Freuchen the man who knows no death 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Ron Swanson approves of this message
Join me on the hype train everyone 7 comments
What will happen when a 500km asteriod hits Earth 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Check out the movie These Final Hours on netflix. It's the story of what happens to one person during those 10 hours.
I'm a waiter and... 6 comments
Seeing your fave artists live like... 6 comments
One more reason to hate Kanye 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Why? If you personally like it why let other people tell you it's not ok. If you don't like it well that's a different story.
When no one gets your name right 12 comments
Deadpool comp 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I once brought a dead pool back to life, it was dead for over four years. There were so many tadpoles, I had to sacrifice their energy to restore the pool to its former glory.
Why is the rum always gone 11 comments
Seriously 35 comments
· 9 years ago
When the CEO cuts jobs so the CEO can get a raise is the real problem. It's ok the CEO make 5 million
Better safe than sorry 24 comments
· 9 years ago
So he acts like an asshole? People get butt hurt way to easily now I suppose. My ego would be big to if I came from nothing to where he is now, as would everyone's. What's the difference between him suggesting not the greatest album in the world, no this is just a tribute now, and a big label record company doing it in a year? Either way its gonna get made.
Better safe than sorry 24 comments
Guide to flavoring with fresh herbs 3 comments