Everyday seems to get a little harder to smile and say "i'm fine, everything is ok"
— iccarus Report User
Hedgehog in my Pocket 3 comments
Happy International Mens Day 15 comments
· 3 years ago
didn't hear about this either, it doesn't get as much coverage as "international women's day" as that would be unfair
Not guilty, b*tches. Violent Mobs still don't have the right to kill people 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Lesson here is, as long as you wait for someone to confront and attack you, you're free to kill them.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
so this is the steps, get rifle, cross border, go to riot, wait for someone to confront you, wait until they try to attack you, shoot in self defense. Did I miss anything?
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
"You don't go into an active warzone without the means to defend yourself." so basically you already know that shots will be fired, people will be injured or killed, before going.
We DiD nOt AlTeR tHe ViDeO eViDeNcE. It just slipped & fell into the compression software 14 comments
· 3 years ago
ok, so it was "uncompressed" or whatever, so it doesn't matter that it shows Kyle aiming his gun first?
This is the discussion here, there's a riot that's been going on for days, there's property damage, arson, basically people being shitty people. And a kid, brings a rifle, and stands in the street against these rioters to "protect property", and no one here, thinks that anything bad will happen? That, bringing a rifle to a riot, will have no bad ending, at all.
This is the discussion here, there's a riot that's been going on for days, there's property damage, arson, basically people being shitty people. And a kid, brings a rifle, and stands in the street against these rioters to "protect property", and no one here, thinks that anything bad will happen? That, bringing a rifle to a riot, will have no bad ending, at all.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
my logic would be to not be there in the first place. But seems most here are saying he fired only cause others pointed their guns at him. But I read today that drone footage showed he aimed his gun first, is that still counted as defense, or an aggressive move?
Like father like son 3 comments
Dark Souls players are screwed 28 comments
· 3 years ago
been on the fence about Red Ded 2, but i got so many games now i don't play that i'll just have it for a long time
We DiD nOt AlTeR tHe ViDeO eViDeNcE. It just slipped & fell into the compression software 14 comments
· 3 years ago
read that the defense didn't want the drone footage shown in court cause it shows him pointing his rifle at a group of people first. Judge is allowing it for deliberations as the jury had already seen it
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
you guys are so focused on him being attacked, but not the reason why he brought a rifle in the first place. I don't by the "defend himself" excuse.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
@famousone yeah sure, you like to think nothing is wrong with someone standing up to rioters, alone, with a rifle, and that mob mentality will not play any part when it goes wrong. You really think that there would have been a peaceful outcome when he brought a rifle, which isn't the sensible thing to do.
I don't need to do any soul searching, I sleep fine, how about you?
I don't need to do any soul searching, I sleep fine, how about you?
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
wow, one extreme to another. Rittenhouse excuse was he was defending property, against rioters, but alone? Yes, he fired in self defense after guns were raised at him, but him being in that situation is what the prosecutors are questioning, even being a "medic", they pointed out, he put a bandage on someone's foot, and a band aid on someone's hand. His role of medic was out weighed by the people he injured and killed.
Evolutionary dead end 33 comments
· 3 years ago
always funny, whenever there is a mass shooting in the US, a common occurance, there's always the "why didn't someone tackle him?"
Jeanne de Clisson 16 comments
Evolutionary dead end 33 comments
· 3 years ago
if you read it different, an unarmed civilian saw an armed suspect running through a riot and attempted to disarm them.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
@famousone you're holding a lot of hate over a difference of opinion. You're the type to say "we disagree on something, therefore we cannot be friends". That's the real shame that you think everything is a fight. I don't see what he did as worthy for accolade, as the consequences were easy to see before the night began.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
"They valued taking a gun from a kid over his life."
exactly, a trophy that was to be obtained by others.
The whole thing isn't about him "defending himself", it's bringing a gun to a volatile situation with knowledge that either he or someone else was going to die. That's the intent, knowing he would have to use it eventually during the night.
