Mario Bros themed room 13 comments
· 11 years ago
And the winner of this years #1 parents are!
JK Rowling has a sense of humor 7 comments
What's the difference between man and woman 26 comments
· 11 years ago
I am now a man.....so can someone make me a sandwich with a beer?
3 Year old twerking... 13 comments
· 11 years ago
You? It was just that one comment by one person. Calm the fuck down....
Clown costume totally made of balloons 5 comments
50s style sass 14 comments
Asian problems 8 comments
Why are we not funding this? 8 comments
JK Rowling has a sense of humor 7 comments
· 11 years ago
I hope you dont mean harry potter books because that would be a tragedy. Not only were they already gracefully ended with closure, it left you to your imagination of what would happen next in the lives of their children. And if they are going to be harry potter books, who is going to be the villain this time? Bellatrix? (Although i would love to see that because she is psychotically funny, i dont see how she could pull it off)