

— InspectorA Report User
Wait what? 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
God I miss Taco Bell.
You know it's biblical when 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
And then everybody clapped 6 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Honestly, of he didn't, someone should have.
Average tiddy goth gf (featuring dirty mirror, i know) 52 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Just to clarify for the Americans about to panic regarding the avg of 80C; that's 80 centimeters C-cup = 32 inches C-cup. You have to be explicit or they'll go googling 80 inch boobs. (Shivers - which I have seen. Shivers with fear; never be an EMT, you'll see things, unforgettable things)
Guys only want one thing, and it's AWESOME!! 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
If North Korea wants to be taken seriously as military power, they'd be developing THIS rather than nuclear missiles. THEN the world would take notice, and tremble with fear. Until, y'know Japan reacted... (let them fight)
Verified twitter is best twitter 11 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
As a taxpayer, the govt won't kill you for failing to be vaccinated. They'll just tax you close to death by affecting your "living wage".
Doomguy ftw 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Have you NEVER seen any episode of "Bones"? CSI? Any medi-drama / cop show?
Might help some of yall 14 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Task failed successfully
Average tiddy goth gf (featuring dirty mirror, i know) 52 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Meh, +1 for t-shirt.
Can I ask for financial support? 1 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
(Scowls intently) My name is Paul, (removes had grenade from pocket, inserts finger into pin ring) what's MY nickname? (Scowls intently)...
Let the noses sniff 19 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
"Cop? Where? Fuuuu. Dude, dont scare me like that. Seriously, they are after me still for... (stares intently as though trying to think creative lie... ) speeding tickets. (Takes out phone and snaps guys picture). You may already be a winner... (walks away w/ girl).
What did he say? 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Misha, I'm you from future, dont go home tonight. Busha found our porn stash.
Unemployment for billionaires 5 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Danged alien took ER job! Took-our-jobs!
Asking the real questions 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Play Jazz, always play jazz. That way the coked up rats are happy and the sober ones leave you alone because they dont want to remember what it was like on the dust.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Guys only want one thing, and it's AWESOME!! 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
FVCK yeah, that's what we want. That's what we ALL want!
You are not alone 4 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
A tornado twisted this tree 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Trees like elm actually grow from helical strands rather than straight, vertical columns. I've seen root and termite damage kill one strand and leave the others spiraling upwards still green and alive. Terrible for tree health though, good for firewood supply.
Verified twitter is best twitter 11 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
So, the government also mandates this whole "no culling of the herd to weed out idiots," which i assume you also do not support. (Cocks gun and awaits reply to confirm stupidity of 'twit').
Imagine the amount of sex during that period 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
But baby, look around.. I am DAMNED NEAR the last man on Earth! What? Bring her too, I dont care if you have a girlfriend... hmmm, why are you kiss... oh, Oh, OHHHHHH! so um, hey let me introduce myself, I'm almost the last man on Earth and my specialty is making your girlfriend laugh at me. You 2 want kids with a sense of humor? Wink wink
· Edited 4 years ago
Doomguy ftw 7 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Clearly you do not understand how organ transplant works....
Imagine the amount of sex during that period 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
... now imagine that all the geniuses AND idiot retards came from those same individuals.
Agreed 8 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Boomers made gen x, ... of which I am.... and those I went to HS with... mmm yes, mistakes
Yes 34 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I live in a small town adjacent to what I call "drug dealer drive". It is where 3 of the towns known drug dealers live and sell from. Violent crime is rare here though, mainly because town us full of farmers, who all have guns and tractors with a backhoe. Nighttime gunfire us written off as dealing with wild hogs. Cops write traffic tickets; county is famous for a "suicide" in th 70's. Guy shot himself 5 times in the back with bolt action 22 mag rifle. You get the idea.
Might help some of yall 14 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I am confident of failure. Now what?
Extra garlic 5 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
But... everyone love Gar lick bread...