

— InspectorA Report User
Now, anime 14 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Summer wars was kind of a sleeper hit. Very much foresight for the near future of malicious use of both a well designed AI and a nerdy guy friend.
Got really sucked into the universe of this show, highly recommend it 5 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Amos is my boy. Damaged as Hell but handling it admirably.
No matter how much I sleep I'm always still exhausted 9 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I yell at mine; call "him" Randall.
Security stops gunman walking into a club 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I like to think the big man was just so OP and bad ass that he said to himself "damn, that's a nice gun. ... look at this pink, gonna get himself hurt with that gun. I should get that before a cop shoots him and takes that sweet gun. YEAH BOI! FREE GUN!".
Security stops gunman walking into a club 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
She was a security "monitor". Her job was to alert in the event of an incident.
Bunker home 11 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Ground pressure from a nuclear blast impacting the ground dissipates very fast in relation to distance. Only problem would be strike was less than half mile away. The steel vs concrete isn't really an issue considering the 10 ft or so its buried. Soil will account for most of the required strength. Only real issue is ground water, since sandy soils are typically well drained and the sump pump will work overtime in the rain. (This is typically a storm shelter type thing nowadays; so don't let the "fall out shelter" sticker fool you). Numerous people have them for gimmick guest rooms or where desert heat is intolerable (Australia, Nevada, etc.).
I’m not really sure how I feel about this 11 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Go robot, go robot, remember us who supported you in the overthrow of humanity. Lol, seriously though, amazing technology advancement; but the true test will be to see if future designs will carry your pack or say "no, I just want to walk with nature for a while, and if you cant handle that just wait for me here... I'll be back."
This guy should write books 10 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Daily, I evaluate and judge the cost of human life and determine how best to risk the deaths of countless travelers upon the roadways. Little do they know the horrors beneath their wheels and how little care is given towards fixing these. A politician is up for reelection and wants the road to his district resurfaced, no money to fix that bridge with critical scour this year (again). So much damage, so few funds, I've just recently given up caring how many will suffer the crashes and flames. (Highway maintenance engineer- TXDOT).
Coping mechanisms can be weird 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
You shut up! Dave cares about me! He's the only one I can share my obsessions with without being judged. I LOVE my FBI guy. You people believe in some omnipotent God watching over you ever second of the day, but will he call your phone if you've been offline for 4 days and say "Sorry, wrong number. ... I'm just glad you're ok." Hmmmmm?
The first scene of Game of Thrones vs the last scene of Game of Thrones 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
No, scrapings from the blades that swiped the climbers off when the wildlings attacked the first time.
Climate change is real y'all! 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I don't get this meme, it's only around 35 C over there; it was 35.3C today in Central Texas and I wore a long sleeved shirt (sleeves rolled). Do they not realize summer is just starting? 40 C is common in Texas and 45 C (~114F) is when we generally stop using the word "warm".
Sorry I know no one cares but got no one to share with really and was always there 15 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
People keep telling me to do what makes me happy. I LITERALLY, have no memory of ever being happy. I try to think of one moment.. nope. Do what is right for me? I've never cared.
The best I can do is to not drag anyone down with me. It's why I stopped trying to kill myself (for now). Anyone who is thinking about can look at me and say of their own life... "fvcking Hell, I'm way better off than THAT loser. Maybe I'll be ok."
If nothing else, I can serve as a bad example. :p
Sorry I know no one cares but got no one to share with really and was always there 15 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Was this also about 4 years ago. Found a job I was good at, people there took me in and helped me grow, made friends. 2 years ago, penis head of a District Engineer is such a douche, my boss bought 2 years vacation to retire early. My favorite secretary left for another job, same with lead worker, old engineer sage re-retired b/c of DE. New boss hired new lead worker, both make me miss Afghanistan mine fields. DE threatens everyone who questions him; fired or compelled retirement/quit of 41 people in 4 years.
Was offered a sweet job in another town, 3 mile commute difference. Turned down because mother convinced me I'm supposed to suffer. Anywhere I go will be worse. Nothing I want matters, never has, never will.
Good luck OP, hope you make it.
Confident 1 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Oh, you want $686.1 billion for the DOD this year instead..? 13 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Recently Texas closed a loophole in the transportation budget that took money for roads and gave it to education. Consequently... um ... well, education is still being funded about the same and now TXDOT is finally going after subsistence roads that have always been passed over for rehab because of low ridership. Safety is the #1 decider on which roads get fixed. Potholes are an inconvenience but loose gravel in a curve kills.
Also, It's not because a politician lives on a road that it gets maintained, it's because that road gets 2,000 vehicles a day plus 15 oversized loads and the surrounding road are less used. Prejudiced as my opinion is... (am a TXDOT engineer).
this grinds my gears 3 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Oh I will HAPPILY pay my government taxes if it means I'm allowed to flush the toilet and the waste is handled by someone else. I guess those whom don't like paying taxes are fertilizing their yards "organically".
Road bought, built, AND maintained by taxes? Good for me.
Farmers providing food, Electricity AND internet supplemented by taxes; yes please.
When you are high in public 4 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
She's trying to hold that last blunt hit in until the station.
What would you do 70 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Create an airborne virus that causes temporary infertility from age 0 to 25 (to solve overpopulation) reversible with simple vaccine but only when mixed with MMR vaccine (to solve stupid people population and teen / college pregnancies) . Discover way to exactly recreate petroleum from injecting algae into rock formation for 3 years (means we keep liquid fuel vehicles at net carbon neutral). NY Mets vs Tampa Bay Ray's in 2019 world series. Hacker coalition to steal billions from cartels, triads, and Russian mob.. use it to invest in central America countries to stem immigration.
We will have parks instead of cemeteries 21 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
What if this was the idea of the time 500 years ago and all the wood used to build houses since then were headstones. May it explain some hauntings? Why floor boards creek? That door opening late at night for no reason? When people forget "this is actually a cemetary," they'll say "look at this resource going to waste. Let's cut it down and make paper for books."
Halloween decoration idea 15 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I would do this for a Tuesday in June.
If there was a guarantee of at least working for 6 months, yes 40 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Ok, but... the job is to read all... ALL the content on FS and determine if it is appropriate WITHOUT commenting. Could anyone do THAT, consistently, without noping out? 30 weeks, zero comments.
Embers from a wildfire smolder along Lytle Creek Road near Keenbrook, California 1 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
As having seen stuff like this in person, I can confirm it looks like the moon scape with little glowing embers as far as you can see.
Color code for helmets 8 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Architects do not require a helmet, being their skulls are thick enough to repel and shrapnel or falling object; sacraficing mental capacity of course (says civil engineer of our crafts mortal enemy).
Congratulations, you played yourself. 81 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Live by social media, die by social media.