

— InspectorA Report User
Be careful what you wish for 1 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Reading this strangely makes me think of Candace and her mom in the car and and she mentions "killing 31,646 people is the same greenhouse effect as planting 20 million trees." So... in effect, 200,000 covid19 deaths equates to ~ 127 million trees.
Anon goes on a date 9 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Well, technically... since it ended with HER taking his virginity.. it's not gay; just bi. ... and since result was positive.. no fault nor harm. Gym bro may have boundary issues though.
Anon goes on a date 9 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Well, technically... since it ended with HER taking his virginity.. it's not gay; just bi. ... and since result was positive.. no fault nor harm. Gym bro may have boundary issues though.
Teach a man to fish 7 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Great, now I know that if I'm stranded somewhere , all I need to fish is an aluminum can, some kind of string and a FRICKIN' PAIR OF PLIERS to cut out the hook shape.
hmmmm 6 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
They're actually here to help him "organize*" his gaming system, records / CDs, and vintage concert t-shirts. * in truth this means sell online, throw out cause they're 'worthless', and burn because 'that was your past, I'm your future...'
True 3 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
I have long proposed... "everyone can carry a six-shooter, in a hip holster, as long as it it openly visible and has a safety. First 3 must be rubber bullets, hollowpoints to follow. If a business post 'no firearms allowed; that's OK, its their choice, leave it in the car."
When a $300k video wall in Las Vegas decides to fall down 4 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Covid 19 saves lives from tragedy yet again.
Wait, how many vag*nas am I suppose to have? 1 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Things were different in 2009... simpler times...
Anon solves global warming 2 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
We do NOT allow that Dr. Who shite in THIS reality. Sun = hot, that's it!
Abolishing all clocks 1 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
So tired, I'm done with work for the day.(walks to door) BOSS: woah, hey wait a sun shade, there's still daylight, get back to that desk. ME: the sunlight coming in the window is orange so its getting late. BOSS: LOL, actually thats the street lamp, sun set like 4 hours ago... see you at dawn!
Is the universe cruel or amazing if I'm a lil on the chubby side and live in infinite pi? 2 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Did you just assume their rationality? SQRT(-1)...
Remarkable serious bizarre Tarsier 8 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
TS Alpha, minor drizzly girl in Portugal, live & die same hour. TS beta... wrecking Texas gulf coast for days, feet of rain, now marching inland for further devastation. Betas are the real destroyers... THEY know Alphas are just loudmouths. Betas bring the storm.
nice 16 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
May your neighbor's children receive a drum set for Christmas.
Booba 7 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
She glance at me with her smaller eye...
Dusty inoffensive Rabbit 10 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
As a Texan, my life goal is to try my best to be more like Australia.
Dusty inoffensive Rabbit 10 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
As a Texan, my life goal is to try my best to be more like Australia.
10 cents a bottle 6 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
12 - 16 ounce (volume) aluminum cans weigh 0.5 ounces (avg). Thus 32 cans make ~ 1 pound. Highest I've ever seen recycling prices for aluminum cans was 64 cents ( ~ $0.02 per can, and that was years ago). You're saying 5 times that here?
Oot n aboot 8 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
I feel like this needs to be an animated gif... for clarity.
It's Watermelon Tourmaline, Marie. Gotdam 6 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Imagine the lightsaber that comes outta this...
First tank compared to most recent tank 1 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Pocałuj mnie w dupę, noice.
Hollow domineering Spoonbill 2 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
I'm trying to forget...
Anon shoving rods up his d*ckhole 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
may be the result of a connection ( either from traumatic injury or infection) between the bowel and bladder. Literally, feces is working its way into the bladder and being "pissed" out. TALK TO DOCTOR! This can be fatal if you get a serious enough infection in either bladder, kidneys, or bowel.
This is Michelle Clapton, the costume designer for all the amazing outfits we’ve seen 6 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Yes, but because there isn't record of anyone doing it before; and it is semi functional, appeals to modern clothing trends and leaves room for future advancement this is called "a groundbreaking trend".
Difficult invincible Wildcat 6 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Mostly dopamine. Helps initiate sleep.
McDonald's themed deck has the queen holding the burger... For reasons 3 comments
inspectora · 4 years ago
Its so she doesn't hold the milkshake and be a dairy queen.