

— InspectorA Report User
Even darker than black 8 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
There is still time to work out an Adam's Family 2021 (30 years) where Wednesday is head of the household. Maybe thing is obsessed with his fit bit.
Life, the game 29 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
That game is bullshit. Someone came to raid my base so I shot them, other players came and asked me "why?". Availability of guns and hookers is wildly exaggerated and the admins crack down on anyone who forages on another person's declared homestead.
Graphics are ok at best and I desperately want to play as another character, one without a steady job, income, and health; smoker, drinker, ho plinker... gun totin', don't GAF blowin' every day like it's the last.
all they need is a good topic 8 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Speaking on the subject of summoning demons...
Bad luck I guess 11 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I am fully willing to be your dear friend and dive upon that fugly girl on the right so you can chase the ... "female?" of your dreams. I am a loser and that is sort of girl I deserve.
Probably some of the dumbest complaints ever 34 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
As unofficial emmisay to Earth, every time the aliens want to make contact with humanity they have to check with me first. I showed them this, they sighed and said "maybe next year." Then I pointed out 2020 was an election year... next attempt 2022.
Probably some of the dumbest complaints ever 34 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I find your lack of faith (in people's stupidity) disturbing.
Not clickbait 7 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
(Sigh) the left "eye" of a plug is the common contact. Same as the ground so won't shock you at all. The "right" eye will give you a hard tingle in the U.S. (120 volt) and throw you to the floor in Europe (240 volt).
Leonardo Da Vinci's Original Anatomical Sketches 11 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
DaVinci was also an engineer; it's hard for us to make observations without considering ways to also make ... improvements.
Either way it solve my financial problems... 21 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Remove the $10 billion and replace it with "give us a list of your 100 worst enemies and we'll spend up to $10B to hunt them to death.. but you get nothing." SPIIIINNNNNNN!
Foster's home for imaginary friends 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
This misses a fun opportunity. What if Frankie wanted a place to play with other kids imaginary friends but needed an adult to run it for tax and legal reasons. That means Madame Foster... is the imaginary one.
Downside to being a virgin 17 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Film legend says virgins are safe from all killers. With social media what it is, there is ZERO chance someone won't be filming a virgin sacrifice, thus virgin is safe.
Imagine If sky whales were real! How majestic it would be? 27 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
All well and good until some idgit goes and tries to "swim" next to it for some spiritual epiphany. "S#!t, I can't FLY!! This was a mistake, this was a mistake, this was a misaaaakkkkkeee, Ground!" Aghhh, hippies raining from the skies.
Demon baby 15 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Charles Lee Ray
Hyped For a Meal 11 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Seeing this I feel as if this enclosure was possibly not designed to the required specifications. Snow leopard: I sleep all day, pose for pictures on rocks, fed regularly and part of mandatory breeding program. Me: I retract my observation.
Mysterious void in space 15 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Fools, this is the solution when planetary systems are overrun with Cybermen. Don't you remember what was revealed when the Doctor and Clara visited Hedgewick's World of Wonders?
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Lol, no. Purely volunteer. I never had problem with anyone who wanted to try to help but... y'know, sometimes you just have to ask people to leave when you catch them responding to the station because of a fire call that hadn't come in yet; and while they're telling you dispatch rang it out, dispatch literally rings it out; with him standing there. First call, only call. How bad is it to be caught at arson because you were too quick to respond to the station. That was ... 2001 maybe, he's back in now... a lieutenant.
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Thanks, I stayed in for 11 years with those idgits because if I wasn't there, then no one on scene had training. Wasnt going to let the town suffer because of them. Luckily for me, they were so unqualified that if they tried to lock me in I just used training to escape. Roof collapsing and "accidentally" blocked in? Wall is just a stuck door to a FF with an axe.
Best was one structural fire, found a gun on the bed mopping up. Chief took it and was going to keep. Mentioned it to sheriff who was outside and he tried to deny it existed. Went to truck, got chief's coat off the door, gun in pocket. Sherriff now sends deputies to all their structure fires. Surprisingly, lot fewer house fires since that...
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Oh, and our gear started out as the old rubber trench coats and hip boots. Took my father, brother and about 5 others to get a county ESD set up to fund us getting good Morning Pride gear (brother was a vendor for Dooley Tackaberry). The ESD is where the funds came from that the chief & secretary were embezzling.
Anyway, if you think nomex only chairs, then your experience with being in a flashover is limited to youtube videos and Google images. My coat was melted at the shoulder straps to my air pack.
I want this to be a note of caution to everyone. Praise the professional, not the profession. It's not the job that makes someone a hero, it's how they DO their job. On a bell curve, my old dept is near the bottom; th ose in the picture, in the middle; HEROS ... are usually only called so... posthumously. Ain't that a damned shame.
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Chief was pump operator, me and 3 others responded, dept had 17 total members of which 4 regularly responded. My brother lives 50 miles away and only visited our parents on weekends, still made more calls than half the dept. This is a rural dept in central Texas.
As for experience, I've been out of firefighting for 10 years and still have more training than all of them combined. One of the Captains literally said on scene of a structure fire "see, this is what we need, more real world experience, we don't need to go to no training." To which I asked if he would volunteer his house to burn next; turned to the crowd on the street 20 ft away and told him to ask one of those people to die in a house fire so he could learn what nozzle pattern to use.
Respect to these heroes 18 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I was volunteer FD for 11 years, 1200+ calls. Started asking what chief and secretary were writing checks for and wouldn't tell us. $17,000 in 7 months. Started getting nozzle on structures without backup on line. Near breaking point was one fire, chief pushed a door open from outside, and someone slammed front door closed on his way out. Water shut off, I was alone, flashed over, coat shell liquified and set hard when I crawled out the window. They tried killing me 3 more times before I stopped coming to calls. No charges ever pressed, but they know better than to even speak to me now. Can't send a FF to Hell, I know the bouncer.
I feel the pain & smell the burntness through my phone!! 13 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Inflatable kiddie pool, small fountain pump to keep skin moist, zzquill and a fan blowing the AC all day & night.
Satan and Jesus role swapping 9 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
"... proven to be useless?"... Pesado... I hope you're not referring to the 20 ft wide test sections that people are walking around. The actual wall would be a bit more continuous.
Someone had to say it 16 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
What are your qualifications to direct this movie?
I wrote, directed, produced, edited, co wrote the entire score for and personally coached 31 actors / actresses / stunt persons / animals / cyborgs in a student film that won 12 awards and grossed 300 times what it costs to make while entirely sustainable on wasted and employed 1,200 locals whom I'm now sponsoring for citizenship.
Sorry, we need to hire a female who has a lawyer.
Elmo 18 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Somebody make this happen, please 32 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago