Happy Frog


Hippity hoppity

— Happy Frog Report User
Lada airbag 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Now that's a Lada damage!
You say tomato, I say tultol 8 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Indeed so, vages-medidog.
Its gone too far. 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I'm gonna say Ikea DIY Church.
Give live action a break 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Who lives in a pineapple
Unda da sea? Unda da sea?"
Froggo Fren #22/Spooktober Day 1 - Royal Ghost Frog 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Heleophryne regis" - the South African spook. Found only in Skeleton Gorge (yes, really) this regal doot has small hooks on the underside of their body, which allows them to cling to rocks in fast-moving stream. Their call is harsh and creaky; not something you'd want to hear at night (Please let me know if this is too spooky, and if it should be NSFW)
Now the curse will let go of him and he can finally grow old 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Didn't Ash win the Orange League though?
Helmet Dog #3 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
It's Captain Melonhead's faithful companion, The Cantaloupe Canine!
Froggo Fren #21 - Indian Bullfrog 6 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Hoplobatrachus tigerinus" - also called the Indus Valley bullfrog. Their history dates back eons and their legacy is grand. In ancient times they were a cradle of civilization, much the same as Mesopotamia. In modern times, they are known for making flamboyant movies filled with extravagant dance numbers (known as Bullfroggywood) And more recently, for making online tutorial videos, as well as music videos as part of the popular Toad Series. (Pictured: two males attempting to get some frog bob and slimy vegeny)
And the queen still lives 8 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Poor Wales. They get left out, even though they got a friggin' dragon on their flag.
Merci france 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Let them eat it.
Accurate 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
C'mon. What are ya, chicken?
French is 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
De rien. I guess it's because people prefer hearing 'putain' every other word, rather than 'puta', 'kurwa' or 'fucking.'
Share your TV/Movie crush Mine: Amy Santiago 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Cameron Diaz (as Tina) in 'The Mask.' The very definition of sexy. S-E-X. Y? 'Cause she was ssssssmokin!
Interesting 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
A flesh wound? Your arm's off!
The frog prince 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I see nothing wrong with this.
French is 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Um, French is the language of love. And 'unique' is a rather generous way of describing Italian beaten with a Russian stick.
Froggo Fren #20 - Golden Poison Frog 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Phyllobates terribilis" - also known as the golden dart frog, or simply golden frog. Found only on the western coast of Colombia, they are the largest species of poison dart frog, though still relatively tiny at 55 mm (roughly 2 inches) Even so, this little nugget packs enough poison to kill between 10 to 20 people. Very rarely for frogs, they are quite sociable and live in groups of around 6 individuals. (They're also very intelligent and adept at precision tongue-hunting. One might say they're rather cunning linguists)
(]^) I know where this is going 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Japan's always one step ahead.
Shes a keeper 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Personally, I'd go for Palutena.
Froggo Fren #19 - Tomato Frog 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Dyscophus antongilii" - also called the crapaud rouge de Madagascar. Despite their juicy and ripe appearance, you would not want them on your salad. This is because, when threatened they secrete a white substance from their skin which is both toxic and very sticky. (After lemurs bite this frog, they often find they cannot move it, move it)
6 · Edited 4 years ago
The ups and downs of life 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
These types of jokes really lift my spirit.
Froggo Fren #18 - Woodhouse's Toad 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Anaxyrus woodhousii" - a picture of majesty and elegance. This robust and stoic bonk is found throughout the United States and Mexico. (They are frequently adopted by British butlers who have to deal with nymphomaniac trigger-happy man-children, and are commonly given the name Reggie)
Frog camo activated 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Trust no one, not even yourself.
Was zum Teufel hast du gerade über dieses verfluchte Land gebracht 8 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Instead of 'ara ara,' does she go 'rawra rawra?'
Can't stop won't stop 1 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago