Happy Frog


Hippity hoppity

— Happy Frog Report User
Gr1ll3d Cheese 1 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Eh, we could do far worse than grilled cheese.
Rare Pick of Gay Chemtrails Being Dispersed by a Gov'ment Plane 4 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Not really, they're called contrails. But I wonder how many people actually believed the title, if only for a split second.
Going Green 6 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
You know how in Norse mythology gods can appear as giants to giants, and as humans to humans simultaneously? Well, Terry merely adapts his size to the gifts he brings, for us mere mortals cannot hope to comprehend his true form.
Squalid jumbled young 1 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
That's basically the plot of Hatoful Boyfriend, isn't it?
Another vegimal 1 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Going Green 6 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
That tree kinda looks loke a big piece of broccoli.
Heart supply-side double-blind 1 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
That's a big "usually", especially if the noises aren't coming from forest but from, say, the henhouse. Also, humans aren't exactly known for waiting for an invitation before encroaching on wilderness. That's why they come into conflict with the things making the noises in the first place.
We All Do 4 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Yes, I'm afraid you missed the Rapture yet again. Oh well, there's always the next one.
We All Do 4 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Everyone enjoying today's apocalypse?
And on that note, I'm taking a break from posting. See you on the comment section! 2 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
I'll miss your posts, but rest is important.
1st time i've logged into fs in 5 years 3 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Oh damn, not a bot, and veteran user no less. Nice username, too.
· Edited 13 weeks ago
Sunset certain capricious 1 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
I mean, genre-savvy characters do exist. It all depends on the tone of the work.
We Do a Little Trolling 2 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
*Sigh* Snowflakes will get offended by anything, even a harmless bamboozle.
helo 4 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
I'd need at least 200cc of Senko daily.
Yes You 3 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
That would make for an interesting anthem.
Yes You 3 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
"Wake"? Does that mean Romania is *le gasp* woke?
Priorities, people! 3 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Ah, I've been looking for this. Saw it on reddit a while back but couldn't find it again. Thanks for posting.
Bouncy square impossible 4 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Damn, haven't thought about Worms in a long time. But yeah, Sodium Duck would still be no match for the Concrete Donkey.
helo 4 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Silly fox, best fox. (Aside from Senko, of course.)
Toucans are going to destroy capitalism 1 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Well and good, but what are you gonna replace with?... What are you gonna replace it with, toucan?
Composite photo of Abe Lincoln and Ralph Lincoln his 11th Generation Decsendent 2 comments
happy_frog · 13 weeks ago
Oh, how I envy your innocence.
Woah! 1 comments
happy_frog · 14 weeks ago
Dude, wha' kinda Babylon is this?
Ugly abortive motionless 5 comments
happy_frog · 14 weeks ago
Yes, that is an easy trap to fall into. Thankfully, one can still turn things around using the Croatian Coochie Crusher.
Money Boi Is Here 2 comments
happy_frog · 14 weeks ago
Wild guess that the riches received will be the friends made along the way.
2 · Edited 14 weeks ago
Ugly abortive motionless 5 comments
happy_frog · 14 weeks ago
They're bluffing. The Frenchman's cumsock is easily countered by the Turkish titty twister.