Believing that there would be a peaceful resolution to the night with him holding a gun in the middle of the street is the bewildering part.
You say he went there to help, but alone, where was his support, back up when he was being chased, they go home? gave up?
exactly, a trophy that was to be obtained by others.
The whole thing isn't about him "defending himself", it's bringing a gun to a volatile situation with knowledge that either he or someone else was going to die. That's the intent, knowing he would have to use it eventually during the night.
Believing that there would be a peaceful resolution to the night with him holding a gun in the middle of the street is the bewildering part.
You say he went there to help, but alone, where was his support, back up when he was being chased, they go home? gave up?
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
point is, things aren't always as they seem. As for the translation, their were protests here this weekend, but using the excuse bad things happened in other places, doesn't mean i should go armed. Just because bad things happened somewhere else, doesn't mean bring a rifle and pretend to be a hero. heroes don't pretend to cry.
will never know for sure if standing in the middle of the road holding a rifle facing off against rioters would have made a difference if he wasn't there trying to be defiant towards them. I'm just saying, bringing a rifle to that situation escalated it.
i read about the burning of cars and property, things that were insured, even if not insured, you'd prefer the death of someone over the value of a possession?
will never know for sure if standing in the middle of the road holding a rifle facing off against rioters would have made a difference if he wasn't there trying to be defiant towards them. I'm just saying, bringing a rifle to that situation escalated it.
i read about the burning of cars and property, things that were insured, even if not insured, you'd prefer the death of someone over the value of a possession?
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
having a knife is by far a different thing than carrying a rifle during a riot.
You're all on about the victim, ok, true story, my exgf was fighting me, keep in mind, I never struck back, but I threw her by her foot into a wall, a brick wall, she impacted about half way up and fell down. End of the fight, I'm the victim, right, self defense.
instead of that, I could have punched her in the face, closed fist as hard as I wanted, self defense, considering i've done some training, a single punch could very well have done serious damage, but i would have only hit back once.
You're all on about the victim, ok, true story, my exgf was fighting me, keep in mind, I never struck back, but I threw her by her foot into a wall, a brick wall, she impacted about half way up and fell down. End of the fight, I'm the victim, right, self defense.
instead of that, I could have punched her in the face, closed fist as hard as I wanted, self defense, considering i've done some training, a single punch could very well have done serious damage, but i would have only hit back once.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
i'm looking at it as a point of escalation, he was armed in public and was challenged for it, right or wrong. If he wasn't armed, there'd be no challenge. Acting in self defense, yes, he had little to no choice, bringing a gun to a riot, he had a choice, being there, he had a choice.
Jeffrey Toobin trying to make his own existence illegal 123 comments
· 3 years ago
it's not racist to say black people, you know in England, you don't refer to them as "African American", as they are not, they see themselves as "black", in australia, they see themselves as black, so it's not racist in the least.
What i am understanding, that during riots, where there is a history of violence against people, the best thing to do is send in a young boy with a rifle, cause that's not going to escalate the situation in the least.
Yes it's speculation, but understanding a mob mentality where they will do more than what they would do alone, bring a rifle clearly out in the open would escalate a situation, which it did.
You did mention he was going to defend people that were assaulted, raped and murdered, but you also say that none of that happened in that area. I'm in Australia, I can do that can I? cause that's not happening here, but i can go out and defend because of it? how does that work.
Clearly I have the minority opinion, i see fault on both sides.
What i am understanding, that during riots, where there is a history of violence against people, the best thing to do is send in a young boy with a rifle, cause that's not going to escalate the situation in the least.
Yes it's speculation, but understanding a mob mentality where they will do more than what they would do alone, bring a rifle clearly out in the open would escalate a situation, which it did.
You did mention he was going to defend people that were assaulted, raped and murdered, but you also say that none of that happened in that area. I'm in Australia, I can do that can I? cause that's not happening here, but i can go out and defend because of it? how does that work.
Clearly I have the minority opinion, i see fault on both sides.
you still think bringing a gun to a riot will have no other ending?