

I will avada kedavra your ass if you get me angry.

— hermionegranger Report User
This woman photographed her hair growing back after chemo 7 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I just want to run my hands through it
*coziness intensifies* 14 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I have this Dora blanket that's staticky as hell that I played with at night to see the sparkles I can create
Leg 7 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
They look incomplete
Just for one day 2 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I thought it said four and was 'same'
Pun compilation 8 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I don't understand the Sean Connery one
He really grew taller 14 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I've been playing Skyrim lately and all I can think of your comment is imperial soldiers
I need answers 5 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
Or how can I watch this 2-hour movie in 30 minutes
2 · Edited 6 years ago
Yes I remember 16 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
That episode is too good to be put into words
Yes I remember 16 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
That episode is too good to be put into words
Story of my life 22 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
To me all the time, single mom working from 9 (sometimes 7) to 4 gets home at 5 to cook and other stuff. I was older so I had to pick up my sister from school and was the babysitter. Didn't have money nor the free time. but can't complain 'cause it was so we could live comfortably
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Adele cloned herself 5 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
Ah genetics
My one month old sister looks exactly like my ten year old sister when she was a baby
Were they this bad? 27 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I read animorphs yet I can remember much. Just how many died. It's amazing that it's a children series
4 · Edited 6 years ago
No need to rush 4 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I really don't understand big breakfast for a small family like I'm full with two waffles, a boiled egg, and a cup of coffee
Arrested Development, 5/7 would recommend 3 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
It's a joke
Who leaves money laying around though? 13 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I find pennies
T-shirts are weird 5 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
I myself am a god tier sh*tpost 2 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
Nope that's a meme
She loves to party hard lol 6 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
The sheer concentration on her face makes it better
Bi But More Gay though!! 4 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
100% accurate
Anotren? 179 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
Shirley temples
Talk therapy, learn to let all that out. Decrease the percentage. 24 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
That's how I lost my dad. Got the call when I was 5 in Ecuador, didn't cry 'cause I didn't understand death and didn't have emotional attachement to him. Still sucks though
Anotren? 179 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
Reminds me of the Spanish word Entiendes, which means, 'do you understand?'
Anotren? 179 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
The bizarre items doctors found in vag*naS in 2017 (and the things MEN needed removing) 22 comments
hermionegranger · 6 years ago
Seriously, nothing belongs inside the urethra of a man