

Comments inspired by your favorite users

— guestt Report User
Trust me I'm an Engineer 8 comments
guestt · 8 years ago
engineers: architects who aren't creative
Men defined 23 comments
guestt · 8 years ago
still batman
Hoe, this is serious 7 comments
guestt · 8 years ago
I believe there are more than 2 kinds of snakes...somewhere around 3,000 species
l 14 comments
guestt · 8 years ago
what? Their new music is great
Belgian fries in fact 14 comments
guestt · 8 years ago
then I would say, "cool" and move on with my life
This is the rare PeaCat 12 comments
guestt · 8 years ago
yeah, we use yahoo here
Awesome n64 2 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
It'd be even more awesome if it had a fan that blew the dust out of the slot.
Games be like 3 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
and then there's risk
My brothers, sister, and I would almost kill each other because of this stage.. 20 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
anyone remember the original n64 rainbow road? To make it harder, there were large dog monster things that come right at you the whole time
Haven't laughed this much for a long time 22 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
you mean chelsea?
The clearest photo of Mercury ever taken 6 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
mercury and the moon have very similar surfaces though. They both have almost no atmosphere and many craters, so they look very alike.
The perfect crime 4 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
gosh, you have to be smart to get every single question wrong
My version of flirting in a nutshell 5 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
well then...
Morgan Freeman showing Oprah he's not Samuel L. Jackson 29 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
Maybe David Beckham?
NASA shows its love to Interstellar 4 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
yeah they are!
Good guy 7 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
Johnny Karate, RIP :'(
Lending pens for finals 17 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
would you like my username if it was straightboy?
I laughed more than I should have 8 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
haha, I got your nose!
Fried chicken actually sounds good right now. And some hot buttery potatoes. 7 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
"Kenny, do you have enough to share with everyone?"
A new mystery to be solved 18 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
Such a good series!
Good work squid 12 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
woaaah o.o 31 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
Also not confusing how we start over with freshmen-senior when we get into college
Stared at this for 5minutes, couldn't figure it out. I feel so stupid! 22 comments
guestt · 9 years ago
what if it's in park? Or reverse? that's right, I passed preschool for a reason