If you are close to someone and/or have known them a long time being “ghosted” is a bit different generally, but to a stranger or relative stranger that’s all you are.
Yeah, basically 11 comments
· 1 year ago
Give me another chance is another one that fits many of the above and also ignores the fact they might have already given you several chances or the issue may have nothing to do with anything that could be changed. Most all these replies are also a foot in the door- they create a sort of social contract of expectation of a reply. So I say “I’m don’t texting you..” and you reply with something that either demands I address it with another reply that is likely to lead to more back and forth- the exact thing I said I wasn’t wanting to do with you- or I don’t reply or reply directly and unambiguously to close the matter and need to be or look cruel or tactless.
Yeah, basically 11 comments
· 1 year ago
In fairness though many people do get upset and abusive or harassing even with polite rejection and it is all true that many people beg and push. “But why though?” “I thought things were going well..” “give me another chance..” “really, tell me what I did wrong at least..” etc. all very self serving statements that tend to put the other party on the spot. Why they don’t think things are working for them doesn’t matter- that’s how they feel and if you were in a position to council them on their reminds they likely wouldn’t be breaking away from you. How you thought things were going is not relevant in how they feel and the statement puts them in a position where the natural responses are to try and vouch the blow by fluffing your ego “they were cool it’s just..” and of course defend the decision- which if you wanted to state a plain reason you would have.
Yeah, basically 11 comments
· 1 year ago
So if it’s been 3-6 months since you heard from them they probably “ghosted you,” though even then you might have been abroad or such. But if it’s a few days or maybe even a couple weeks they may just be slow to reply because they are busy and you aren’t yet a priority.
Personally I do think that if you are going to stop talking to someone because you don’t enjoy the conversations that you should speak your mind- you don’t have to be overly rude or anything, but telling them early on that you feel like you are doing a lot of the talking or such can be a hint. If the hint isn’t followed you can and maybe it is right to tell them that you’re glad for the experience but you don’t think that things are working between the two of you and you won’t be messaging further.
Personally I do think that if you are going to stop talking to someone because you don’t enjoy the conversations that you should speak your mind- you don’t have to be overly rude or anything, but telling them early on that you feel like you are doing a lot of the talking or such can be a hint. If the hint isn’t followed you can and maybe it is right to tell them that you’re glad for the experience but you don’t think that things are working between the two of you and you won’t be messaging further.
Yeah, basically 11 comments
· 1 year ago
I suppose it is subjective. Very busy people and especially many older people often can take days to text with someone they are meeting through text. If you have a full life you aren’t generally going to prioritize someone until they have shown you enough of themselves to get you invested. Early on things tend to be slow until you at least get to a point where you are meeting in person- which can itself be weeks or months due to scheduling conflicts. In the meantime you’re so busy that you aren’t really overly concerned that this person may “lose interest” because even if you’re looking for a friend or partner, fitting one in is going to take effort and patience on their part, so if they can’t deal with slow replies and not being the primary focus as a stranger that isn’t usually a good sign they’ll fit into your life later.
Did you guys really fall for the exponential growth bs? 17 comments
· 1 year ago
Tl:dr- there’s more to it but exponential growth is maybe a factor- really just consider that it wasn’t so much early man was inventing huge advanced things but that we had a lot to invent. Basically nothing existed except what grows or is produced by nature. You don’t need a computer or an airplane if you are starving and those things have no direct way to get you food. Before most people decide to try to figure out some huge problem and imagine an unseen technology from thin air then chase after it they might want a desk and a chair to think and work at or pencil let alone a system of writing to work with. So we had alot to invent and improve over tens of thousands of years and then reached a point where we were mostly all pretty well fed and could keep away bugs and weren’t dying at 4 years old and there were enough of us that we could improve those things while also trying to make a rock do math for us.
Did you guys really fall for the exponential growth bs? 17 comments
· 1 year ago
To the earlier points we often find technologies or discoveries that at first seem random until someone finds a use for them or that are perhaps a bit frivolous can often come back to have useful and critical applications. It’s a two way street where sometimes big important things made for saving lives and such can become common and plentiful enough to allow them to be used for more frivolous or mundane usage and sometimes technologies that were developed for or applied to more frivolous things can turn out to be a critical part of big discoveries.
There are other alternatives and in extreme cases weight may need to be brought down primarily by diet before one can safely engage in exercise. Obesity doesn’t always manifest the potential risk factors of obesity and not everyone who isn’t obese will not manifest risk factors like those in obesity. You still have to consider circulatory, respiratory, and other health factors independently.