

— InspectorA Report User
4,500 year old submerged forest 13 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Next tide they'll find the dragon bones.
The kernels will fix it! 7 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Fortunately Jacob's would have been mother later married her long time girlfriend and they adopted 3 youths from Afghanistan whom would come to represent their former home country in the UN, state department, and military. When AL Queda attacked again, they pushed for resolve, supported decisive action, and delivered it with precision (knowing they could have been the kids on the ground). ... now is that less believable than amazing popcorn?
That’s a lot of coom 3 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Yeah, what "regular swimming pool is 500 gal?
Desperate time desperate measures 11 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Of course Austin...
We all can hear them 4 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
"Hmmmm.." (from inside an empty metal barrel). "...goblins".
The evolution 15 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
So... 26 letters and 101 flowers
Increased automation should supply more needs for less work. 11 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Three words Bender Bending Rodriguez... I, for one, fully support our future robot overlords.
Bald Eagle Grey Wolf 6 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
"Greetings citizen wolf" (aroo?) "You have been visited by freedom, now for taxes." (Grrrr!) "Unless you want to meet death, RESPECT MY AUTHORI-TAY!" (whimper).
Tough choice 3 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Tough call, think I'd have to try each after they covered in a thin layer of oil to be sure. Leaning towards ScarJo b/c she's still hot in the dark.
Loser doesn’t even know the basics 7 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
In terms of what BBY or Grs?
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz 3 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Ve ver going execute this guy but as Germans ve have to fill out form first and his name is too long to fit so ve must fill out forms for new forms. ... Also I want to make the colonel come and try pronounce this Ber zec chiz sizz key with? Or something .. so wee keep him around a few more days.
Get in b*tches 2 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
That's Ninja, Yolandi and Chappie you fucking casual. Some things we don't joke about.
Daily reminder to learn 1 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
I dislike how this assumes YOU were wrong to start. "Mmm, no I'm pretty sure all birds are not govt drones." Yes they are! "Oh, sorry, I apologize for my ego." <- hear that? That's sarcasm not ego... change my mind.
Tank vs. Shell 5 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Realizing, of course, that if no one removed the explosive charge from the shell before cutting the steel armor around it, .. that shell could still be live. Albeit low odds... but not zero.
No more fighting just love between fellow anime fans 6 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
What if turning on close caption activates the original dialect and text, but turning off activates the dub language ?
Mind your bath 7 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
On second thought, good for them, any way they can get home without having to deal with traffic is awesome.
I know posting *** here is bad but posting on ***?? 4 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
I record the opening red carpet walk and awards separately so, in the event Jennifer Lawrence should trip and end up flashing 20+ million viewers and it ACTUALLY makes the edit to broadcast, I have something to meme about with low res screen captures. Just want someone to walk up in pajamas and, when asked "who are you wearing?", answer J.C. Penny. (Ryan Reynolds... I'm counting on you!)
Mind your bath 7 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
No... not OUT of alcohol..
Tank vs. Shell 5 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
"CLANG"? what do mean something went "clang"? Show me. ... Ohhhhh. Yeah, that's um, that's not supposed to be there.
Mind your bath 7 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
They'd better scrub the ring-around-the-tub when they get out or it's gonna stain.
These terms are perfectttttt 10 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Gun industry- "someone online posted about a gun that doesn't exist and now corporate wants us to invent it, backlog its existence to act like its been around forever, and fake some lawsuits against us as proof of its long-standing effectiveness."
Shapeshifting 11 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Well, I was younger then and took a lot of things personally.
So fancy 3 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
I print most everything because it's more legible that way, but cursive notes as ciphers and codes to remain unbroken.
Anti-catholic iced cream tastes better, IMO 4 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
One Ash Wednesday, Texas Roadhouse ran a special on prime rib & steak platters. I was a bad catholic that day, and many afterwards; but damn that was a good meal.
She may be a flying pig, but she kills tanks pretty good 4 comments
inspectora · 3 years ago
Ha ha, piggy goes BBBBRRRRTTTTTTTT!