WHAT YEAR IS IT 6 comments
· 9 years ago
wait wait wait, does he say, 'year of the rat' because he uses all of those years? like clothing from 1912-1924, technology from 2008.. ect?
omg act natural, salsa is coming 37 comments
Poor ron 13 comments
· 9 years ago
in the books it says harry had several more unhappy/tragic events. he was essentially yummyer than our poor ginger
Why not rename feminism to equalism? 34 comments
· 9 years ago
I believe it's like that because the cause tends to fight more for women because it's the women who tend to not get equal rights, less pay ect.
it may not represent men because it's mostly women that the need to be risen to the same level as men.
But on some occasions, men need to be risen to the level of women.
it may not represent men because it's mostly women that the need to be risen to the same level as men.
But on some occasions, men need to be risen to the level of women.
Why not rename feminism to equalism? 34 comments
· 9 years ago
Feminism is the idea that men and women are equal, so why are people so set on changing the name! oh my god.
from what I understand many men are worried about supporting feminism because it has 'feminine' in it. Which is ridiculous!
If you change the name, absolutely nothing will happen to the cause. Stop worrying about the term and start supporting the equality of both genders.
from what I understand many men are worried about supporting feminism because it has 'feminine' in it. Which is ridiculous!
If you change the name, absolutely nothing will happen to the cause. Stop worrying about the term and start supporting the equality of both genders.
Beyonce just poured $20,000 away 12 comments
For real tho 21 comments
· 9 years ago
she said people were saying that he died, if that's true than he (kyle) probably told people to tell her he was dead.
Who else can relate ? 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I was once in a book store next to a Doctor Who/Sherlock section and this girl, (she was maybe 9), goes up to it and yelled 'Doctor Who!' . At first I was like hey, more whovians but then she went on about 'Doctor Who's Wand' (she meant 11s sonic .-.) and picked up a notebook that said 221b and said it was, 'Rose's House' and a lot more incorrect stuff. Worst she told her dad that if he watched Doctor Who like her, he'd know everything. I basically made this exact face.
In Saudi Arabia, they have "potato rolls" 30 comments
You know who? 49 comments
· 9 years ago
hold on. he couldn't have made it harry and Lilly's grave because he 'died' when they died! He didn't wait around until they had buried both the parents. Voldemort lost him body, minutes after James and Lily died. And in those minutes james and lily were dead in the floor :'(
Thor vs. Harry Potter 27 comments
Thor vs. Harry Potter 27 comments
What kind of girl are you? 16 comments
For book lovers 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I have one, you need a hardcover book on the bottom and the cover fits into little tabs, they're kinda visible in picture 3
Hey mom look 5 comments
You can change it if you want it 10 comments
Incase you're having a bad day 10 comments
I'll be 69 24 comments