Reverse car?? Flip it upside down?? 6 comments
· 1 year ago
If you are using ambient air- you aren’t using heat or AC and are just enjoying the outside air temp but don’t want the windows down because of noise or gust, you can leave recirculate off so the air doesn’t get stagnant.
Most modern cars have cabin air filters that can help reduce outside odors and filter pollutants, but in some cases they aren’t enough, and with older cars that had poor or no cabin filters, you might want to recirculate air if you are somewhere with lots of pollution or stuck in traffic where there can be a lot of particulates and emissions you may not want to breath in.
Most modern cars have cabin air filters that can help reduce outside odors and filter pollutants, but in some cases they aren’t enough, and with older cars that had poor or no cabin filters, you might want to recirculate air if you are somewhere with lots of pollution or stuck in traffic where there can be a lot of particulates and emissions you may not want to breath in.
Reverse car?? Flip it upside down?? 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Indeed. That is “recirculate air,” if it is off, air from outside the car is used when you turn on the vents. When it is on, air from inside the car is used.
If it is cold or hot out and you are running the heater or AC, recirculating air can be advisable because the outside air needs more heating or cooling to reach your desired temp while the inside air that has already passed through the heater/AC is usually closer to the desired temp so takes less to maintain that temp.
If you are driving somewhere with bad odors like near certain crop fields, large cattle ranches, sewers, industrial plants etc. you might recirculate to help keep the odors out.
If an odor is from inside the car like a fart or a baby pooping or a food/drink spill etc. you may want outside air so turn the recirc off generally.
If it is cold or hot out and you are running the heater or AC, recirculating air can be advisable because the outside air needs more heating or cooling to reach your desired temp while the inside air that has already passed through the heater/AC is usually closer to the desired temp so takes less to maintain that temp.
If you are driving somewhere with bad odors like near certain crop fields, large cattle ranches, sewers, industrial plants etc. you might recirculate to help keep the odors out.
If an odor is from inside the car like a fart or a baby pooping or a food/drink spill etc. you may want outside air so turn the recirc off generally.
Maybe that’s a bit too much 7 comments
· 1 year ago
The tragedy is that their government is responsible. Their government started a war, conducted itself as it did, tickled the bears balls while it slept, refused to take responsibility. Refused to accept defeat. Refused to protect its people over pride and self preservation. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens suffered the atomic bombings their government brought to their door, courted, then refused to stop until two cities were almost erased from the earth like a scene from the Old Testament.
The Imperial Japanese government owes a tremendous debt to its people who it lied to and brought such suffering to. America doesn’t owe Japan shit except a solemn acknowledgment that is is tragic such things had to happen, and to meet our commitment to defend Japan as agreed to post war, and to work together in hopes such things never need to happen again.
The Imperial Japanese government owes a tremendous debt to its people who it lied to and brought such suffering to. America doesn’t owe Japan shit except a solemn acknowledgment that is is tragic such things had to happen, and to meet our commitment to defend Japan as agreed to post war, and to work together in hopes such things never need to happen again.
Maybe that’s a bit too much 7 comments
· 1 year ago
We didn’t need to drop the bombs? They didn’t need to tape their way across Asia and cut the babies out of their mothers wombs and attempt to transplant animal organs into humans or gas and biological warfare countless civilians. They ducked around, they found out. We offered them leave once more and they still wanted to fuck around. So they found out again.
Maybe that’s a bit too much 7 comments
· 1 year ago
People criticize that and point to “bully mentality” or “victim blaming,” akin to saying it is a child’s fault their parents beats them because the parent said to be quiet and they didn’t listen so they did it themselves. I see why some might think that, but the logic doesn’t hold up because this wasn’t bullying, it was war. A war Japan was an instigator and aggressor in. More than happy to kill THREE TO TEN MILLION Chinese civilians in COLD BLOOD and kill and destroy and conquer when they had the advantage. Beat back to their island they said they wanted to keep what they had stollen, avoid consequences to their leaders for the tens of millions of deaths relating to their war, and keep the structures of power and leadership that led to all that. America said no. It was war. China didn’t ask for it. Korea didn’t ask for it. The Philippines didn’t ask for it. America didn’t ask for it.
Maybe that’s a bit too much 7 comments
· 1 year ago
They were warned extensively. EXTENSIVELY. They did not listen and did not try to avoid the first bomb. Fair enough they may have thought it was a bluff, but they were beaten already and wouldn’t admit it, so either way even if we didn’t need to bomb them as many claim, they should have surrendered wether it was a bluff or not. They did not. We bombed them and showed them that we weren’t lying. We told them to surrender and they said they didn’t accept our terms. So we renegotiated. The new terms were: all our old terms but we will drop nukes until you take the deal or there isn’t anything left to nuke. Wow. Peace was had. There didn’t need to be a first bomb and there didn’t need to be a second bomb because Japan could have and should have surrendered already.
