perfect 35 comments
· 10 years ago
I think they change it up according to the current pop culture.. It's the same for the genie's jokes in Disneyland's live production of Aladdin
Looks like I'll sit on the floor then 5 comments
Brilliant fingerprint wedding guestbook 6 comments
Googled "Most Canadian Picture Ever" So much win! 21 comments
· 10 years ago
They have Canadian geese in the states too though.. found out on my recent trip to Portland
Cruelness 14 comments
· 10 years ago
The fact that ppl hide these notes to make it look like actual money means they know what they're doing is wrong.. To not tip cause of bad service or whatever is one thing.. Or at least you actually own up to being a cheap ass.. But this is just cruel. Not very christian if you ask me..
20 Creepy Places 38 comments
Just to mess with people on streetview 2 comments
Beautiful... 16 comments
· 10 years ago
The Tiana one in particular makes me yearn for Disneyland <3
The Tiana one in particular makes me yearn for Disneyland <3
How to deal with a b*tch ex-gf 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't know... it doesn't seem like she would've responded to anything less than what he did.. he kept being an ass to her, and she just kept coming back for more. Extreme exes call for extreme measures.
Ah, yes. An accurate description of me. 2 comments
The gem that is potter puppet pals 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I was at the midnight screening of the 7th movie, and the entire theatre started singing this while waiting for it to start.. Whole bunch of nerds. All of us. I loved every minute.
I didn't recognize her... 14 comments
· 10 years ago
How about dark hair and green eyes.. or red hair and green eyes. Absolutely stunning.
His hair is... Incredible 10 comments
Does anyone still use the word Pwned? 12 comments
If it looks stupid but it works 6 comments