Everyday seems to get a little harder to smile and say "i'm fine, everything is ok"
— iccarus Report User
Punch card muggings 18 comments
· 3 years ago
haha, that was so fking easy
Punch card muggings 18 comments
· 3 years ago
hmm, almost as though leaving valuables in a vehicle is an invitation to be robbed, or is that just common sense?
Edited 3 years ago
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
how many people were assaulted and killed before kyle shot them dead, that night, in that city?
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
yes of course @famousone, cause that's what you think. stupid fking comparison.
the whole argument is that without the gun, he'd be dead, cause there were so many being assaulted and killed before kyle shot them dead. I just asked how many, yet, still waiting on an answer.
they stood out, and became the focus for those rioting. how is it that no one sees that? really, is it so far fetched that there could have been no other outcome that he'd be dead if he didn't bring a rifle, you cannot see that maybe nothing would have happened?
Edited 3 years ago
the whole argument is that without the gun, he'd be dead, cause there were so many being assaulted and killed before kyle shot them dead. I just asked how many, yet, still waiting on an answer.
they stood out, and became the focus for those rioting. how is it that no one sees that? really, is it so far fetched that there could have been no other outcome that he'd be dead if he didn't bring a rifle, you cannot see that maybe nothing would have happened?
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
just think about this, who stands out in a crowd, the people without guns, or the one that's holding a rifle?
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
yes, i get that you're allowed to defend yourself, the point you're missing is, that if he decided it was a bad idea to bring a gun, nothing would have happened.
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
"banked on the peaceful tendancies", I asked before, how many other unarmed people that weren't in the riot group, but there, were attacked and killed that night?
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
yep, again, not that he had to defend himself, but bringing a rifle to a RIOT, where there was already a history of violence and destruction. Not the smartest thing to do, with a high chance of someone being shot or killed. Without the rifle, no one would have confronted him to begin with. That's my point, and the argument being "but he would've been killed", but he wouldn't have been attacked either.
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
Grosskreuitz and Zaminksi and Rosenbaum were all rioting, and Kyle was trying to stop them.
you're still missing the point, would he have been attacked if he didn't have the rifle? everyone says if he didn't have it, he would be dead, but he wouldn't have been attacked either.
you're still missing the point, would he have been attacked if he didn't have the rifle? everyone says if he didn't have it, he would be dead, but he wouldn't have been attacked either.
I'm a believer 3 comments
· 3 years ago
i go for comfort, something that's not too wide in the grip, or too narrow, easy sites to look at and comfortable to aim. Size doesn't matter if you don't miss your target.
Two weeks to slow the spread 13 comments
· 3 years ago
that people were checking that they were self isolating, or that those that were self isolating were out in public?
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
how many other people were attacked by Rosenbaum that night, or any other night during the riots?
@famousone the basic fact that you see no alternate outcome if Kyle didn't bring a rifle is disturbing, it's always "if he didn't bring a gun, he'd be dead". I disagree, the rifle showed he was challenging the rioters, so they challenged him. How many others were attacked, had guns pulled on them, that night, and shot dead?
@famousone the basic fact that you see no alternate outcome if Kyle didn't bring a rifle is disturbing, it's always "if he didn't bring a gun, he'd be dead". I disagree, the rifle showed he was challenging the rioters, so they challenged him. How many others were attacked, had guns pulled on them, that night, and shot dead?
This otter get some extra credit 9 comments
· 3 years ago
we don't get otters here, but we have possums, the cute ones, flying foxes and platypuses, (platypie?)
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
yeah, heard the excuses before, if he had no gun, he'd be killed. why though? because all those other people that didn't have rifles were killed that night?
I'm saying, if he didn't bring a rifle, there would have been no confrontation where he had to defend himself.
Edited 3 years ago
I'm saying, if he didn't bring a rifle, there would have been no confrontation where he had to defend himself.
Modern Health Advice 3 comments
Two weeks to slow the spread 13 comments
· 3 years ago
yeah, this didn't happen, during checks of people that were meant to self isolate, 38 of them were not home.
Cursed image of the day. 6 comments
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
· 3 years ago
completely different situation, this is in daylight, no one is rioting, and there are camera crews everywhere filming them.
questioned whether it was the smart thing to bring a rifle to a riot, yeah, without it, he would've been killed, but without it, he wouldn't have been targeted also.
questioned whether it was the smart thing to bring a rifle to a riot, yeah, without it, he would've been killed, but without it, he wouldn't have been targeted also.
Stuck in a Traffic Jam but there's a dog 4 comments
Iron deficiency on the playground 4 comments