Maybe that’s a bit too much 7 comments
· 1 year ago
Almost inarguably elements of racism and politics were involved in the decision to nuke Japan, but also almost inarguably they were defeated but just kept killing. Just kept fighting. We COULD have hoped diplomacy or blockades might work in time, while people kept fighting and dying and civilians and prisoners suffered under Japanese brutality. We could have rolled the dice that they wouldn’t just regain their strength and return to the fight then or in a few decades as they were insisting we leave in place the systems and individuals that facilitated and orchestrated their war. Or we could have fought house to house and used conventional fire bombs (which had already killed far more than the atomic bombs did..) and munitions in bloody battles with no certain outcome. Plan C.. shock and awe. Show a force so overwhelming that we break the enemies will to fight. That’s what we did and Japan hasn’t fought a war for 60 odd years. You’re welcome.
Maybe that’s a bit too much 7 comments
· 1 year ago
Read up on Japanese occupation of Korea, comfort women, the rights and names and language and beliefs stripped and forbidden Koreans. The rape and oppression and attempted erasure of their culture and people. Read up on the forced labor and conditions in Japanese labor camps. Read up on how the Japanese treated prisoners of war and those who surrendered or were unable to fight. Read up on The Japanese occupation and invasion of China. Manchukuo, The rape of Nanking, read up on unit 741 and Shiro ishii.
Maybe that’s a bit too much 7 comments
· 1 year ago
1. Most important rule. Write it down if you might forget. The American motto as written in our founding documents by Thomas Jefferson is: “Fuck around and find out.” If you do not want to find out, do not fuck around with America. Ever. At all. Just don’t.
2. It wasn’t “for Pearl Harbor,” by that point over 300,000 Americans had been killed, MIA, or wounded fighting Japan. Projections of casualties invading the mainland were at over 500,000 Americans and possibly more Japanese. Wether this is realistic or not has been debated endlessly but regardless it was the math of the time.
3. America wasn’t ONLY fighting over Pearl Harbor. Axis powers including Japan had started a.. world spanning war. Hence the name. World War 2. With extreme hostility and brutality they had invaded several countries and showed no signs of stopping, genocide groups populations and cultures.
2. It wasn’t “for Pearl Harbor,” by that point over 300,000 Americans had been killed, MIA, or wounded fighting Japan. Projections of casualties invading the mainland were at over 500,000 Americans and possibly more Japanese. Wether this is realistic or not has been debated endlessly but regardless it was the math of the time.
3. America wasn’t ONLY fighting over Pearl Harbor. Axis powers including Japan had started a.. world spanning war. Hence the name. World War 2. With extreme hostility and brutality they had invaded several countries and showed no signs of stopping, genocide groups populations and cultures.
If you are, how??? 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Pffft. These kids today take the oceans for granted. REAL old timers will tell you about a time when swirling dust and plasma were everywhere so thick you couldn’t see. Why, when they introduced water, people tried to stop it. They said one day the entire world would be under water if we didn’t stop it. The progressives won though and then came your little Pangea.
A pirate’s life for me :) 2 comments
· 1 year ago
On the one hand yes, the concept of owning an idea can be seen as distinctly anti capitalist and contrary to human advancement despite defenses like protecting creators or protecting financiers of large projects (both of which can be disproven easily.)
That said piracy is theft. You’re stealing. They still have the idea or the original work, but you are depriving them of fair compensation for their work. Look, this isn’t hard to understand.
If I go bang your partner/spouse/mother- the next day they are still there. They are unchanged physically and you would have no way to know their genitals or orifices had been used by me. A victimless act. No harm done right? So are you cool with that? Are you cool with random strangers having sex with your partners or loved ones as long as they leave no physical evidence? If you are not.. you prove the point that you can still be or feel wronged even if there isn’t physical loss.
That said piracy is theft. You’re stealing. They still have the idea or the original work, but you are depriving them of fair compensation for their work. Look, this isn’t hard to understand.
If I go bang your partner/spouse/mother- the next day they are still there. They are unchanged physically and you would have no way to know their genitals or orifices had been used by me. A victimless act. No harm done right? So are you cool with that? Are you cool with random strangers having sex with your partners or loved ones as long as they leave no physical evidence? If you are not.. you prove the point that you can still be or feel wronged even if there isn’t physical loss.
