

— InspectorA Report User
No matter how much I sleep I'm always still exhausted 9 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Shut up Randall!
Give that man a medal 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
One trooper I knew in my home town did the investigation of his cousin hitting a pedestrian which led to her death after 6 days in hospital. He declared the sun was in drivers eyes this no fault... even though the sun hadn't risen yet at time of incident. That trooper is now a Texas Ranger.
This is no proof mine, I have 2 dash cams and a written script of what to do if I ever get pulled over; approved by the local district attorney and the sherriff. They know about it too, and say "what can you do?" Cops in my county dont even bust drug dealers because they have legit businesses and pay taxes and generally dont cause trouble; neither their customers. Reporting things isn't how things are done around here. You can bitch about it, but quietly.
Give that man a medal 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Sounds like your experience is limited to your friends. My saying is "trust the professional, not the profession." Plenty of "cops" in law enforcement, "police officers" too. "Cops" might have 2 body cams and switch between traffic stops, any problem... ticket is "lost" and the cam shows only the stops before and after... back to back.
"Cops" may only stop traffic on the long stretches of road far from town, where people want to only get home before supper is cold... and no witnesses.
It's good you know trustworthy police officers, but dont say all are good, or above what this one has done; because he wears a badge too.
Give that man a medal 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Ha ha ha, who is going to call them on it? This going on years now. Hell, if someone refuses the trooper to search, he declares "probable cause" and has a second trooper come take the passengers aside while he searches. "Sued"... LOL dude.
Give that man a medal 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
@interesting oh, we have one DPS officer in our area who searches literally EVERY car he stops.
I personally used to ride the inside lane of my divided 4 lane highway because of all the trucks blowing the stop signs on the side roads. Lost count how many I would have T-boned if I was outside lane. Now, I just drive 10 under in outside lane or follow an 18 wheeler.
Give that man a medal 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
About 5 years ago when Texas came up with "Left lane for passing only", FHWA sent out a memo stating that states "shall not, in any way, dictate the lane preference of standard passenger vehicles except in cases of safety, mobility (the old 'slower traffic keep right') or as directed by law enforcement." They get around it by saying "safety, safety, safety." I had a project where a roadway speed was being reduced and the "left lane passing only" signs were to be removed; but remain b/c DPS requested them. Apparently these sigs give just cause to pull people over and search their cars. So technically, not illegal, just advised against in federal eyes; my bad for misspeaking.
Give that man a medal 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Sure forcing all the slower traffic into one lane rather than distributing it amongst ALL the lanes allows some people to drive 25 over the speed limit much safer, and the extra traffic loading in that outside lane shortens its lifespan by more than half (consider full rehab of one mile of one single lane is $1Million), AND that federal traffic laws say it is illegal to dictate right of way on the roads by freedom of choice... thus why you no longer see "slower traffic keep right"; but has anyone considered just putting a minimum speed limit .. asks the 4 traffic & highway engineers from TXDOT?
So apparently this is legit 9 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I love that he's got a beer belly and farmer's tan.
Who laughs last 5 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Yeah, but imagine crime rate would be controlled if Raptors and Rex's were running around streets all night. TP my house, I'll spray you with BBQ sauce and let you run home.
Woman playing pinball (1978) 8 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
... and the normies keep asking "what would you do with a time machine if you had one anyway?" ... pinball, exactly pinball.
Logic is hard 6 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
"Properties" describe an object independent of outside conditions. Spatial reference is an outside condition.
Im gonna call it a win anyway 4 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
False, it does not "get" better, it is "made" better by combination of effort and luck. Without putting in the work.. all you have is what luck hands you.
I truly live to see these morons die off because of natural selection 6 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Lol, Satan isn't in Hell. He came back with me when I undied (April 15, 1993). Dude's been my shoulder devil for 26 years. Leading decent life, so when I die last time... sneaking him back into Heaven. Lolz.
Boom! You looking for this? 1 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
The alien weapons lab is in room 34, room 48 is "probiotics research" since 2017.
Weird 16 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
But, but... is petroleum product... thus inherently evil, yes? THEY'RE KILLIN' THE TURTLES! (Box turtle slides up, covered in vaseline sporting an Elvis Presley slick 'ol hairdo... "Easy there sonny, this is one we let slide.")
He's the devil 7 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Ghost rider duck.
Choose your fighter 2 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I also vote for supreme overlord tovarish.
Everyone wants pierogi 2 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Sure, just relocate to the mountains which are natural hindrance to movement of military effects and away from the strategic location between the riches of Western Europe and the resources of the East. If Poland had kept unified military might, built a better Navy, and been more globally ambitious rather that centric, the WORLD would be completely different.
True jedi 10 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
...not the Jedi... so, curiosity begs me to ask about all the forms of lightsaber combat developed by THE JEDI; why they were made officers in the Clone Wars; and what Buddhists BS is that (Shao Lin by the way). The Jedi way would be to mind trick the bully into beating down a teacher and getting expelled... change my mind.
Now, anime 14 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Summer wars was kind of a sleeper hit. Very much foresight for the near future of malicious use of both a well designed AI and a nerdy guy friend.
Got really sucked into the universe of this show, highly recommend it 5 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Amos is my boy. Damaged as Hell but handling it admirably.
No matter how much I sleep I'm always still exhausted 9 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I yell at mine; call "him" Randall.
Security stops gunman walking into a club 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
I like to think the big man was just so OP and bad ass that he said to himself "damn, that's a nice gun. ... look at this pink, gonna get himself hurt with that gun. I should get that before a cop shoots him and takes that sweet gun. YEAH BOI! FREE GUN!".
Security stops gunman walking into a club 19 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
She was a security "monitor". Her job was to alert in the event of an incident.
Bunker home 11 comments
inspectora · 5 years ago
Ground pressure from a nuclear blast impacting the ground dissipates very fast in relation to distance. Only problem would be strike was less than half mile away. The steel vs concrete isn't really an issue considering the 10 ft or so its buried. Soil will account for most of the required strength. Only real issue is ground water, since sandy soils are typically well drained and the sump pump will work overtime in the rain. (This is typically a storm shelter type thing nowadays; so don't let the "fall out shelter" sticker fool you). Numerous people have them for gimmick guest rooms or where desert heat is intolerable (Australia, Nevada, etc.).