aviva 24 comments
· 4 years ago
Just devastating like why 10 comments
What if God IS Zilla...? 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I never understood the whole "fear God for he will save you or burn" thing. If I want to believe in any God it ain't going to be a guy I'm supposed to fear. Also, why waste your time in something like this? Enjoy the living while you still can and if your so up tight worried that you'll go to hell because you had a fun time alive then you need to reconsider who you should worship.
In the wrong [oc] 2 comments
· 4 years ago
This actually happened to me yesterday evening. I was waiting in line with a few items in a basket when a very fat lady came from behind me and started cussing and saying "sum people don't no personal space *bleeping bleep*". I didn't think nothing of it because I just finished my shift, I was daydreaming/spaced, and I don't care when someone makes a scene. Well she started to get physical poking/pushing me to get my attention. I sightly turned my head over and she starts yelling near my face demanding that I stay 6 feet away from her. I look down to see I'm on the "x" that the market placed to assure 6 feet apart. I was too tried to tell her or even acknowledge her stupidity. I just stared and shrugged, a worker came around and explained why she was wrong. It didn't end well, while she continued to yell I checked out and left. The nerve of some people.
Tattoo Art 10 comments
· 4 years ago
So much time and dedication for each piece, God damn! I'm too lazy for that but its pretty remarkable for this young lady.
You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack 11 comments
· 4 years ago
I only ask myself those questions when I'm right about to sleep. And then of course it happens... *inhales deeply* WHYYYY???!!
May I introduce myself, I'm Miooblioobooby 17 comments
Must be a dude playing another dude! 4 comments
· 4 years ago
I knew there was something bad about her show, all her guests or her workers always looked uncomfortable or in upsetish way. I'm glad that was brought into the light especially now with the whole pedo thing out. Hollywood getting all exposed.
May I introduce myself, I'm Miooblioobooby 17 comments
· 4 years ago
Ooblizoobboobth. I have summed something in the kitchen now and I am afraid of what it is.
A real Lord Farquaad move, Mike 8 comments
· 4 years ago
What the literal fuck?! With that mentality, then just release the restrictions and open the US again. Just see how that works.
Keep the buzzz on 3 comments
Not even a little 7 comments
· 4 years ago
The one that is always confused and yet can still beat the living shit out of you.
All. The. Time. 9 comments
I'm cat sitting this week 11 comments
Rare Footage of Mr_Pigeonwizard in Action 9 comments
one of my corona-time projects, will share some more 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Well done! I envy you for having a backyard (I live in an apartment) it so pleasing to look at. What is your next project?