Seeing someone getting burned by..... 4 comments
· 11 years ago
who is this guy ?
How to make a bad show 25 comments
I'm going on an adventure! 9 comments
Winning your virginity back 33 comments
· 11 years ago
And this goes to all of you, you have to love yourself before you can love another person.
Winning your virginity back 33 comments
· 11 years ago
well pikalari i do believe that everyone is meant to be with someone else, and i have heard people say "i'm not good looking no one will ever love me", and i used to say that too, but as years passed i knew that the outside look doesn't really matter, when i look myself in the mirror i only focus at the things i like and i see myself as a pretty girl and that makes me confident and trust me confidence is really sexy. If you have a strong and good personality everyone will want to hang out with you, and there will be someone who will love you for who you are. I know that because i usually fall in love with guys that aren't really good looking but they have a good sense of humor and for my opinion that makes them sexy and i guess the same goes for the girls i mean you can be funny and charming at the same time and that's better than just being a model and at the same time a boring person because beauty soon or later will fade away and all that will be left is your personality :)
Winning your virginity back 33 comments
The taxidermist 6 comments
Teaching Level : Mickael Jackson 9 comments
Justice nowadays 18 comments