

— InspectorA Report User
Yes 34 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I live in a small town adjacent to what I call "drug dealer drive". It is where 3 of the towns known drug dealers live and sell from. Violent crime is rare here though, mainly because town us full of farmers, who all have guns and tractors with a backhoe. Nighttime gunfire us written off as dealing with wild hogs. Cops write traffic tickets; county is famous for a "suicide" in th 70's. Guy shot himself 5 times in the back with bolt action 22 mag rifle. You get the idea.
Might help some of yall 14 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I am confident of failure. Now what?
Extra garlic 5 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
But... everyone love Gar lick bread...
Honest thoughts?!? My 1st one 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
The real nerd. What would you have done with it? 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Hello! Where else was he going to find Hermoine?
Some say he's still seeing stars to this day 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I used to be like that. Got that way by having to adapt to always "hitting myself" at lunch and break. Yup, all the cool kids loved helping me "hit myself", and were super awesome about telling me to stop. Made them laugh.
What do you mean there's no baseball? 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Cubs & Mets tied for first place.
Yes 34 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Anyone who enters a residence for the purpose of burglary should be considered potentially a killer. They came in with you obviously home, absolutely shoot to kill, they dont care if you're in the house and as such are taking the risk of having to kill you to get away. If they brought a weapon, they planned on using it. This is my argument for lethal force against armed robbers; if they have means of lethal force, they forfeit the right to deny it to their potential victims.
Help! 10 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Regardless of it being over internet, wear pants. Also, bad 911 operators often forget to ask details so make a cheat card (driving directions not just location, medication taken for such calls, is it safe where caller is calling from, etc)
Find the deer 6 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
(Points) : yes.
Might help some of yall 14 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Women just as horny? LIES! proof: I accept I am a 3 / 10 in looks, but no women 3 / 10 accept me. Desperation is clearly disproportionate to my side.
I have no idea which pic I’m posting 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I am near tears, this is similar to situation had with female friend whom (upon a time, but more than once) called me to drive her home as was too drunk and "couldn't deal the deal with lezbo wanna be's but dont know it yet." Stayed night to make sure she was ok one time; almost got stabbed bringing OJ to her in bed. (Sigh) FML.
It solves everything 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Modern problems require moder solutions.
Special thanks to prometheus9876 for the meme idea. Sorry it will get downvoted 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Dont have to overthrow Chilean govt, just do like Quantum of Solice and provide cheap and abundant water during historic drought in exchange for mineral rights to mine.
If the Gods allow it 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
To that 24 year old kid... Never underestimate the capacity of a situation to get worse.
If the Gods allow it 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
41 now, expecting nothing any time soon. Maybe by time I'm 50.
D I s n e y l I f e 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Suicide bombers have been making it REAL difficult to remove the body for years. Just sayin'.
Gran gets places 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Busha know parkour.
I think this guy should receive a full pardon 5 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
So Mr. ... Kill... ian. Oh, Killian. Ok, well, we're your parole board and think you've done a GREAT job of learning not to murder "innocent" people and would like to offer you early release on a work program where you'll be assigned to council homeless teens about their abusers. Is $85,000 a year good enough to start immediately. Oh, we've even found a mentor for you, his name is Dexter Morgan.
Choose one 12 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Lucy Liu, she's the only one who stuck with detective and now works with Sherlock Holmes in NY.
Agreed 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Boomers invented the internet, your argument is invalid.
Goals! 50kg (110lbs) in 2 years time! 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
But does the "STAR WARS" t-shirt still fit? Hope you got more to wear and didn't give up on the dark side just cause you got hot.
Implement now 9 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Stop saying "bullying will NOT be tolerated" in schools and just tell the kids being picked on that if they all team up, they can REALLY hurt the bully... and then let them. Show how democracy actually should work. When they see the rules stop protecting those who take advantage of them, kids will behave more understanding that actions have consequences.
Relatable 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
... exist existence on autopilot...
Unsolicited Deck Pic 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Her entire family will love it.