Happy Frog


Hippity hoppity

— Happy Frog Report User
Hello, I Want to Play a Game 7 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Highway to Hell with a Boner.
AI is smarter than we are 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
So the machines have already surpassed us. The age of man is coming to an end.
Some Completely Ordinary Sand 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Eye see no reason two be scared.
Froggos '23 #111 - An Offer You Can't Refuse 3 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Yes, I would like to purchase 1 serotonin, please.
Tako Tuesday - Jellybean Octos 3 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Note: Not actually jellybeans, but octo eggs. Although, octopus eggs are sometimes called sea grapes, for some reason.
Those kooky Yankees… 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
The same? I might be out of the loop, but last I checked, no one from those countries shot a teen (twice) for accidently ringing their doorbell.
Froggos '23 #110 - Tapir Frog (Totally Real, You Guys!) 2 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Were you expecting a bamboozle. Well, I have bamboozled that expectation, for these long-nosed leapers are quite real.
First discovered in 2019, and formally described in 2022, they've long been known to the inhabitants of the Western Amazon who call them rana danta (lit. tapir frog).
Since they're a newly discovered species, not much is known about them. What is known however, is that they're a burrowing frog spending most of their time underground, particularly in mud. Their chocolate coloring helps with camouflage. (But, like the chocolate frog of Australia, they're not actually made of chocolate.)
It's wedneday my dudes 2 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Frogs never skip leg day.
Sailor Monday 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Thankfully, my current job doesn't drain me on a daily basis as much as my previous ones did.
Froggos '23 #109/Special - Happy Orthodox Easter! 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
There's always room for moar choccy eggs.
Caturday - Cat-erpillar Blep 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
One day, they shall be a beautiful catterfly.
Froggos '23 #108 - A Frogwork Orange 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Viddy well, my froggies.
Froggos '23 #107/ Froppy Friday - Is This the Law of Equivalent Exchange? 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
I wonder if it breaks the Second Law of Froggodynamics.
Thou Hast Been Rick Scrolled 2 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
So, some of the comments on this vid say that Old English sounds pretty similar to Danish.
Makes sense, I guess, since the Anglo-Saxons came from an area that is now Denmark. It does make me wonder how much of this a modern Dane would understand.
Some words sound similar to German as well.
Here's a picture of Salter conquering Burgerland to brighten your day 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Gib Salter all the borger.
Froggos '23 #106 - I'm Not Saying It Was Aliens, but... 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
It was probably fraliens.
Should I? 3 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Better do it before he starts to bark.
Froggos '23 #105 - They Know 2 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
One day you will have to answer for your actions. And Frog may. Not. Be. So. M̵̡̨͈̱̳̥̤͙̠̗̎͑̔̄̾̈́̏̕͝͠ề̵̦̤̥̘͎̹̲͉͕̏̃͑̏̾̍͑̾̀ͅr̷̻͖̰̳̩̖̪̩̄̓̐͊́͛́͂͝͠ͅͅ¢̵̡̡͕̰̻̮͔̤̙̊̌̔̐͒̒͂͐̐̚͜į̷̞͔̮̮̗̠̣̟͚̈͒̄͑̔̒̑̈̀́̓£̶̧͚̼̫̯̘͎̜̖̱̓̔̈́̾̈́͒́͌̒́µ̵̬͙̫̜̜̩̹͇̀̿̀̎̽̆̈̕͜͜͝͝l̶̨̜͔̫̯͓̣̻̺̭̏̓̏͆́̍̂̎͝͝
80s and 90s anime are good but the casual nudity is excessive 2 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
That, and fanservice in those anime was (usually) more subtle and designed more to titilate, rather than arouse.... Um, so I've heard, at any rate.
3 dolla 1 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
True. There is only one blue tick that deserves your money: https://www.cheatsheet.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/The-Tick-animated-series.jpg?x23912
· Edited 1 year ago
Easter's not Over for Terry 3 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
@snowbeast, here's Terry's bunny ears.
Froggos '23 #104 - What Are THOOOSE?! 2 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
As some may know, a frock is a real item of clothing. Of course, it doesn't look like the pic.
Tako Tuesday - Polymer Clay Octo 3 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
I don't know how people manage to make stuff like this, but I am grateful that they do.
Yeah, I'm into BDSM 4 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
That may very well be the case. To me, it stands for Bamboozle, Deversion and Sowing of Mischief.
Yeah, I'm into BDSM 4 comments
happy_frog · 1 year ago
Gotta be honest, the Byzantines just don't feel like Romans, especially after Heraclius. And the skutatoi? C'mon, they're just cataphract rip-offs. Though I guess the Romans were good at, um, adapting stuff from other cultures.