Happy Frog


Hippity hoppity

— Happy Frog Report User
Gratitude Journal Week 18 - For Fox Sake 1 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Yay! They're here, too. And they're just as friendly as ever, maybe friendlier. This guy/girl was a lot less shy than most of the foxes I've seen. Doesn't mean they were willing to stay too still, though. Nonetheless, I'm glad to have seen them.
Froggo Fun #515 - We Now Return You to Your Regularly Scheduled Frogs, Already in Progress 2 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
I'm sure everyone missed this pulse-pounding action.
I'm definitely a Piplup 10 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Gen I: Charmander. I like Water Pokémon the most, but in this gen, the little fire lizard is the best.
Gen II: Totodile. Crocs are cool, I don't care what anyone says.
Gen III: Treecko. Mudkip and Torchic are cute. But leaf lizard wins 'cause coolness factor.
Gen IV: Piplup. Pingu pingu noot noot.
Gen V: Snivy. They're so smug, and they turn into snek.
Gen VI: Take a wild guess.
Gen VII: I understand Rowlet is the best Starter in this gen, but Litten is lit.
Gen VIII: Sobble. (Must protecc sad lizard.)
I like strawberry 8 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
I haven't tried that many, but I have to agree with @title.
*puts fingers on temples* 9 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
You know mind reading entails seeing other people's thoughts not one's own, right?
2 · Edited 3 years ago
*puts fingers on temples* 9 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
*Sends answer telepathically*
Shark Attack #33/Final - Shark Girl Enjoying Ice Cream 1 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
A mix of my previous two posts. Not where I expected to end Shark Week, but I can't say I'm displeased. After all, better she eat that ice cream than any of you.
I'm sure the sharks shall circle 'round next year too. But for now... Fin (Yes, I used a Sharknado reference. I'm not apologising.)
Shark Attack #32/Special - Happy Ice Cream Day! 1 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
It's also Super Sundae today. Established by Ronald Reagan in 1984 (I'm sure the year is just a coincidence) and celebrated on the third Sunday of July, this holiday is a chance for people in the US to get deals on their favorite frozen treat brands.
Now, do sharks like ice cream? Unsure, but they seem pretty chill about it.
Shark Attack #31/Super Sunday Week 9 - Shark-Girl (Marvel) 3 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Is there a Lava Boy, too? I guess the Human Torch kinda counts.
A relatively new addition to the X-men, Shark-Girl (real name Iara dos Santos) was created in 2012. She hails from Brazil, and once her powers started to kick in, she developed a strong craving for fish. This led to some trouble with the local fisherman until she was found by Angel who convinced her to join the X-Mansion (aka the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning).
She can switch between her shark and human form, and while she's a shark she has increased strength and durability as well underwater breathing.
I will say that it's nice to see positive shark representation in comics, even if her parts aren't that big yet. (Also, if she needs a mentor, she should consider asking a certain other shark girl.)
Shark Attack #29 - Live Cat Found in the Belly of a Shark 5 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
I'll assume good faith, and that you don't really know. In the story of Pinocchio (the wooden boy who came to life) Geppetto is the guy who made said boy. At point he was swallowed by a whale.
The biblical Jonah would have worked as well, but Geppetto was the one on my mind for some reason.
Shark Attack #16 - They're not...Cold-Blooded Killers 4 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Well, great white sharks are considered vulnerable as far as their conservation status is concerned. So while they're not cancelled yet, they may certainly get there.
Shark Attack #30 - Totally Legit 4 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
A catshark, actually. They do exist.
Shark Attack #30 - Totally Legit 4 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Not that I wouldn't adopt her either way.
Shark Attack #29 - Live Cat Found in the Belly of a Shark 5 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Top that, Geppetto.
Shark Attack #28 - They Are Not Amused 6 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
I can't imagine why cats constantly plot their hoomans' downfall.
Shark Attack #27 - There's Always a Bigger Fish 2 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
That flying shark kinda looks like a Kirov.
Shark Attack #26/Caturday Week 9 - Catsharks 1 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Yes, they're quite real. In fact it's one of the largest shark families out there, with around 160 species.
But are they catty? No, but they are fond of cat's-eyes. Chiefly because of their own eyes are very cat-like in appearance. Not everyone seems to think so though, as some species of catsharks are also know as dogfish for some reason. Of course, no species of this family has been observed barking or meowing...yet.
One humorous characteristic of catsharks is that tooth regeneration in the lower jaw of juveniles is dependant on the sonic hedgehog protein (that's what it's called).
Quite fitting too, since shark teeth grow really quickly. Gotta bite fast!
Shark Attack #24 - Proto-Gura? 3 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
I was just joking. But if that's true, I'm glad it fits.
Shark Attack #25 - Fish Are Friends, Not Food 1 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
It's understandable if people like fish sticks tough, and if they like having them in their mouths.
Shark Attack #24 - Proto-Gura? 3 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
It had to have started somewhere.
Shark Attack #23 - Another Vicious One Caught on Tape 1 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Oh the savagery!
Shark Attack #22 - War Does Not Determine Who Is Right, Only Who Is Left Shark 1 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
'Member him?
(Should I have put in a trigger warning for rightists?)
Shark Attack #21/Froppy Friday - What if the Shark Is the One Being Attacked? 1 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Alternatively, Froppy derailing Shark Week.
Shark Attack #20 - Life Imitates Art 5 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
Geez, Pekora isn't that bad, is she? But yeah, among the JP girls, Korone is undeniably the cutest. And now I'm curious which Korone-related thing you're watching.
· Edited 3 years ago
Happy_Frog this is so cool! 3 comments
happy_frog · 3 years ago
This is awesome. I can certainly see why it got the nomination. Thank you so much for sharing.
How are your frogs doing, by the way?