Directions 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm a male and don't know any street names.
Every man's dream 25 comments
· 9 years ago
I will replic8 this joke by st8ing any word that enters the g8 of my mind. It will be a pl8 full of words too gr8 that sen8s and magist8s can't w8 to dissimin8. It's too l8 to deb8 because I already stamped it with a certifca8. I hope this motiv8s you to navig8 the str8 of life, never afr8 to face your f8 or take the b8. Keep your posture st8, take a nice portr8, walk with a champion's g8. Remember to check your prostr8. I'll see you at the est8s in Kuw8 on the said d8. Elev8!
How to tune up your dashboard 13 comments
How i would want bad news delivered 3 comments
Didn't even break a sweat 1 comments