I wish I could change my username but it's done now and there's no going back. #regrettingmyemophase
— Lauren Report User
North Korean labor camp sirvivor 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Not to mention all the innocent people who would suffer if we did that :/
North Korean labor camp sirvivor 12 comments
· 7 years ago
It's the nuclear weapons that are the problem like you say and even basically cornering North Korea with the rest of the worlds bombs wouldn't do anything. Caged animals lash out, I'm assuming based of human psychology that the same would apply here. It's absolutely horrific to think that people are being forced to live that way.
I just don't trust drivers not to smoosh me 12 comments
· 7 years ago
It seems like more of a British thing rather than a white thing. Speaking as a Brit :)
Ah, I remember when I found out the guy I was going out with was being paid to date me 40 comments
· 7 years ago
I hate how the post starts with 'guys are so terrifying' and that they will 'date girls for a joke'
That's not guys that do that
It's dickheads.
Women are fully capable of ripping a man's heart in the same way that a man can do the same to a woman and I feel like it's in these kinds of things where we keep hitting snags in the fight for gender equality.
That's not guys that do that
It's dickheads.
Women are fully capable of ripping a man's heart in the same way that a man can do the same to a woman and I feel like it's in these kinds of things where we keep hitting snags in the fight for gender equality.
Which games do you recommend? 30 comments
· 7 years ago
Dishonored! Oh my lord- Yes, Dishonored is absolutely fucking beautiful and you get so attached lol
Alien: Isolation if you like horror :)
Oh and Fable 2 (You don't need to have play fable 1 to enjoy it but the whole fable series is good either way) :)
Alien: Isolation if you like horror :)
Oh and Fable 2 (You don't need to have play fable 1 to enjoy it but the whole fable series is good either way) :)
awwwwwwww 6 comments
How terrible it is to love something that death can touch 19 comments
· 7 years ago
Without having access to these skeletons to actually infer whether or not they are male or female, it will be impossible to know with photographs such as the ones here.
Maybe if you could zoom in and study the skeletons you would have a better chance of making an educated guess but you will never know the truth.
The point of these photos, to me, is that love is immortal :) It doesn't matter who it's between.
Maybe if you could zoom in and study the skeletons you would have a better chance of making an educated guess but you will never know the truth.
The point of these photos, to me, is that love is immortal :) It doesn't matter who it's between.
600 pounds in the back 3 comments
His breakup made him change his life 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Absolutely amazing!
I'm so glad that he didn't take the easy road and get a gastric bypass either. Health services all over the world are struggling but he took things slow - literally just walking up and down his hill for exercise - and now look where he is :)
Many people who complain about how hard it is to lose weight simply don't want to put in the effort and it's nice to see someone who's transformed their life so greatly :)
I'm so glad that he didn't take the easy road and get a gastric bypass either. Health services all over the world are struggling but he took things slow - literally just walking up and down his hill for exercise - and now look where he is :)
Many people who complain about how hard it is to lose weight simply don't want to put in the effort and it's nice to see someone who's transformed their life so greatly :)
Dragon styles 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I love how the Loki dragons looks just as sassy, if not more so, than his real-life-counterpart XD
No one thinks like Gaston 14 comments
This just completely changed the way I see beauty and the beast 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I found an interesting theory on CollegeHumour (i think) about how Gaston isn't really a villain. His actions towards the beast are not completely unjustifiable either. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all he knew was that a girl had basically been kidnapped by a literal beast with anger issues who has made no attempts to connect with society again and was a prick in the first place. To Gaston and the town it looked like he was a hero.
Gaston, for me, is just a typical dickhead. Not a 'villain' like Scar or Ursula.
Gaston, for me, is just a typical dickhead. Not a 'villain' like Scar or Ursula.
I feel sorry for that vag*na 27 comments
i feel the same way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I love how we just know what this is referring to and that instantly makes all of us filthy filthy sinners :) ... me included obviously
Edited 7 years ago
Animals then and now 19 comments
· 7 years ago
I wouldn't like to try hunting one of them hell pigs for my morning bacon.
Tell me what game this makes you think of 33 comments
· 7 years ago
The original Tomb Raiders - They were pretty much completely silent with no background noises at all until you suddenly hear something and you're like WHERE'S THE BOULDER?!
Edited 7 years ago
Infinite fuel like in GTA 7 comments
· 8 years ago
I know, I'm just saying that if they did then I'd never keep it for long enough for it to run out-
The things that people carry 92 comments
· 8 years ago
I have no weapon on me at all - In the UK it's illegal to carry a blade over 3 inches and even then you have to have a valid reason for it
Rookie 28 comments
Infinite fuel like in GTA 7 comments
· 8 years ago
See my only thing about GTA is that I never keep the same car for long enough for it to run out of fuel XD
If its a finished game, ofc 29 comments
· 8 years ago
Bought dishonoured for 4 quid and I can't even count how many hours I've played it for - An absolutely fantastic game :)