Vaunted shameless threatening 1 comments
· 6 weeks ago
For those of you who DIDN'T grow up in the '70s, I wish I could tell you how strongly this picture embodies the zeitgeist of the time.
Gray coordinated miniature 1 comments
Anon has an extra hole 1 comments
· 11 weeks ago
May I suggest a nuanced correction: Rather than "Men will make it about your vagina," it may be more correct that "Boys will make it about your vagina."
Finicky knowledgeable talkative 1 comments
· 11 weeks ago
Classic. Trying not to think of something keeps that something in your attention. It's hard to leave a bad habit behind, but it's less difficult to replace it with a different habit (which eventually becomes automatic).
My family have 2 vases that we keep leaving at each others house. This is where I hid one 1 comments
· 11 weeks ago
Note: This will reduce the water volume of each flush. That's OK for 95% of the time, but you need those extra couple quarts the day after Mac n Cheese night.
The meme sanction 10 comments
· 11 weeks ago
The "In Mother Russia..." meme traces its roots to 1980's comedian Yackov Smirnov, who oddly enough, was born in Ukraine. But, back in the days when the USSR existed, all of 'em were Soviets or (inaccurately) Russians. Every few jokes where the US displayed its superiority to "Mother Russia" or "Soviet Union," he'd add "What a country."
"In America, you can always find a party. In Soviet Russia, The Party can always find you!"
"I like American women. They do things sexually Russian girls never dream of doing - like showering."
So, we don't just change the meme to Ukraine.
"In America, you can always find a party. In Soviet Russia, The Party can always find you!"
"I like American women. They do things sexually Russian girls never dream of doing - like showering."
So, we don't just change the meme to Ukraine.
Barbarous premium jolly 2 comments
· 13 weeks ago
The media used to cover up indiscretions, like Babe Ruth's drinking and Franklin Roosevelt's...errr...peccadillos. Now, it's a race to see who can reveal embarrassing things even if they're not true.
The Black Pearl has changed quite a lot 1 comments
Unparalleled absent tectonic 2 comments
· 14 weeks ago
To be accurate, she should be bringing a notepad to write down everything to be brought up at a future argument.
I grew my own wedding bouquet from seeds 1 comments
· 14 weeks ago
I bet as lot of people see this post and say, "Oh, how nice."
But, I have to tell you...that's really fantastic. Not just how good it looks, but how cool the tale is.
But, I have to tell you...that's really fantastic. Not just how good it looks, but how cool the tale is.
Clean fated creative 3 comments
· 14 weeks ago
Wow. The Big Boss is really the BIG Boss.
When intimidating his underlings, I wonder if he ever says "I eat small fry like you for breakfast. Literally!"
When intimidating his underlings, I wonder if he ever says "I eat small fry like you for breakfast. Literally!"
Dress uniforms suck ass but look good 3 comments
· 14 weeks ago
Mainly the soldiers need to remain concealed from rifle and artillery fire, rather than look fabulous while standing in a line and shooting muskets at the other soldiers also standing in a line, before marching into their line with bayonets.
That also may explain why the British uniforms had red coats--so as to not panic the fellow soldiers at the sight of blood when one was hit with musket fire. Not sure if the black/brown tails on the French uniform perform a related function.
That also may explain why the British uniforms had red coats--so as to not panic the fellow soldiers at the sight of blood when one was hit with musket fire. Not sure if the black/brown tails on the French uniform perform a related function.
A wet owl 1 comments
You boys ok? 2 comments
· 17 weeks ago
One thing about that is, if you're interested in management or a full-time commission sales role or hoping to go into the back of a store for inventory control, how would they know unless you tell them "In a few years, I'd like to be working towards an XYZ role?"
I always answered "I'd still like to be doing what I'm doing--designing products--but with more challenges and responsibility if my experience and results warrant it." It was clear that I DIDN'T want to be on a management track, but DID want to be the "Go To Guy" for stuff that was tricky to accomplish. But nobody knows unless you tell 'em.
I always answered "I'd still like to be doing what I'm doing--designing products--but with more challenges and responsibility if my experience and results warrant it." It was clear that I DIDN'T want to be on a management track, but DID want to be the "Go To Guy" for stuff that was tricky to accomplish. But nobody knows unless you tell 'em.
Dependent dozen excitable 1 comments
· 17 weeks ago
There was an episode of Night Gallery (1970s Rod Serling follow-up to Twilight Zone) where he played a hippy that got killed, and thought he was going to Hell and it was gonna be so cool with torture and flames and whips. But he was stuck in a room with a few people who were all square, uncool, and boring. I think you can foresee the "twist ending."
Nail-biting unhealthy big-hearted 5 comments
Flaky brave disabling 1 comments
· 19 weeks ago
Huh. I guess they don't have any little kids such that she can officially be the Au Pair as a reason to be in the household.
-Where you park
-How much you drink when you're driving, *especially* your breathalyzer-equipped car.
Still really glad that everybody who couldn't blow a clean breathalyzer wasn't able to drive down the same road as my loved ones. Of course, their *own* cars weren't so equipped...