Everyday seems to get a little harder to smile and say "i'm fine, everything is ok"
— iccarus Report User
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
so what i'm getting from everyone, during a riot, where the main protagonists are blacks, that it is ok for a white boy to go out in the street with a rifle and nothing should happen. So that's the recommendation?
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
as for what i'd do, defend myself and my property, on my property, not going down the street. How far from his home was he? He claimed it was his job to defend a car dealership, cause the cars, that have insurance, were burned. It's not actually his job, nor was it made clear if he was asked to do such a thing, even the police told him to leave and barred him from coming back. Seems odd, considering it was his job.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
Kyle was in the streets in the midst of protestors, comparing carrying an assault rifle out in the open as opposed to pepper spray in a bag is quite different.
There was no one getting their heads smashed into the ground during th riots, none that i could see, where are the actual reports on that, in Kenosha.
I just don't think anything would have happened if he wasn't in the street, not private property carrying a rifle.
Based on this, I can take a rifle to a riot, and as soon as i feel threatened, open fire under the guise of self defense. of course people will say "why the f are you carrying a rifle" and challenge me for it, but that's just the point of carrying a rifle.
There was no one getting their heads smashed into the ground during th riots, none that i could see, where are the actual reports on that, in Kenosha.
I just don't think anything would have happened if he wasn't in the street, not private property carrying a rifle.
Based on this, I can take a rifle to a riot, and as soon as i feel threatened, open fire under the guise of self defense. of course people will say "why the f are you carrying a rifle" and challenge me for it, but that's just the point of carrying a rifle.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
in a situation he could have avoided. what other outcome could there possibly be to bringing a rifle to oppose a riot?
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
so would he have been threatened to have to shoot in self defense if he didn't bring his rifle? he's no victim in this
Edited 3 years ago
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
yeah i seen it, remove graffiti during a riot, he showed up with a rifle, which in turn invited a confrontation.
When you're payed by the hour 1 comments
· 3 years ago
i get these sorts of things all the time, one, pretending to be from Telstra saying my "mobile internet was compromised", 1, i'm not with Telstra, and 2, I don't use mobile internet. I entertained him, at one point he asked "why are you laughing at me?"
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
no one is in the right in this, i'm just saying, there would have been no other outcome for him confront rioters with a rifle, what do you think would happen in that situation?
Finally, perks to virginity 3 comments
Definetely the wheelbarrow 17 comments
· 3 years ago
with the dog, i once sat it down with the nose down, and without paying too much attention, it still looked like a dog
Mine was November Rain 4 comments
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
tell a woman to take out a large bag of rotting garbage and you tell me she's feeling "equal"
He thinks he's a dog 7 comments
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
yes, i saw that, the bad guy admitted he got shot after he raised his pistol on the kid. But he would not have brought out his gun on someone that was unarmed. It's a mob mentality to just gang up on the odd one out, in this case, a white boy in amongst the crowd, and him being armed, offered a challenge.