Happy Frog


Hippity hoppity

— Happy Frog Report User
Froggo Fren #109 - Common Midwife Toad 1 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Alytes obstetricans" - less commonly called the nurse frog. While they neither nurse nor help deliver others' babies, the males of this species do carry their eggs on their back and thighs until they're ready to hatch. They have a very western approach to child rearing, which is fitting since this frog is found throughout most of Western Europe. (Sometimes though, after their tadpoles leave them, they can enter a state of lethargy known as a midwife crisis)
On that note, happy International Nurses' Day! Now more than ever, these frontline health workers deserve our acknowledgement and support.
The boss 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Okay, so take us through a day in the life of "The Boss."
Dafuq iz dis shit 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I don't know about that, but I heard it's great for weight loss.
The CW in a nutshell 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Well, maybe it's a live action JoJo adaptation... Oops, better not give them ideas.
7 · Edited 4 years ago
I hope she understands English 16 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Relax gringo 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Tiene sus papeles?
I am still crying...Savage af 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I actually didn't notice that. It would seem you have eyes for ears.
Froggo Fun #136 - Pepe Sticker on a Motorcycle 1 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
The rarest Pepe of them all: the IRL Pepe. He appears once in a googolplex posts. Do not save and/or redistribute. Failure to comply will result in a sentence of a lifetime of feels bad, man.
If you’re sick still come 11 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I know this is most likely wishful thinking, but I hope the surviving extros learn from this, and realize that forcing introverts to go outside is just as maddening to the latter as this lockdown is to the former.
I can't stop laughing send help 12 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
That's a very blunt statement.
Sherlock it 9 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Such foresight. Are perhaps related to Nostril-damus?
Sherlock it 9 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
My scent-iments exactly.
Sherlock it 9 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Okay, that joke was too on the nose.
Spinifex pigeon (Geophaps plumifera) - PigeonSubstance 6 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
So the bird's name made me think of sphinxes. Turns out though spinifexes are a kind of grass.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Froggo Fren #108 - Kottigehar Dancing Frog 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"Micrixalus kottigeharensis" - the dancing queen, only seventeen. Well, king anyway; and it's not so much dancing as it is displaying their legs. The males do this in addition to their calls in order to attract mates (either that, or they're trying to hitch-hike) They're one of the few species of frogs who communicate through semaphore (that is, through signing) It's believed they do this because their calls are too quiet to be heard across long distances against the noises of their habitat. (That just proves that if your voice is never heard, you gotta show a little leg)
As for ol' Henry over there... Big oof 2 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Autos machen frei... und schneller.
Relationship goals 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Goodness this is beautiful... Well done, bot, well done :')
Frogs in Fiction #19 - Jeremy Fisher 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
The titular character of the 1906 children's book 'The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher' by Beatrix Potter (of Peter Rabbit fame) Mr. Fisher lives in a house on the edge of a pond, and one day (plot twist) he decides to go fishing. After numerous setbacks, including almost being swallowed whole by a trout, he decides it might be best to renounce his endeavor. His story has had a handful of adaptations including being featured in the 1971 film 'The Tales of Beatrix Potter' (where the pictured gif is from)
5 · Edited 4 years ago
Froggo Fun #135 - Shroom Stash 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I would if they made them. And they should make them, shrooms are pretty hard to find as it is.
Froggo Fun #135 - Shroom Stash 3 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
"I thought you said you have depression."
"I do."
"Then how are you always so happy?"
"I have my ways."
hmmmmmmm 1 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Don't judge them, the inner machinations of their minds are an enigma.
Huehuehuehue 10 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Ah yes, tell a girl to shut up, that always works 'cause it hits them on a visceral level. Just like how giving an angry woman a knife will cause them to make you a sandwich. Why doesn't he tell her to smile more while he's at it?
Just Curious 15 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Makes me think how we'll all be just memories one day, pleasant or otherwise.
EDIT: Thank you for your replies. Also, I'm sorry, I didn't mean trigger anyone.
It is fascinating to think that even a little meme site has a history, and various stories about the individuals associated with it. I do wonder how old this site is. The oldest posts I've seen are 7 years old, but somehow I feel the site had been around for longer than that.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Bremen, Germany 4 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
Ah yes, the classic Bremen - Hamburg rivalry... That's a thing, right?
Wild Chickens: Golden Pheasant 5 comments
happy_frog · 4 years ago
I get that. I was just making a joke. I appreciate your posts.