I will avada kedavra your ass if you get me angry.
— hermionegranger Report User
They must be in on the joke 2 comments
· 28 weeks ago
Group of adults ordering through drive thru but were being too rowdy so worker told them to come inside to order, they did so but became belligerent and a fight spilled out into the parking lot, in which the assaulter dragged the 15 yr old and stomped on her head.
My kids just told me they’ve been putting fruit stickers under our kitchen cabinet for 1 comments
· 47 weeks ago
I do that to my phone case, tablet, lil sis’s forehead, coffee table basically anything that has a surface
Got Milk? 2 comments
Submissive foosball table 1 comments
· 1 year ago
I thought this was an ad and was wondering why a foosball table looks like Velma trying to find her glasses
It’s only the beginning 3 comments
Leave blank for a random title 1 comments
· 1 year ago
I actually go there all the time to buy arrows that I can’t craft yet
The most attractive thing anyone can say 5 comments