Also includes derisive, shrieking laughter... But I vocalize that. 2 comments
· 7 years ago
nah, you are just ugly
Puberty 13 comments
· 7 years ago
thats not puberty.. mainly makeup.. for the most girls at least in the pictures...
I want to live one of these home 10 comments
I want to live one of these home 10 comments
· 7 years ago
the pool is for ppl who are afraid of the ocean, or when you don't feel like going into the salty water.. it really is great!
I want to live one of these home 10 comments
· 7 years ago
actually in the Maldives they have the problem that the water level is too shallow.. The corals are even dying because of it.. i was on one of there for 2 weeks...
The past few months have been...interesting 29 comments
Talent 16 comments
· 8 years ago
nobody has a gag reflex.. it's a myth.. if you know that you don't have one then you don't have one... just try it.
It seems he took it pretty well 3 comments
Only in Germany! 9 comments
· 8 years ago
It's fast for Germans too.. you don't have much time to react to shitheads while you drive with 290km/h..
Well, paper beats rock 12 comments
· 8 years ago
we are completely different persons. She hates much of what i do like gaming and i hate think's she watches or stuff she does. Still no effort. Wait till you meet the right one
Well, paper beats rock 12 comments
· 8 years ago
If you see it as effort to make your partner happy it's not a good relationship. It should be pure joy and nothing else.