

— harperfan7 Report User
Black navy tweets 20 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
You sure? Nigger. <still works
Black navy tweets 20 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
Wait, so I can say nigger now?
Biden Was Awarded The Presidential Medal Of Freedom With Distinction! 20 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
Came here to say this. Looks like my exact face when seeing this.
Bathroom Stalls 7 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
not "shitstank"
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
How did hitler get 6 million people to do something that didn't happen? Yeah, americans love not doing things; we're lazy.
Look up the the Smith-Mundt modernization act 11 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
*death of BELIEF in the integrity of the media
European history 8 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
Don't forget! Hitler invaded in July! Not winter!
If you know what I mean.. 7 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
I'd give her an A+ D if you know what I'm sayin
I hope it will come 40 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
Don't ya'll think it's a little suspicious that the nazis are picked on SO HARD
Stalin killed several times more people that hitler did, in roughly the same time period. The bolsheviks before him killed SIXTY million. Mao killed SIXTY million as well. I don't see anybody crying for Assassin's Creed: Kill the Commies!
A rare phenomena 8 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
Moon dog, not being contrarian, it's a real thing
Defiance in 1932 35 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
this site is hopeless
Rise and act before it's too late 48 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
mostly coal, now that they're hurting from losing their nuclear
nuclear is good, folks
Move to Denmark 15 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
is that why they have a high suicide rate?
It's becoming a big problem 48 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
oh, well, if you say so
Tmw you know someone who doesn't believe vaccines work 39 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
read the scribd document
Tmw you know someone who doesn't believe vaccines work 39 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
The problem with vaccines isnt that you might catch the disease from them, it's that they fuck you up in other ways because they contain other crap in them that shouldn't be there.
It's becoming a big problem 48 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
"Vicious" is not the problem. Sadism and psychopathy aren't necessarily mutual.
Also, morality was never mentioned in my post; I only talked about empathy/etc. The vast majority of humans are born with empathy for others; psychos aren't.
Tmw you know someone who doesn't believe vaccines work 39 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
No, they're dirty because they contain heavy metals, human DNA, and who knows what else.
They should ONLY contain small amounts of the disease in question. By the way, as far as I have read, vaccines don't contain dead diseases/viruses, merely weakened ones.
Tmw you know someone who doesn't believe vaccines work 39 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
all the people in this thread who don't realize how dirty vaccines are
if they'd just spend the money to make them properly, none of this would ever be an issue
Tmw you know someone who doesn't believe vaccines work 39 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
I don't have an account and I can view the full document. Also, how do you know they aren't peer-reviewed if you haven't looked at them?
· Edited 8 years ago
Selective service 75 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
this. China can't do anything right; I bet not a single missile of theirs would get through to us. Not that they'd actually start a nuclear war with us in the first place; there's a reason there hasn't been a nuclear war yet.
It's becoming a big problem 48 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
Psychopaths are uniquely suited (and motivated) to attaining power and manipulating people, inevitably in bad ways, and completely lack empathy/guilt/shame/remorse/fear and the ability to understand consequences (in fact, they can't consider the future at all, beyond a very basic understanding). Once in power, they corrupt the people and systems around them, eroding trust/faith/efficiency/etc and making terrible decisions (they will always choose the short-term benefit even if the long-term consequence is apocalyptic). Without fail, the systems they infect (like, say, a government) will crumble and fall apart in time.
Imagine if every single person in every position of power everywhere in the world suddenly grew a conscience if they didn't have one already, and began considering the consequences of their actions. Really sit and consider the chain of events that would happen next.
It's becoming a big problem 48 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
I used to think this, until I learned about psychopathy. They inhibit the rest of humanity's ability to deal with problems and our ability to progress. Remove psychopathy, and the solution to every other problem will fall into place.
Selective service 75 comments
harperfan7 · 8 years ago
Where are people getting the idea that Trump wants to or will start a war? Hillary was the one openly calling for WW3 with russia.