

— hidleman Report User
He just died in my arms 4 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
New shrimp recipes from galaxies far, far away...
Fast and furious 9 pop corn combo 2 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
Ya, but it says combo. Where's the drink? It needs some Mt Dew since it looks like radiator fluid.
Daily dose of art n°7: Instagram food pics - Clara Peeters, still life 8 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
I took painting last semester. It's a lot of fun. It's amazing to see some of the colors used here, since they might not have been invented yet. One of my projects was painting a red apple, and an orange with only burnt sienna, ultramarine blue, and white. It's amazing how far you can stretch the color ranges, when you mix them just right.
Big girl 5 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
I think he's doing it wrong. I think the steering wheel is on the top somewhere.
This will come in helpful to all 7 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
How? IM A WOMAN? 4 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
Dem' must be sum hot an sweaty balls!!!
Cinememe... Guess the movie 18 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
Not as much, the soundtrack of Good, the Bad, and The Ugly had me watching that a lot more. Pretty sure his mule wasn't the same type that I was raised with. The first one I remember my parents buying, I got to go with the guy in a Jeep. He herded a bunch up in some foothills and into pen for them to choose. I remember, there wasn't a door on the side of the Jeep, and I was laughing my a$s off, pardon the wrong pun, hanging on for my life. I do remember that mule.
Cinememe... Guess the movie 18 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
@omar1992 Did you got my reference for the photographer? The bath scene with Tuco?
What I've always wanted to know about the Godfather, since Fredo wanted a piece of his own, and he was involved in Michael's hit attempt, was he also involved in his father's? He was the one on guard that day... Was he trying to steal the empire from his father, before his brother?
· Edited 3 years ago
Cinememe... Guess the movie 18 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
Just another one of Sergio Leone's greatest movie's ever. That's all. When the photographer decided to shoot, he shot! Great Pic!
First word that comes to mind: GO ! 18 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
GO! You kinda put it right there for my mind to see...
frog butt. that is all. 9 comments
hidleman · 3 years ago
When I see a dog lay like this, I try and be first to yell 'Frog Butt!" I always win, cuz no one has really caught on to my game yet.
This is how things used to be done 6 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
So... "Let's go ahead and grab something that has a bunch of speedy knives on it, that can cut your lifesaving breathing device, if, if, gravity doesn't behave Exactly like we assume it will, at say Mach 2?"
Get your mind out of the gutter 3 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
Most definitely, is he tall, short? We really could've used that banana.
When I was a kid THIS was the coolest pen you could have 4 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
Gotta press all three 3 colors at once, and break it within the first 5 minutes. Mandatory! ...and then instant regret, and remember thats exactly what happened to the last one I had. Dang, just ruined the coolest pen ever....
Gotta press all 3 colors at once....
The end of the 90's...Catherine Zeta Jones 3 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
The first looped gif, I remember those days. Rewind play Rewind play Rewind play Rewind play Rewind play x7000 divided cramped finger multiple by carpal tunnel....
I love technology, what am I doing typing instead of watching... just add a gif of Phoebe Cates in fast times right underneath and my day is occupied.
#same 1 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
The Fonz is back in town! *snap
What does this say? 2 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
How did they type the meme if they couldn't read the book title? I call *Doubt
You don’t McKnow me 4 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
Thats hilarious. That didn't even dawn on me... I was thinking more of those dark roads I traveled before, when I still added a dollar item, a fries and a large soda to go the nuggets.
The Pirates of the Caribbean movies 13 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
It's all about the treasure... And Disney wants it all. End of story.
I made a Cornholio cornhole game 3 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
Its wayyy past my bed time... I thought they were hotel "do not disturb" sign size and I just thought you put these on your hard on when you got excited and ran around the room yelling like them or something!!!
Butt then I realized the holio was in the wrong spot!
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Maybe not a shoutout 6 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
I basically live with the t.v. remote in one hand and the the the trigger finger on the mute button. Even when site ads start blaring all of a sudden out of no where.
Maybe not a shoutout 6 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
For some on the autism spectrum, auditory sensitivity can make social engagements nonexistent. Not complaining, just noting...
After being drunk for almost 6 yrs and drinking for almost 20, it's time to start a new 9 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
I wasted a couple of decades. The hardest part I think, is remembering who you are, where, and who you want to become.
I haven't touched that shtttt in over two yearsish. Hate that stuff with a passion, like the poison that it desrves!!!
Daily dose of bad wisdom #50 3 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
The names
Bomb, James, Bomb!
*hides in the corner with bottles of nandos* 3 comments
hidleman · 4 years ago
Trick question:
Depends on the marinade?