That's exactly how I feel when someone randomly hugs me 9 comments
· 8 years ago
The old man is so happy though ;-;
They're the ones missing out 7 comments
May I join you, hooman? 12 comments
Mom Doesn't Know What's Going On 1 comments
Get some water for that burn! 8 comments
When you fall and end up with the rarest Pepe of all 2 comments
· 8 years ago
You... you are the dankest one. The one who shall bring light to the internet. The savior.
It would get filled really quick 8 comments
I have found my calling... 13 comments
· 8 years ago
A VILLIAGE?! A mere VILLAGE? I'll have you know that the Nokia 3310 has enough strength to destroy 6 galaxies along with wipe any and all living beings in this entire universe.
Found in an abandoned house 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Hey cmon, the demon is just expressing his / her feelings. If he / she feels pretty than there is nothing wrong with them expressing their beauty.
And the whole club is looking at her 8 comments
This guy knows how to use the machine 5 comments
This will be me as an adult 4 comments