Accurate 10 comments
· 8 years ago
When I was young I was like that, but then I went to the Army. When you do sleep deprivation exercises for 72 hours you learn to catch 5 minutes sleeping while standing if you can. The way I have learned to continue doing this, even though I am no longer in the service is one of two ways. Either physically exert yourself throughout the day by running, working, lifting weights or sex right before bed. If you're single, rubbing one out is a good substitute.
What I said, what they heard 11 comments
Dragonkin 50 comments
· 8 years ago
All the "kin" bullshit is fucking ridiculous and all those tumblrina twats that push that agenda just bring ridicule and doubt on the LBGT community. YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING ANIMAL.
One of the most beautiful moments in nature 8 comments
This girl is both very stupid and very rude.. 27 comments
One of the most beautiful moments in nature 8 comments
· 8 years ago
As someone that has stayed awhile in Wyoming, I call b.s. on the "extreme drought". Look at the vegetation in the background, lush and green. That's not drought, not by Wyoming standards.
I can't stop laughing 6 comments
Ant-man poster at a bus stop 2 comments
· 8 years ago
Now I'm not normally into stealing and crime, other than the occasional speeding, but if this were in a place I could get away with it, Antman would be in my pocket. Sorry, that is just too tempting and I need it for reasons, scientific reasons.
Now I gotta go watch this again... 8 comments
Who else is hyped for suicide squad? (All trailers) 21 comments
· 8 years ago
OH, OH, OH I AM !!! I cant wait to get it digitally at home so I can slow down and stop at the spots where Harley is bending over !!!
wonder 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Because men aren't crying and bitching about male equality and unrealistic beauty standards, that's why.
Nothing is more patriotic than this 3 comments
Satin sheets are treadmills for snakes 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Reminds me of trying to put on a Magnum condom, just keeps slipping off !!!
Assassination attempt 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Wait, you meant to tell me it's already a show and these aren't just meme's with made up pictures ?!?! Well ill be hornswaggled !!!
Assassination attempt 24 comments
· 8 years ago
They should make into a mini-series with seasons, that way they can string everyone along and make money off of a network like HBO or Showtime !!!
Assassination attempt 24 comments
When a girl posts a picture of herself on Facebook vs. When someone else posts a picture 5 comments
· 8 years ago
I had this happen to me long ago when I was doing online dating. Always beware of only face shots, especially those from above. They could be hiding a double chin and 150 lbs of extra "water weight". Now I am not a complete dick, I did explain to her that 5'3" 250 is not average and we could be friends, but only if she changed her profile to the truth. She did, we remained friends for quite some time, but never dated. I'm an athletic guy, I run 6+ miles a day and lift weights, so I ended up marrying someone with similar interest fitness.
What were you thinking!?! 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh come one, I wasn't overly graphic, rude or disgusting. Just a slight reference to a common occurrence.
Assassination attempt 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Somebody's parents are loaded, based on the name I would say its oil money !!!
What were you thinking!?! 14 comments