You are the carbon they wish to reduce 7 comments
· 1 year ago
It’s the same if you make $30k a year. You might feel like you have things badly but there are people in the world who get by with much less than you. They have families. They live and laugh and have hobbies. They have a different lifestyle, one maybe you wouldn’t want if you were given the choice- but they do fine.
There are people on the streets with families. People figure it out, so how ever little you have, you could probably have much less and still have all you need. The rest is want.
There are people on the streets with families. People figure it out, so how ever little you have, you could probably have much less and still have all you need. The rest is want.
You are the carbon they wish to reduce 7 comments
· 1 year ago
“Those people” or advantage counts as “privilege” or power at all. “How can I have privilege when I make $40k a year and drive a 15 year old car…?” You do. It’s just that your perspective is twisted. As said I’ve lived in a tent. I’ve made minimum wage and I’ve made less than minimum wage. I make quite a bit more than that now. In fact when I look at my bills and my relatively simple lifestyle I sometimes think I couldn’t live on only $75k a year- then I remember I’ve lived on $0 before. Not so long ago I had nothing to my name, not even a car, and I was making $20k a year due to some life events. So how now can I not picture living on $75k, the top 10% or so of earnings? Because you get used to what you have. You get used to a lifestyle. Things you don’t need become necessities.
You are the carbon they wish to reduce 7 comments
· 1 year ago
People coming from a place without access who want themselves and their families to have better work opportunities and safer neighborhoods and better education etc. Then someone says: “they weren’t born into the right to this zip code. I don’t want their kids taking resources and changing the environment at my kids school. I don’t want to compete for jobs against them..” and we use the power we have to hold them down so we can keep what we have or gain more. Most people don’t feel privileged. They don’t feel powerful. In a world where middle class families struggle to pay bills and police and politicians and the wealthy and our bosses have connections and can move mountains we feel that if we had privilege we wouldn’t be working and struggling so hard. That’s not true though. We can’t really see our privilege until we encounter people with less privilege than us. Most of the time we fail to see it though, or we discount them so completely as humans that we don’t think having power over
You are the carbon they wish to reduce 7 comments
· 1 year ago
Senators? Etc etc. most people that bitch about the rich wouldn’t behave so differently if they were rich. Or they wouldn’t likely be rich for long. We generally don’t like having people standing on our necks but most people are fine with or aspire to be the ones standing on the necks of others. The “average” American is in the top 1% of global wealth and lifestyle. As we complain about the selfish excess of the rich we ARE the global rich. As we complain about their elitism and trying to keep the “regular joes” from living and working and having opportunity in their “gated world” so many of us try to keep different genders or sexualities or races or nationalities from competing and living and having opportunity and access to our worlds. That’s literally what the indigestion debate is about.
You are the carbon they wish to reduce 7 comments
· 1 year ago
Now, I don’t believe that, but I also don’t believe the poor or unhomed or immigrants need to “lift themselves up by the bootstraps” or are inherently lazy or “want a free ride.” I do better than the average salary by several bits- but I’ve also been without a home living in a tent, so I have literally lived at far ends of the spectrum as far as wealth goes and have that perspective to speak from either experience. That said- the abuses and failings of the rich aren’t unique to the rich- they are human failings. That is the story of revolution told over and over in history. A cycle. “Down with the king, king live the king.” We topple and tear down the rich and elite and replace them with “champions of the people” who proceed to become the elite and rich. France, America, etc etc. rebelled against monarchy and the inequity between the common man and the rulers to do what? Do you think think that presidents don’t command wealth and power far beyond that of common men?
You are the carbon they wish to reduce 7 comments
· 1 year ago
The blue collar middle class worker that thinks the poor family or immigrant family needs to make their own way and lift themselves up or improve their own situation without leaning on what others have built- the “if i can do it you can do it” attitude? Yeah. Rich people have that too. The average American man makes $33k a year. All you need to be in the top 10 or so percent of earners is to make around $75k, do you know how easy it is to make $75k? why are most men making less than $30k? You don’t even need a college degree- you don’t even need a diploma to make $75k.
So you’ve got people who make $50k but they have millions from stocks, you’ve got guys making $250k or more, or guys like Elon Musk or Steve Jobs, Mark Z who can make $250k an hour- if they can do it- why are guys only pulling $30,50,75k? If they worked hard and wanted to- couldn’t they do it too? Aren’t the reasons they say they can’t just “excuses?”
