Cheaters 1 comments
· 6 years ago
If you stay with a cheater getting hurt is your own fault at that point
If God created the Sun in the fourth day 58 comments
· 6 years ago
Wasn't there something saying a day meant a significant period of time, so by day they didn't mean 24 hours literally? Cause a 24 hour day was created by the Egyptians and even then other cultures still use other ways to keep track of time.
That's not how you open an envelop 17 comments
· 6 years ago
I heard at least 75% of a bill, that way you can't just rip one in half and get two new ones.
That's not how you open an envelop 17 comments
· 6 years ago
I think you can take it to a bank and as long as it's real they'll exchange it for you
I didn’t like her, but what they did to her was atrocious 8 comments
· 6 years ago
To be fair she was gonna ship them both off to an abroad boarding school. It's not like she wanted a relationship with the one daughter she already knew of, which is a red flag.
Rope jokes? 7 comments
Ha, gay! 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Well, guest, what are you doing to fix it rather than whining on the internet? What do you suggest we do that wouldn't start a war?
Witty replies 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Not really
People making innocent jokes online isn't comparable to sexist employers and don't contribute towards it unless they're breaking the law
People making innocent jokes online isn't comparable to sexist employers and don't contribute towards it unless they're breaking the law
Sounds fishy 38 comments
Sounds fishy 38 comments
· 6 years ago
Coercion is like extreme peer pressure. You could say no but you don't feel safe saying it. Its not someone saying " why nooooot? " once and you giving in.
And social circumstances are up to you to break by saying no. If you only say yes because it's what other people expect then it's on you for not saying no.
And social circumstances are up to you to break by saying no. If you only say yes because it's what other people expect then it's on you for not saying no.
Sounds fishy 38 comments
· 6 years ago
Consent can be revoked before or during sex but not after. Even if you regret having sex, its not rape because they didnt force you or coerce you into it, which is what rape is.
If that was the case you could accuse anyone youve ever slept with of rape and that DEFINITLEY wouldnt be abused at all.
If that was the case you could accuse anyone youve ever slept with of rape and that DEFINITLEY wouldnt be abused at all.
Well.. 4 comments
· 6 years ago
You just said it's not fair to assess someone else's relationship but you're assuming they could be hiding something sinister just cause they don't tell people about their issues
People be so dumb 17 comments
· 6 years ago
Some bitches think so highly of themselves that they think just existing is enough to get someone grovelling at their feet
"Grid girls blame feminists for losing jobs" 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Different ones who are barely alive anymore
As if that's an excuse anyway
That's like someone saying " my moms a psycho and got me fired from my job " and you going " well your mom birthed you so without that you wouldn't have a job "
As if that's an excuse anyway
That's like someone saying " my moms a psycho and got me fired from my job " and you going " well your mom birthed you so without that you wouldn't have a job "
This had potential 3 comments
· 6 years ago
It really does. Buses are loud so there's no way she didn't know it was right next to them.
Surprise baby 15 comments
· 6 years ago
Okay but condoms break, sometimes people are told they're sterile or they had a vasecromy and that didn't work, or they were raised in a home with shitty sex ed. It's not always a case of " only irresponsible people end up with unplanned kids "and it's a bit high and mighty to think so.
A great sacrifice 7 comments
Pretty sure that's not a new color 6 comments
· 6 years ago
It was a new shade of blue that was found and the contest is over it was named Bluetiful.
She's scared for her life 10 comments
· 6 years ago
He shouldn't be dating her if he doesn't trust her enough to give her privacy but she shouldn't be busting doors down,that's abusive psycho bitch and he needs to run.
She's scared for her life 10 comments
This is crazy 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Tbh it's still wrong. Its akin to the whole planned parenthood fetus thing.