

— InspectorA Report User
Don't like to bother people 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
At 3 inches long and half that sticking out... barely thought the rib muscles and maybe... maybe 1/4" into the abdominal cavity. Agreed, it's not near his heart.
Copious amounts of alcohol 27 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
No drugs because probably won't work on me: resistant to opioids, irregular heart beat so no crack / cocaine, allergic to hemp (marijuana) and hopps (in all beer), drive 80 mile commute daily so can't do hard liquor, no friends, no hobbies, work ~90 hrs a week, just so down that suffering makes up my bones. I can only move forward if I bring it with me.
LED Street Lamp vs Traditional Street Lamp 16 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Concept: night is supposed to be dark. The old lights aren't dim and warm tones by design, that's the technology of the day (sodium and mercury plasma). The spacing is for minimal cost of install and operations. That said, blue lights mess with sleep cycle and too much light at night strains eyes. But we're learning. No ideal solution as of yet.
Git gud 2 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I like how science is going for the nipple twist.
They have been mowing around it for months 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
My church has paid the same family $2,500 a month to cut grass whether it needed it or not; last week they cut for first time in 2019... already been paid $10,000 this year. They were the HIGHEST bid where the other two still come to church. Branch falls off a tree, now around it, tree dies... $300 to cut it down, cut it up and haul off $600..., mow before Memorial Day... no... 7 years in a row... grass over a foot tall in several funerals, advertising this for a new catholic priest and lawn care professionals.
Wholesome affair 2 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Don't go near marjorama, kids 8 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
This. This is why the aliens haven't made contact. Did you hear that? God himself just did a facepalm because of your post. Jews and Muslims are too busy laughing at you to hate one another. A grad student at Caltech just got a grant to research WTF you just said.
Warm water is not see through? 13 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Idgits, theres a plastic ball floatin' in the cold one. Both are transparent.
Shapeshifting powers 1 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
If I could shape shift, I'd take one the appearance of all the guys who bullied me in school and do lots of gay porn using their real names. Girls who were leading on just to get free homework and assignment answers get to be in the lesbian humiliation and bondage fetishes. Yes, I have lots of issues; mainly from those people.
Tick Tock 24 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
That I'd with zero doubt, the BEST explanation of why death is capable of. Extending life to ease the afterlife of someone whom may by stuck haunting if not given that extension. But life comes from life, to give extra to some means taking from others; so when "if he had just lived 3 minutes longer..." now you understand where that time goes.
The Land of the Free 31 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Dyodeny that people in prison are those whom committed a crime and the justice system produced the evidence for a jury of their peers to find guilty? If yes, then the issue you seem to have with the U.S.A is that too many criminals are caught and convicted.
The poor commit crimes everywhere there are poor, as do the rich. But here the law has resources to investigate and prove crimes to the end result of conviction. Here the rich have resources to hide evidence where the poor do not; but also here, there is technology that assists law enforcement as well as... people.
Other countries accept criminals walking their streets for most crimes; but here, we accept segregation of those whom choose to live the thug life. U.S.A. is expected to be a nation of hard workers, earning a living rather than taking from those who do. THAT is why prisons are numerous and populated. The people don't want to live in fear of what they've worked for, being taken, at the possible cost of their lives.
If only.... 36 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I literally wrote in "none of the above" as my pick for 2016 presidential election.
Women who deserve more appreciation 58 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Because she was Kaiser Soze.
Diciest got the right answer! Congratulations!! 28 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
You silly people. "They didn't tell him where the crime scene was so he must be the killer..." right? Incorrect: the spouse is ALWAYS the primary suspect, so they sent a cop car to pick up the husband and drive him to the scene; tow truck brings his car from the house, once there, lead investigator tosses him a knife covered in wife's blood direct from her body, cops draw guns and "arrest the killer with murder weapon in hand before he could dispose of body." Forensics conveniently link "murder weapon" to "stab wounds" and bingo, conviction. Another easy case solved; another psycho taken off the streets by the loving police who just want to search your car for "reasons".
· Edited 5 years ago
Moscow metro stations are magnificent 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Because if we make them all look amazing people will think that they are entranced to secret police headquarters and then no graffiti, also.. Jason Bourne movies filmed there. Think about this comrade tovarish, it is what best for "the people".
Not saying relatable but relatable 6 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
False. No one is highly respected in the meme community.
Tats f*cked 12 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
LOL... "one" person...
Global warming is a myth 28 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I actually think this is a good plan, all human society will move to the poles and build new, more efficient fully domed cities in the Eastern Russian forests, Alaska, and Northern Canada. We will abandon the tropics due to heat, drought and extreme weather allowing the tropical rain forests to retake much of the equator. Those who do not follow this will get to live the Mad Max / post apocalypse scenario of their choosing and when the next asteroid hits it'll all sort out. Good luck Australia.
Being totally qualified yet still utterly useless 4 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Frank-dammit! The plans were upside down. The drain is supposed to be the lowest thing. Oh God, please tell me you didn't help with the toilet install...
Can this please happen? 24 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
There it is..
Some people don't deserve good behaviour 16 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
YEAH, everyone know that women NEVER talk to guys named Paul with any intent of forming a relationship. "Hi, my name is Paul." "I have a boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance who is a non-binary lizard person, married to a robot, Ew just go away loser." (Sigh) I've heard some pretty lame ones.
Chrome (chrome) 11 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Easter island 7 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Oh freakin' B'jezus, its wearing a thong... AND has a butterfly tattoo at lower back!
· Edited 5 years ago
A handy "How to..." guide 75 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
If this "protest" was blocking the driveway to a hospital emergency room and the cars were ambulances, would there even be a discussion?
Lazytown memes 2 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Like Kaiju attacking Earth.