So you’ve got people who make $50k but they have millions from stocks, you’ve got guys making $250k or more, or guys like Elon Musk or Steve Jobs, Mark Z who can make $250k an hour- if they can do it- why are guys only pulling $30,50,75k? If they worked hard and wanted to- couldn’t they do it too? Aren’t the reasons they say they can’t just “excuses?”
You are the carbon they wish to reduce 7 comments
· 1 year ago
Well yeah. And no. I’ll one up you. Right now homeless and tent cities and immigration are big issues among the middle class. THATS how the rich see you. You are blight always wants more money but don’t want to “do the work” to get it. You are potential thrives and criminals that are a danger to taking what is theirs. You built your ugly homes and pile your crap up and west your rags and have poor manners and ruin the ambiance and make things ugly and crowded. You are the person who thinks you are entitled to “basic rights” and “quality of life” but are taking up resources and brining crime and problems to them. Your culture annoys them, your perceived laziness. That’s how so many feel about the unhomed and poor and immigrants- do the middle class can understand how the rich feel about them on the whole. If you aren’t to be loathed you are to be pitied and given whatever crumbs they feel they can spare to feel good but not actually cause themselves problems.
Here's another way to do it 4 comments
· 1 year ago
So cats haven’t really gotten as much attention in those ways as dogs. In part because humans rarely work with cats. We live with cats, but the work of cats- primarily pest control, is usually a solitary job. Dogs traditionally have worked closely with humans in collaborative tasks. That not only has caused us to adapt closer to each other over time but builds more of a partnership and connection as we can observe more closely and part of that process requires understanding how to influence the behavior of dogs and work with vs. Cats whom we can generally leave to their nature and they will just do what they normally do which benefits us.
Here's another way to do it 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Of course we tend to observe cats in nature to get an idea of what sorts of things they enjoy that we might emulate- but that isn’t really the best way to do these things because humans enjoy many things that don’t directly correlate to the things a feral human might have available to them. They may in some way tie to some instinct but things like enjoying stories and by extension television and such- those aren’t exactly direct analogs to natural behavior. We can connect the dots to work back to the realms we might enjoy those things, but it wouldn’t be intuitive per se to observe a wild human or a primate analog and deduce they’d enjoy watching Seinfeld or a cartoon man turn into a pickle.
Here's another way to do it 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Findings are indicating that cats may simply require different stimulus and environments than dogs. Some things aren’t particularly new discoveries, it is generally held that cats are happier when they get adequate attention of the desired type and have stimulation for their natural instincts and some degree of novelty- toys that allow them to chase and explore and such, but it isn’t enough to have a ball in a track or a remote control mouse or a feather on a string. In fact many such toys and cats reactions to them might be akin to if aliens were studying a human locked in a room and gave them a pillow so they began to twirl it on their finger and the aliens jotted down: “humans love playing with pillows” and called that case closed without need to explore other options.
Here's another way to do it 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Funny enough (or sad enough?) there is a theory right now amongst animal cognitive psychologists that the majority of house cars are depressed. You may have seen one of many studies where dogs are given word buttons to comunícate by pressing the buttons? It may seem odd but it was only recently that any real documented experiment was done with cats- it was just generally assumed cats wouldn’t take to the process by their nature as being somewhat difficult to train. It turns out at least some cats can be trained to comunícate this way, and that early findings show that cats might have deeper social needs than once thought. This is bolstered by other studies on house cats behavior, brain activity, and hormone levels. A general assumption is that cats are much simpler and require less attention or care than dogs by their nature.
Man, What a Cissy 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Well well. Have the turns have tabled on this free speech thing and the “fight against over sensitivity” or calls for alignment of reality when the “free speech champion” labels a 30 year old clinical word a slur. But- all for progress. Perhaps “equagender” as in- one’s gender equals their birth gender, or maybe ” as “trans” means across and cis means “on this side” so perhaps a directional prefix… but most of those may be confusing or read as biased one way or another so…perhaps “genderose”- of like gender? Of course surely Musk couldn’t object to “sicgender” or sisgender” which are entirely unique words from the alleged slur.
Man, What a Cissy 6 comments
If your windows are up and the recirculate function is used, breathing and general bodily functions release moisture into the air. If you are recirculating air and not running the AC, that humidity can build up as the air is recycled over and over. If the temperature and humidity are in certain ranges such as when the air outside is colder than the air inside the car, you can get “fogging” where you get a haze or droplets on the inside of the glass such as the windshield. It is generally recommended by most manufacturers to run the AC when recirculating air- especially if fogging is an issue, as the AC dehumidifies the air and can help prevent or remove fogging.