Aye aye,captain! 39 comments
· 3 years ago
I always ask my students what pronouns they prefer and most of the time, the they/them students pick "Mx" but this one kid asked me to call them Sergeant Barnes. They saw their chance to refer and they took it. I still called them Sergeant Barnes for the rest of the year.
How to know if your parents actually love you 10 comments
· 3 years ago
I never had a pet except for that one lizard I found outside and put in a box. It died in a week. I was only seven. Depression 7.
So do Ivy and Harley have a ship name or 23 comments
Social experiment... 66 comments
· 3 years ago
Look, you're wrong. All religions have extremists. The KKK is based on Christianity. Do we say that MLK Jr is a perpetrator of a hate crime because he's Christian? No. Don't judge religions based on the radicals sects. People who are Islam are just Islamic. Part of a religion. They don't want attention, they just want to practice their religion the way they want to, and if it involves wearing a hijab, an abaya, or a dupatta, it's still not our business.
Social experiment... 66 comments
· 3 years ago
I haven't personally experienced this, but my best guess is because some of the things we want to fix come from Christianity (Anti-gay, for example). Also, Christianity gets a lot of support? And Islams don't really (at least in America). So it's like how kicking a standing person is rude, and kicking a person while they're down is cruel?
I don't personally believe in this, I think we should treat everyone with respect regardless. But I've had some people try to justify it this way, so here.
I don't personally believe in this, I think we should treat everyone with respect regardless. But I've had some people try to justify it this way, so here.
Social experiment... 66 comments
· 3 years ago
@guestwho There's just a huge difference between the stigma surrounding Trump supporters and the stigma surrounding Muslims. Trump supporters are just disliked by people who don't like Trump. Muslims victims of systematic racism in America. They are sometimes afraid to leave the house. Are you afraid to leave the house because you support Trump? It's just not a fair comparison
And @thehappywhovian I don't understand how that works. I don't like something, so I can't have an opinion on it? It's just rude to say "eff you" because of it. You can dislike something and have an opinion on it. Your opinion is that you don't like it. You just need to discuss it respectfully, and in the correct setting.
And @thehappywhovian I don't understand how that works. I don't like something, so I can't have an opinion on it? It's just rude to say "eff you" because of it. You can dislike something and have an opinion on it. Your opinion is that you don't like it. You just need to discuss it respectfully, and in the correct setting.