Happy Frog


Hippity hoppity

— Happy Frog Report User
Froggo Fren #17 - Goliath Frog 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Conraua goliath" - the biggest chonk. The largest known frog species, weighing up to 3.5 kg. Despite their formidable stature, they are threaten by habitat loss and harvesting for food and the pet trade. Thus they are only found in a narrow range in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. (They seem to enjoy the show 'Gargoyles,' and they appear to have an aversion to people named David)
Photoshop Challenge #11 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Oh, Lord, pray Thee tell me, was it I?
Froggo Fren #16 - White's Tree Frog 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Litoria caerulea" - also called the dumpy tree frog, or less commonly dickfingers. The first frog that shows up when you google 'frog' (as of this post). Their docile nature and resistance to disease makes them popular pets, as well important specimens in medicinal research. (They're essentially froggo-cattos, but less fluffy and more squishy)
Darth funky 1 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
If only you knew the power of the Daft Side.
We gotta boil the ocean 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Caligula approves.
Time to find a princess boys 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I fail to see the problem.
What's funny is that it's true 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Ugh, kids today." - Old people today
Duck speed, Mr. Sulu 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
The duck don't give a dang.
Froggo Fren #15 - Salad Frog 8 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
The last thing you'd want in your Waitrose Lettuce Bag is a frog, but apparently that's what you get. (No worries though, the frog was rescued and relocated by the RSPCA)
Our strongest soldier 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I find this very appealing. Let's hope he doesn't slip up.
Always read the title 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Cute tummy though. Would rub. (With permission, of course)
Mind you 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Ah, it figures.
Mind you 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
If they hate it so much, why are they sticking around?
Froggo Fren #14 - Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Bombina orientalis" - also called the tuti toad, not be confused with 'tutti frutti toad.' The fire in their belly comes from unwavering determination, as well the beta-carotene acquired from the small arthropods in their diet. (Orange you glad they're only mildly irritating to humans?)
Have no fear, Brazil! 1 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
About as useful at stopping disasters as their urban counterparts: Thots and Players.
Photoshop Challenge #8 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Welp, Tesla was right.
Epic crossover 8 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Low-functioning mentally impaired teetotallers?
Froggo Fren #13 - Relict Leopard Frog 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Lithobates onca" - the rare rawr frog. Originally found along most of the Colorado River, they are now only found around Lake Mead, Nevada. Their small numbers are due to habitat loss and invasive species. (This frog does not actually rawr, nor will they attempt to clap alien cheeks)
Bright and early for their daily races, going nowhere, going nowhere 16 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
That's sad. Try "Chop Suey" by System Of A Down.
We need more Anime tiddies 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Tiddies may prevent shooting, but we all know only flat girls will bring us justice.
Froggo Fren #12 - Talk Like a Pirate Day's Special 1 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Y'arrr, me hearties! This be our old mate "Rana temporaria" (European common brown frog) gettin' down to some good ol' clutch piracy. This be when one or more lads try t'find a clutch of eggs an' fertilize any that haven't been seeded durin' the dock rockin'. Be warned, this only be observed in yonder Pyrenees Mountains, where the lads outnumber the lasses 4 to 1.
Bloody hell 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Don't say you necromance, unless you got the necropants.
Woahhh 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Slow down! I wanna get there, but I wanna get there alive!"
Happens every time 9 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Gotta save them Potions for the Elite Four, and the League Champion.
Froggo Fren #11 - Budgett's Frog 6 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I'm ribbit-ed for your pleasure.