

imposingpenguin Report User
South africa 3 comments
imposingpenguin · 5 years ago
Is this a reference to the population of South Africa? Because only 7% of the entire population is white. O.o
Breaking news 1 comments
imposingpenguin · 5 years ago
I freaking love science 14 comments
imposingpenguin · 5 years ago
If there are more people on one side of the plane than the other, will its balance be affected?
Matt 31 comments
imposingpenguin · 5 years ago
I had to type in the entire URL to get to a website
Just a couple of Queens 9 comments
imposingpenguin · 5 years ago
Are we ignoring Freddie's member?
Why is this true? 9 comments
imposingpenguin · 5 years ago
It actually doesn't happen more frequently when you're in a bad mood. When you're in a bad little inconveniences become amplified because it fuels the mood you're in.
Cant walk outside without getting sl*t shamed these days 20 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Is this person implying that black people aren't familiar with female anatomy?
Post for all big-boned people 35 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Anyone who should lose weight probably knows that they should lose weight.
Ding ding 4 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Pavlov never used a bell.
title 108 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
This is great because it could be referring to either of them and that makes me giggle
You can't get diseases from a bird 2 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Birds, rats and fleas are massive carriers of disease.
Indoor swimming pool 8 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
This looks like a scene from Titanic
Roman joke 5 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
You Have A Voice 14 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Just to add my two cents, the film was about overcoming a nervous condition that caused him to stutter. It had little, if anything, to do with anyone's right to be heard or not heard. I understand that the post was meant to be inspirational and whatnot but the context of this is very important
A+ for UI, F- for UX 9 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Why are they the wrong way round in the second frame?
Y'all know what I mean 25 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Jude Law 100%
Damn it 3 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Penguins weren't always flightless birds
Coincidence? I don't think so 47 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
The only thing sports does is prove that one team or person does nothing of importance more capably than another person or team. Without an audience any sports event becomes largely pointless. People pay money to watch something they are not actively a part of purely as a form of entertainment. The only reason people are so quick to demonise sex workers is because society says it's bad and because it's considered to be easy work even though it's really not. If we're going to demonise people for using their bodies to make money, we have to at least demonise EVERY ONE using their bodies to make money
Coincidence? I don't think so 47 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
They don't actually contribute anything to society and someone has definitely fapped to a picture of Christiano Ronaldo
Coincidence? I don't think so 47 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Sex workers perform the same basic function as any famous sports celebrity.
There is absolutely nothing special about diamonds 48 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Also, fun fact. DeBeers created an artificial scarcity to make it seem as if diamonds were much rarer than they really were.
Minerva "Motherf**king" McGonagall 8 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
I'm assuming no one mentioned it because they either didn't see it or because it's such an inconsequential detail that doesn't affect anyone in any way that it didn't warrant getting mentioned.
He's right you know 5 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Can't go to Amsterdam if you can't find Amsterdam
Unfortunately illnesses don't take holidays off 2 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
And to all the people working in hospitality who probably haven't celebrated any holidays with their families for as long as they've been working in hospitality
The life I live 4 comments
imposingpenguin · 6 years ago
Fucking group work, yo