

— InspectorA Report User
I think this guy should receive a full pardon 5 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
So Mr. ... Kill... ian. Oh, Killian. Ok, well, we're your parole board and think you've done a GREAT job of learning not to murder "innocent" people and would like to offer you early release on a work program where you'll be assigned to council homeless teens about their abusers. Is $85,000 a year good enough to start immediately. Oh, we've even found a mentor for you, his name is Dexter Morgan.
Choose one 12 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Lucy Liu, she's the only one who stuck with detective and now works with Sherlock Holmes in NY.
Agreed 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Boomers invented the internet, your argument is invalid.
Goals! 50kg (110lbs) in 2 years time! 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
But does the "STAR WARS" t-shirt still fit? Hope you got more to wear and didn't give up on the dark side just cause you got hot.
Implement now 9 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Stop saying "bullying will NOT be tolerated" in schools and just tell the kids being picked on that if they all team up, they can REALLY hurt the bully... and then let them. Show how democracy actually should work. When they see the rules stop protecting those who take advantage of them, kids will behave more understanding that actions have consequences.
Relatable 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
... exist existence on autopilot...
Unsolicited Deck Pic 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Her entire family will love it.
Im ugly and im proud 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Upgrade you armor and take quests with high rewards, hoarde coin until the other players die off in plague then woo girls with house, resources and security. If you have enough coin, side party (only attempt if stealth is very high).
A tree growing inside an abandoned silo. Life, uh, found a way 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Mom, I'm bored! Sorry sweetie, everyone has to stay inside. But I wanna climb a tree. ('_')...
Yep 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Hey Jules, your baby has a wet raspy cough and skin is slightly bluish. What wet naps do you recommend?
Seriously who? 15 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I just want to know where TF this place is that it's this bright at 7:15..
Queen of the Karens 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Please show to judge and get your parenting rights revoked as you are clearly a bad influence on your children.
Maybe not all Chad's are bad 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Don't be confused, that wasn't a Chad, sounds like a Derick. Looks like a Chad and can interact seamlessly with them but past trauma has led them to kinder acts of trying to improve those whom Chads target. Appreciate them, they are rare birds. Also known as Judas Chads for sabotaging sneer sessions. Be nice, he's probably wanting someone to talk about his trauma with who won't make fun of him for crying.
Good or bad cosplay? 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Gotta love a hug 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
This only makes sense if that is Steve Irwin.
Me too 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Ok, seeing the argument from THAT angle...
Obligatory hamster eating banana meme 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Honestly, short women with guns is more terrifying b/c when he pulls his gun, it's at eye level and Gen-x/y ers will be "do it, I don't give AF"; when she pulls her gun it's at crotch level and I'd be like "YES MA'AM I WILL COMPLY!"
First selfie! Leave your ewws and gross in the comments 20 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
That horse is so fake.
Absolutely incredible 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I want to make a snide comment about witchcraft but it is clearly just badassery and skill and doing so would be disrespectful to such a professional.
Bring this post to Hot so that more people can see it ! 32 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
TLDR; hey,simple solution... just do whatever Marvel from Iron Man 1 to 2, Don Cheadle looks way better in all the subsequent Iron Man / Avengers films than in IM1. Give the makeup lady from first film the boot. (Lol, no I realize they changed actor; just saying... find someone OTHER THAN HELEN BONHAM CARTER to put on tights & get wet with Jason Momoa. Oooh, crazy idea... cast someone without a past, y'know a NEW person!)
How to say{FAH-Q} to local and county government for centuries after your death 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Engineers can be rebels, but rebels are cool, and engineers aren't cool...., engineers can work for rebel... that's it. Cooler by association only.
A high five to anyone who can figure out where I was and what this is. AND. 17 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
pirarocu, in the Amazon river, with a candle stick.
Things We Need Less of in 2020 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Oh, the virus is only phase 3 of the plan, y'all dont even know... wait, do y'all not know? Then hell, I should NOT be telling you,my bad. ... just gonna make you all anxious and there's nothing you can do anyway.
Natalie Portman and Millie Bobby Brown at the same age 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Or maybe brown & Jean Reno in flashbacks.
Natalie Portman and Millie Bobby Brown at the same age 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Family, I see this and propose it is a sign from God to make a "The professional" sequel. Portman as the well aged and experienced killer Mathilda, Brown as the young girl following too closely in her shoes.