Purple cum! 74 comments
· 5 years ago
Yellow Hibachi
That's why I buy Adidas and Hugo Boss 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Sooo... those same ppl don’t make the same shoes, work those same hrs, and get paid that same amount for Nike to pay for any of their OTHER spokespeople? ???? Y’all are funny. Either way it’s wrong...no matter WHO’S face is on the ad.
Why is 1 comments
Perfect camo 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Where can I purchase the floating backpack and toboggan combo? Are the binoculars included?
Fact check all you want ;) Its actually true 48 comments
Black excellence! 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Race is mentioned because Black people are never given credit for anything positive...sure we graduate college and do other great things all the time, however the media portrays us all as lazy, dumb, crimals, etc... there's no there wrong with expressing Black excellence.
Irony 26 comments
This is Willis Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning. KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD 10 comments
· 8 years ago
That's great....except AC was invented by a black man named Frederick McKinley Jones.