Happy Frog


Hippity hoppity

— Happy Frog Report User
Froggo Fren #45/Spooktober Day 24 - Long-Nosed Horned Frog 6 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Semper ri(bbit).
Froggo Fren #45/Spooktober Day 24 - Long-Nosed Horned Frog 6 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Megophrys nasuta" - this is not the face of mercy. Another living relative of the devil frog (as if it weren't obvious), they are also called Malayan leaf frogs due to the fact that their dorsal side resembles a dead leaf. This provides them with ideal camouflage on the forest floor. Despite their threatening appearance, their call is less so, sounding something like a car horn. (It is said their nose is big because they were cursed by fairy so that it would grow whenever they lied)
Onichichi 8 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I plot to watch hentai.
Spider of the year goes to : Bob 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Is he related to Lucas by any chance?
Mine is: Congratulations General you've been promoted! 21 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Game over! Yeeeeeeaaaahhh!"
Being a supreme human being is not an easy job 8 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Soy le Überhombre! Vous werden bow ore- sama no mae!
Froggo Fren #44/Spooktober Day 23 - Mutant Frog 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
When you stare into the maw of the abyss, it stares back. This chthonic-looking toad is actually quite harmless, and was discovered by two little girls in a garden in Ontario, Canada. Their condition (known as a macromutation) is supposedly caused by a parasitic worm (Ribeiroia ondatrae). Despite their malformation, the toad was otherwise perfectly healthy, capable of both using their vision and feeding. (It's believed they subside solely on a see-food diet)
12 · Edited 4 years ago
Got em 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
No quieres?
Oh canada 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
You'd think this would count as a cold-hearted crime. But as it turns out, it's snow problem.
The Lorde's diet 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Maybe it's because the first English-speaking people to try it thought it had a spongy texture.
The Lorde's diet 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
It's a sponge gourd. And hey, you're Vietnamese?
Crikey mate 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
So help me, I will unleash all my Electric-types.
Froggo Fren #43/Spooktober Day 22 - Ghost Glass Frog 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Sachatamia ilex" - what you did there, they see it. Unrelated to the ghost frogs of Skeleton Gorge, this little spook is found in Central America. Like most glass frogs, their skin is translucent, though they can vary the intensity of their green pigmentation. Their call is a clicking noise repeated every few minutes. (Not unlike some one scrolling a funny image site using a mouse)
Midweek with Terry 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Lotsa people swimmin' up there. Ah could pig out if Ah wan'ed to. But Ah'm watchin' mah weight 'cause Ah don' wanna spend the 4th of July alone again."
Froggo Fren #42/Spooktober Day 21 - Deep Dream Frog 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Frog-Sothoth knows the gate. Frog-Sothoth is the gate. Frog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Frog-Sothoth."
- H.P. Lovecroak
The frog is real, but the imagery is made using special software... or is it??? (Yes, yes it is) Not much to say about it, I just thought it looked cool and spooky. (If you don't feel like sleeping, there's also a video)
Thus, "Whomst'd've" 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Yes, a most cogniferous pontification with splendiferous implications.
Yeet skeet repeat 8 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Do... do you not?
Bakugou in a nutshell 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I'm noticing a distinct lack of Froppy in this comic.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Froggo Fren #41/Spooktober Day 20 - Mapinguari Clown Tree Frog 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
The joke is that there is no joke. It's a reference to the new "Joker" movie (y'know, 'cause the frog's a clown)
Spread the love guys 1 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Not since I've seen a young man rushing to an old lady's side after he pushed her down the stairs, have I witnessed such depth of human compassion.
Froggo Fren #41/Spooktober Day 20 - Mapinguari Clown Tree Frog 7 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Dendropsophus mapinguari" - we live in a society. However, this frog lives in the Amazon rainforest. And apparently their call scared their discoverer so much that they named them after a monstrous South American mythical beast: the mapinguari, which is said to resemble a giant ground sloth. (I would tell a joke, but... you wouldn't get it)
Warning: Big Scary Spider 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Ah! Big spooder did me a frighten!
Ara ara~ 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
The shota blissfully unaware enjoys his meal moments before the wild oneesans pounce.
The detail on this sculpture 14 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
...and the thiccness.
title 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
We all live in a Pokémon society.